Code of Practice for the Operation of Breeding and Rearing Businesses (2014) Are you a breeder? Ownership is defined in the Domestic Animals Act 1994 as a person who keeps or harbours an animal or has the animal in his or her care for the time being. Do you own 3 or more fertile female dogs or cats and the sell the puppies or kittens bred from them? Local Laws may specify how many dogs and cats may be kept on a premise before you require an excess animal permit Sell includes barter or exchange and also agreeing to sell or offering or exposing for sale or keeping or having in possession for sale Yes: No: Are you a member of a Victorian Applicable Organisation? You must comply with the Code of Practice for the Private Keeping of Cats or Dogs No Victoria has 6 Applicable Organisations Australian National Cats Inc., DOGS Victoria, Cats Victoria Inc., Feline Control Council of Victoria Inc., Greyhound Racing Victoria, The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy Victoria. Yes: Are more than 2 animals NOT registered with the Applicable Organisation? ** ** Example: 3 fertile females – at least 1 must be registered with AO 4 fertile females – at least 2 must be registered with AO 5 fertile females – at least 3 must be registered with AO 6 fertile females – at least 4 must be registered with AO 7 fertile females – at least 5 must be registered with AO 8 fertile females – at least 6 must be registered with AO 9 fertile females – at least 7 must be registered with AO No: YES You MUST be registered with Council as a Domestic Animal Business Breeding Do you have 10 or more fertile female dogs or cats? No: Small Breeder You must comply with the Code of Practice for the Private Keeping of Cats or Dogs 3-5 fertile animals Dogs Cats CoP Sections 1,2,3,4,5 CoP Sections 1,2,3,4,5, Yes: 6(1)-6(5d) 7(1)-7(5c) You MUST be registered with Council as a Domestic Animal Business - Breeding More than 9 fertile females, or more than 2 NOT registered with an AO, means the business will be regarded as a DAB and must register with council and comply with the mandatory breeding code. Large Breeder 6+ fertile animals Dogs Cats CoP Sections 1,2,3,4,5 CoP Sections 1,2,3,4,5 6(1)-6(5c), 6(5e) 7(1)-7(5b), 7(5d) Working Dog Breeder CoP Sections 1,2,3,4,5, 6(1)-6(3), 6(6) July 2015 version