Holy Spirit Catholic Church

11300 W. 103rd Street Overland Park, KS 66214
913-492-7318 ∙ www.hscatholic.org
Calendar of Events: February- July 2015
Weekend Masses
Saturday 4:00p
Sunday 7:30a, 9:00a,
10:30a and 6:30p
Weekday Mass
M, W, Th, F
6:45a & 8:30a
Tue. 6:45a & 6:00p
Tue. 5:15-5:45p
Sat. 2:30-3:30p
Adoration Chapel
Open 24 hours
M-F after 6:45a Mass
Th at 2:50p
Sat at 3:30p
Sun at 7:00a
Men of Faith & Spirit:
Bible study in the Martha
and Mary room each
Friday at 9:00a & Sunday
at 7:30a.
Spirit Movers: Host a
Holy Hour of Adoration
dedicated to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, the first
Friday of each month,
11:00a-12:00p for an
increase in Vocations to
the Priestly Life.
Spirit Movers also meet
the second Sunday of the
month at 10a in the
Martha & Mary Room.
Knights of Columbus:
Host a Holy Hour of
Adoration at 7:00p on
beginning at 7:30p.
7th Chili Bingo: 5:00p (St. Elizabeth’s Hall)
14th -15th Living in Love Retreat (Martha and Mary room)
14th & 15th St. Monica’s Bake Sale after Masses
18th Ash Wednesday: 6:45a, 8:30a, 12:10p, 6:00p (Parish Office closed)
20th Fridays Stations of the Cross begin: 5:00p
20th Fridays Knights of Columbus Seafood Dinners Begin: 5:00p-7:00p (St. Elizabeth’s
28th St. Gerard’s Circle Retreat
5th Confirmation: 7:00p
7th Women of Spirit Mass and Retreat: 8:30a
23rd Lenten Penance Service: 7:00p
Fridays Stations of the Cross: 5:00p
Fridays Knights of Columbus Seafood Dinners: 5:00p-7:00p
2nd Holy Thursday: 7:00p Service (Parish Office closes @ noon)
3rd Good Friday: 3:00p & 7:00p (Parish Office closed)
4th Easter Vigil: 7:00p
5th Easter Masses: 6:00a, 7:30a, 9:00a, 10:30a, and Noon (no 6:30p)
6th Parish Office Closed
12th Divine Mercy Sunday (Devotion at 3:00p)
18th & 19th St. Gerard’s Bake Sale after Masses
25th & 26th Women of Spirit Plant Sale after Masses
26th First Communion: 1:00p
9th Mother’s Mass and Brunch: 9:00a (Martha and Mary room)
10th Knights of Columbus Mother’s Day Breakfast: 8:15a-12:00p
23rd-25th Garage Sale Drop off
28th- 30th Garage Sale
7th Holy Spirit Parish Picnic: 11:30a (Parking Lot)
8th-12th Vacation Bible School (children entering K-5th grade)
4th Independence Day: 7:30a Patriotic Rosary & 9:00a Mass (Parish Office closed)
23rd Human Vitae Mass: 7:00p
Save the Dates
September 21st- Holy Spirit Golf Open
September 4th- Fun Fair
December 5th- Grand Gala and Benefit Auction