Department of Economics MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY NSW 2109 AUSTRALIA PROGRESS REPORT ON THE EXTERNAL REVIEW OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS 21 October 2009 Implementation of Findings and Recommendations Prepared by Head of Department Professor Jeffrey Sheen 3 February 2011 2 1. PLANNING, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 1.1 ACTION Finalise/develop Department Strategic Plan RESPONSIBILITY HoD 1.2 Continue focus on applied economics and finance through appointments HoD 1.3 Improve engagement between Department and Faculty/University by invitations to Department meetings HoD, Dean, Associate Deans 1.4 1.5 Strong advocation of removal of illogical 10% extra tax on economics enrolments Continue to develop coherent plan to manage extra enrolments in 2010 (eg better management of sessional staff) Implement new Faculty workload model to establish an equitable distribution of responsibilities HoD, Dean HoD, Faculty HR Provide additional and streamlined administrative support by PhD students for peak times (instead of academic staff) Implement PDR process to manage staff needing special attention HoD 1.6 1.7 1.8 HoD, Deputy HoD Supervisors RESPONSE AND STATUS 2nd edition September 2010 3rd edition to be determined in May 2011 Applied Economics: After a resignation (Freedman) a new position was approved and advertised, but pulled for budget reasons in November 2011. Replacement appointments remain vital for the development of the Department. Finance: This strategic direction became null and void when FBE set up a new Department of Applied Finance. Continuing. ED attended a Dept meeting in 2010. Many members of the Dept are engaged in Faculty and University committees. Continuing. Inefficient tax removed in budget negotiations in 2010. In play. Sessional database and coordinated appointments by HoD has transformed the process. Teaching and service workload model fully implemented in 2010; and is ongoing and well-supported within Department. Administrative staff are successfully carrying most of this burden, with some help from senior students. Fully coordinated staff supervision system in place, with 5 supervisors. Ratings and loadings recommendations implemented with a coherent model. Performance management plans for nor-research-active staff implemented in 2010. Continuing. 2. APPROPRIATENESS OF DEGREES AND UNITS 3 2.1 2.2 ACTION Ensure updating of units with outdated materials by introducing a standing item in department meetings for review of a few unit contents Encourage accounting and business/commerce students to take both introductory micro and macro units (not just micro, which is now the new model) RESPONSIBILITY HoD RESPONSE AND STATUS Implemented with working parties of clusters. Continuing. HoD BBA students now take ECON111 Microeconomics, rather than the previous and deleted combined micro-macro 1st year unit. ECON111 and ECON110 (Macro) are now both available in both semesters. 2.3 Increase the number of mathematical economics units – ECON131 is a new planet unit for 2010. Provide students with guidance towards existing math units. LIC, HoD, Advisers, 2.4 Consider ways to identify Honours students earlier eg by providing some advanced 3rd year units U/G coordinator, Hons coordinator 2.5 2.6 More p/g units to be scheduled in the evenings Continue to promote the new p/g programs – MEc, MCom – to increase economics enrolments and enhanced p/g education in economics HoD, HoD Successfully advocated for ACCG849 (Economic Analysis) to move to Economics in 2011. This will significantly help the budget bottom line, putting the Department into surplus in 2011. ECON131 successfully taught in 2010 - by using applications only in economics and commerce, the FBE student experience has been significantly enhanced. Continuing. Increased coordination between Honours Director and 3 rd year lecturers. Not economical to introduce new units at this stage. Most p/g units are now available in the evenings. New curriculum for MEc and MCom approved for 2011, with gateway plus core and electives. This will enhance the coherence, progression and attractiveness of our p/g programs. 4 3. RESEARCH STRATEGIES ACTION Encourage research synergies with Centre for Financial Risk, Centre for Climate Risk and Centre for Social Inclusion – creating focal points for PhDs. RESPONSIBILITY Research coordinator Introduce new p/g units in financial/economic literacy and regulation, informed by current research in the department Advocate against any funding cuts for conference attendance P/g coordinator 3.4 Ensure that Faculty understands the ‘lumpiness’ of high quality research in economics, which may not be properly reflected in its research-active definition HoD, AD (Research) 3.5 Increase the number of staff involved in supervision by spreading the associate supervisory load. Advocate a reduction of paperwork for expense claims Research coordinator HoD 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.6 Research coordinator RESPONSE AND STATUS Centre for Financial Risk was co-chaired by Stefan Trueck in 2010. It will move to the new applied finance department in 2011, but Economics will continue to play a significant role. Proposed Centre focussing on health industry is under discussion with ED and external parties. This has become the responsibility of the new Department of Applied Finance and AS. Conference attendance now funded through RIS accounts. There appears no problem for people wanting to attend conferences. In the 2010 ERA report, Economics received a 2. Though this was an average performance across economics departments around Australia, we also received a 3 for Banking and Finance. The Department’s strategy up until 2010 had been to develop areas of banking and finance. In fact, half of the A* journals in this area came from Economics, and more than half of all other publications. Despite the loss of Stefan Trueck to the new Department, Economics will continue to publish strongly in the areas of Banking and Finance. However it does need to bring in new productive staff in the area of Economics if it is to rise above the 2 in ERA 2012. Done. Done. 5 4. ALIGNMENT OF THE PROFILE WITH PLANS 4.1 4.2 4.3 ACTION Advocate the expansion of finance teaching and research in the Department of Economics as an efficient, relatively low cost and productive solution. Advocate diverting academic resources from administration towards research – eg away from student advising, large class management RESPONSIBILITY HoD Advocate for reduction in student-staff ratio from untenable 39:1 towards 20:1. HoD, Dean P/g coordinator TIMEFRAME This has become redundant with the establishment of the new Department of Applied Finance and AS. Less advising was done by academics in 2010. Teaching workload model has adequately recognised large class management. However the University continues to generate large demands on academics’ time with administrative functions – e.g. Ethics committees have a massive and unsustainable workload. Advocated, initially successfully. However not replacing a staff member that resigned in 2010 has raised the student-staff ratio further. The successful move of ACCG849 (Economic Analysis) from Dept of Accounting to Economics in 2011 will create a budget surplus, but add students without any new staff, thus raising the student-staff ratio. 5. EXTERNAL CONTRIBUTION AND REFERENCING 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 ACTION Improve engagement with external stakeholders – eg enhanced annual Walsh Lecture, hosting ACE2010 RESPONSIBILITY Research coordinator Introduce Macquarie University HSC (Year 12) Economics Essay Competition directed at low socioeconomic high schools (as defined by the Department of Education) on topic to be decided. Introduce an Invited Lecture in the Economics/Business of Leadership (possibly a Faculty venture) Develop stronger links with RBA, State Treasury, investment banks through alumni – invite them to talk to students about career prospects as an economist HoD, delegated staff RESPONSE AND STATUS Department hosted the Australian Conference of Economists in 2010. Very successful conference, brilliantly organised by Prof Lance Fisher. Prof Peter Diamond (MIT) gave the University’s Walsh Lecture at the conference. 2 weeks later he won the Nobel prize in Economics. Still under consideration HoDs, Dean This is the Walsh Lecture discussed above. U/g P/g and Hons coordinators Ongoing. As in previous years, a number of our Honours graduates in 2010 have been employed by the RBA. 6 6. DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES ACTION Advocate expansion of finance in Economics as a good option for the Faculty RESPONSIBILITY HoD 6.2 Maintain the strength of the Department in macroeconomics, but ensuring that it is well-balanced in micro, econometrics and finance HoD 6.3 Improve interaction amongst students at different levels – eg through enhancing the mentor program. U/g P/g and Hons coordinators 6.1 RESPONSE AND STATUS This has become redundant with the establishment of the new Department of Applied Finance and AS. Economics will continue to publish in the areas of banking and finance. A very strong case remains for making a relatively senior appointment in Industrial Economics. Our teaching commitments in microeconomics demand more staff in that area, our budget position supports it, and the very high staff-student ratio justifies it. Continuing 7