NEW ADDITIONS TO STOCK FOR DECEMBER 2012 PITTS, Victoria GARNER, Robert COSTA, C.D.N. SILVERMAN, David In the flesh: the cultural politics of body modification 155.2 Animals, politics and morality 179.3 Seneca: dialogues and letters 188 Interpreting qualitative data: a guide to the 300.72 principles of qualitative research TESKE, Robin L. Conscious acts and the politics of social change V1 301.41 DANK, Barry M. The politics of sexuality: sexuality and culture 301.41 volume 3 What a mans gotta do: the masculine myth in 301.41 popular culture LEWIS, Jane Women in Britain since 1945 301.412 HUMM, Maggie The dictionary of feminist theory 301.412 SIMPSON, M.A. Middle class housing in Britain 301.54 WINSTON, Brian Technologies of seeing: photography, 302.23 cinematography and television WINSTON, Brian Media technology and society, a history from the 302.23 Telegraph to the Internet REED, Mike The sociology of management 302.35 ADAMS, Robert The abuses of punishment 303.36 MAHEU, Louis Social movements and social classes 303.484 TARROW, Sidney G. Power in movement: social movements and 303.484 contentious politics JEFFREY-POULTER, Stephen Peers, Queers & Commons: the struggle for Gay 305.0941 law reform from 1950 to the present TOSH, John Manliness and masculinities in Nineteenth-Century 305.31 Britain: essays on gender, family and empire ARNEIL, Barbara Politics & feminism 305.42 SHOWSTACK SASSOON, Women and the state 305.42 Anne STEINBACH, Susie Women in England: 1760-1914, a social history 305.420942 EDGELL, Stephen Class 305.5 CANNADINE, David Aspects of aristocracy: grandeur and decline in 305.52 modern Britain WATSON, Steven The Harlem renaissance: hub of African-American 305.5520899 culture 1920 - 1930 VANNINI, Phillip Authenticity in culture self and society 306.01 DAVIES, Alistair British culture of the postwar: an introduction to 306.0941 literature and society 1945-1999 FRASER, Mariam The body : A reader 306.4 APPLE, Michael W Education and power 306.43 WEEKS, Jeffrey Against nature: essays on history, sexuality and 306.7 identity CAPLAN, Pat The cultural construction of sexuality 306.7 GILBERT, Harriet the sexual imagination 306.7 ACKERLY, brooke 323 STONE, Richard FALK, Richard DONNELLY, Jack SANDERSON, Michael Universal human rights in a world of difference Textbook on civil liberties and human rights Achieving human rights Achieving human rights International human rights Education, economic change and society in England 1780-1870 Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan 323.4 323.4 Normal loan Normal loan 323.4 330.942 Normal loan Normal loan HENRY, Nancy GREIG, Anne READ, Janet BOTTOMS, Anthony GRAY, Drew D. LOWE, Michelle WONG, Linda ATKINS, Peter HOUSECROFT, Catherine BERG, Jeremy M. CROWE, Jonathon ALBERTS, Bruce LODISH, Harvey PIERCE, Benjamin A. MADIGAN, Michael CLANCY, John MCARDLE, William GROPPER, Sareen S. GROUT, Harvey GAMBLE, Paul TAYLOR, Shelley E GASKING, Terry SCHULER, Randall S. SCHEIN, Edgar JOHNSON, Gerry BARNEY, Jay B. JOHANSSON, Johny K. WATSON, Steven BLAKE, William KAPLAN, E.Anne FRAYLING, Christopher EASTHOPE, Antony KIHN, Annette KREMER, John WALLIMAN, Nicholas VEITCH, Jonathan PIZER, Donald PERELMAN, Bob PRINCE, Sue Ann CHABOT, C. Barry CLARK, Michael COHEN, Hennig HUTCHINSON, George OSOFSKY, Gilbert SCHULMAN, Grace DICKIE, Margaret LIGHT, Martin Victorian investments: new perspectives on finance 332.60941 and culture Doing research with children: a practical guide 362.7072 Disabled children and the law: research and good 364.42013 practice Community penalties: change and challenges 364.68 London's shadows: the dark side of the Victorian 364.942 city Beginning research: a guide for foundation degree 370.72 students Essential study skills 371.30281 Shriver and Atkins inorganic chemistry 546 Inorganic chemistry 546 Biochemestry 572 Chemistry for the biosciences: the essential 572 concepts Molecular biology of the cell 574.192 Molecular cell biology 574.192 Genetics: a conceptual approach 575.1 Brock biology of microorganisms 579 Physiology and anatomy: for nurses and healthcare 612 practitioners, a homeostatic approach Exercise physiology, nutrition, energy and human 612.044 performance Advanced nutrition and human metabolism 612.3 Improving teaching & learning in physical education 613.707 Strength and conditioning for team sports: sport613.711 specific physical preparation for high performance Health psychology 616.0019 How to master Finance 657 Strategic human resource management 658.3 Organizational psychology 658.301 Exploring corporate strategy: text & cases 658.4 Resource-based theory: creating and sustaining 658.4012 competitive advantage Global marketing: foreign entry, local marketing & 658.84 global management Strange bedfellows: the first American avant-garde 700.973 America, a prophecy 769.92 Women and film: both sides of the camera 791.43 Spaghetti westerns: cowboys and Europeans from 791.43 Karl May to Sergio Leone Contemporary film theory 791.43 The power of the image:essays on representation 791.43023 and sexuality Key concepts in sport psychology 796.01 Your undergraduate dissertation: the essential 808.066 guide for success American superrealism 809.04 American expatriate writing and the Paris 810.9 movement: modernism and place The trouble with genius 810.90052 The old guard and the avant-garde: modernism in 810.9112 Chicago 1910-1940 Writers for the nation: American literary modernism 810.9112 Don Passos's early fiction 1912 - 1938 810.9112 Landmarks of American writing 810.9112 the Harlem renaissance in black and white 810.989 Harlem: the making of a ghetto negro New York 810.989 1890-1930 Marianne Moore: the poetry of engagement 811.308 Gendered modernisms: American women poets 811.509 and their readers The quixotic vision of Sinclair Lewis 811.509 Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Reference Normal loan Normal loan Reference Normal loan Reference Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan GATES JR., Henry Louis JARRAWAY, David R MOORE, Marianne UMI Research Press SEIDEL, Kathryn Lee MELLARD, James M BOWERS, Jane Palatin WILLIAMS, Raymond MASCUCH, Michael PALEY, Morton D BLAKE, William KEATS, John INGRASSIA, Catherine RICHARDSON, Samuel MACKENZIE, Henry MACAULAY CARLYLE, Thomas SMOLLET, Tobias CARLYLE, Thomas CORBETT, Mary Jean WHITEHOUSE, Mary MASON, Peter EMSLEY, Clive DOHERTY, M.A. ROYLE, Edward ADISON, Paul ROBERTS, M.J.D LONG, Helen MARWICK, Arthur HYLTON, Stuart Langston Hughes: critical perspective past and 811.509 present Going the distance: dissident subjectivity in 811.509 modernist American literature The art of a modernist 811.52 Wallace Stevens and company; the harmonium 811.52 years 1913-1923 The Southern Belle in the American novel 813.009 The exploded form 813.52 Women writers: Gertrude Stein 818.5209 The country and the city 820.9 Origins of the individualist self: autobiography & 820.942 self-identity in England, 1591-1791 Jerusalem: the emanation of the giant albion 821.6 The marriage of heaven and hell 821.7 BLA The letters of John Keats 821.7KEA Anti-Pamela and Shamela 823.5 The history of Sir Charles Grandison 823.5 The man of the world 823.5MAC Madame D'Arblay 823.6 Selected writings 823.6 Roderick Random 823.6 Passages selected from the writings of Robert 823.6 Carlyle, with a biography memoir by T. Ballantyne Representing femininity, middle-class subjectivity in 828.80809 Victorian and Edwardian women's autobiographies Mary Whitehouse: a most dangerous woman? 920WHI Infelicities: representations of the exotic 940 World war 2 and its consequences 940.53 Nazi wireless propaganda: Lord Haw-Haw and 940.54 British public opinion in the second world war Modern Britain a social history 1750-2011 941.07 Now the war is over: a social history of Britain 941.07 1945-51 Making English morals: voluntary association and 942 moral reform in England, 1787-1886 The edwardian house 942.08 The sixties 942.085 Magical history tour the 1960s revisited 942.085 Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan Normal loan