Animal Behaviors WebQuest Animal owners will often complain to veterinarians about the behavior of their dogs and cats. While many veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and veterinary assists job description does not include animal behavior, many clients will use a veterinary clinic where they can get answers for common problems. In groups of 1-2 people, select one of the common complaints about dogs or cats. Research on the internet 5 possible reasons a dog/cat will show that behavior. Be prepared to present these the next class period. Common Complaints about Dogs: Common Complaints about Cats: Aggression Elimination in the house Destructive behaviors Fearful behaviors without aggression Excessive vocalizations Hyperactivity Elimination in the house Aggression to either cats or people Destructive behavior Excessive vocalization Hyperactivity Possible reasons for behavior: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.