CORE Communities of Practice 2014-2015 PDSA Plan School Teams: Bret Harte: Jeremy Hilinski, Kelli Riggs, Kristen Caputo El Dorado: Silvia Cordero, Anna Varnay, Jude Noyes, Jen Comeans Malcolm X: Imani Cooley, Chris Moore, Elena Rosen Common Problem of Practice (PoP): What specific social emotional learning skills and academic conversation skills/experiences will promote successful independent writing by focal students? Collaborative Work: School teams will come together to engage in 3 PDSA cycles during TCPT from 1:30-3:30 at GRD on the following dates: 1/8/15; 3/19/15; 5/7/15 Cycle 1, “Plan & Do”: Developed Oct. 29, 2014 School/ Focal s’s Bret Harte DeMaya Robert Jada Bemon El Dorado Makyla Jania Terrill (All AA, 50% male/female, 50% with IEPs) Malcolm X PoP or EQ Writing about your thinking/understanding Erin Jen Clevon Viante How can academic conversations with a peer model deepen the focal student’s understanding of a text as demonstrated by their written response? Will Academic Conversation improve students’ ability and comfort in writing about their learning? Intervention Strategies Academic: Explicit teaching of academic conversation, in and out of science Use of concept map/graphic organizers for pre-writing Possible frames for writing SEL: Link to 2nd Step lessons, specifically empathy, recognizing other people’s perspectives, listening Academic: Teachers will use peer collaboration and academic structures/routines to deepen focal student’s comprehension. Teachers will explicitly teach focal student’s to paraphrase what they hear others say. SEL: Academic: Analyzing mentor conversations Explicitly teaching students the 5-6 core skills, starting with low affect topics Builidng on core skills and applying it to shared reading Evidence Recording of student conversations Scripted teacher talk curing conversations Science journal entries Videos of student academic conversations that include paraphrasing, elaborating and clarifying Explicit modeling with mentor pieces of Academic Conversation (fish bowls) Number and types of moves (videos and analysis of Academic Conversation) SEL: Explicitly teach core skill of “building on and challenging” in order to build student academic confidence (SEL – growth mindset, self efficacy) Updated 3.19.15 Cycle 2, “Act”: Developed Jan. 8, 2015 School/ Focal s’s Bret Harte Writing about your thinking/understanding DeMaya Robert Jada Bemon El Dorado Makyla Jania Terrill (All AA, 50% male/female, 50% with IEPs) Malcolm X PoP or EQ Erin Jen Clevon Viante How can academic conversations with a peer model deepen the focal student’s understanding of a text as demonstrated by their written response? Will Academic Conversation improve students’ ability and comfort in writing about their learning? Intervention Strategies Academic: Expand academic conversation to Interactive Read Alouds o Develop partnerships o Create and introduce a structure for preparing to talk, talking, preparing to write, and writing Continue to use academic conversations during Science SEL: Continued focus on empathy Recognizing and respect perspectives (ideas, not the person) Listening (explicitly teach listening) Academic: Terrill and Jania: Continue to practice paraphrasing and elaboration during Read Aloud. Introduce paraphrasing, elaborating, and clarifying to raise their level of thinking during writing. Makyla: Practice paraphrasing, elaborating, and clarifying when the “Talk It Out” in the Wellness Center and with mentors. SEL: Academic: Schoolwide begin Implementation of the Core Skills of academic conversation in Opinion Spiral 3 4th graders will improve in their writing about shared reading within fictional text beyond theme to all story elements. (Cycle 3 next steps--- speed up the process to include on demand writing for SBAC) Evidence Two types of writings (planning to talk and what they are writing) Transcripts of talking (during partnerships) Taping/transcript of one whole class science conversation Next Steps Bring back videos and student writing samples. Reading responses based on shared reading within fictional text beyond theme to all story elements. JH order Academic Conversations books JH record student conversations KC check in with Kelli to make sure work is happening during IRA KR devise and teach structure for talk and write during IRA starting Feb KC show Kelli Opening Minds to Equity Jude is moving from math inquiry team to join Anna’s inquiry team Jude will communicate the use of the sentence frames with the Wellness team Jennifer will get Jude a copy of Academic Conversations. Anna has a copy. Jude and Ana will continue to coteach use of paraphrasing, elaborating, and clarifying during writing. Chris will introduce other story elements into shared text conversations in Feb Rachel and Chris will present whole staff PD in Jan explicitly teaching the core skills and how to launch Academic convos across K-5 classrooms SEL: Students will grow in asset mindset Updated 3.19.15 Cycle 3, “Act”: Developed Mar. 19, 2015 School/ Focal s’s Bret Harte PoP or EQ Intervention Strategies Writing about your thinking/understanding Academic: Incorporate use of graphic organizers to plan academic conversations (refer to El Do example; KC will provide EL Achieve card examples) Use GO for recording thoughts/ideas after conversation to support writing (boxes and bullets as example) DeMaya Robert Jada Bemon Evidence Next Steps Focal students’ graphic organizers Writing samples Bring back videos and student writing samples. KC will provide EL Achieve card examples Kelli will apply GOs to opinion theme SEL: El Dorado Makyla Jania Terrill (All AA, 50% male/female, 50% with IEPs) Malcolm X Erin Jen Clevon Viante How can academic conversations with a peer model deepen the focal student’s understanding of a text as demonstrated by their written response? Will Academic Conversation improve students’ ability and comfort in writing about their learning? Academic: Terrill & Jania – add conversation skill so students can build on each others ideas and then use mentor response to lit to have their writing reflect their thinking Makyla – during read aloud at her instructional level (relevant theme/personal connections), have a conversation with a peer, use boxes and bullets, write a paragraph (voice input, revise/edit) SEL: Terrill & Jania – creating academic identity; growth mindset Makyla – perseverance during writing Academic: Students will engage in extended student discourse and response to literature on story elements in small groups as a part of their book club routine. Simultaneously, as a part of test preparation, students will independently engage in on demand writing tasks after having had a group conversation with a shared short text. SEL: Setting and working towards personal and academic goals (Self- Efficacy and Self-Management) Academic: Response to literature and conversational observations occurring in book clubs. On demand writing samples as well. Looking for students to introduce ideas, support them with evidence, and elaborate. SEL: Consistently shows effort, respects self and others, listens attentively, and meaningfully participates in classroom activities and discussions. Jude will provide read aloud at instructional level for Makyla and conversation with peer with notes and reflection 2x/week Anna will make build-on cards; create mentor response to response to literature writing By 4/24 Mr. Moore and students will use academic discourse on story elements as part of book club routines By 5/7/15 Lit Coach and IRF will have supported all teachers to introduce core AC skills designated for their grades through ILT Critical Friends support Updated 3.19.15