Student numbers are limited to assure everyone gets personal

Widmer’s Rock & Roll Arena
Calf Roping-Breakaway-Goat Tying
Clinic Registration Form
Student numbers are limited to assure everyone gets plenty of personal attention. To
assure your position at the clinic, please call or email to register ASAP. Your position
is guaranteed only after receipt of fee.
PH: 641-595-3903 or 641-799-5042
Student Name:_____________________________________________________
Parents or Guardian Name(s):________________________________________
City:___________________________________ State:_________ Zip:________
Phone:_______________________________ Cell:________________________
_____$300 fee for Calf Roping
_____$250 fee for Breakaway and Goat tying
NOTE: One Stall with one bag of shavings is included in Clinic Fee
_____$25 per Extra Stall (includes one bag of shavings.) I need ____ Extra Stall
_____ $7 per extra bag of shavings. I need _____ extra bags of shavings.
_____Signed waiver
Send completed form, waiver and payment to:
Widmer’s Rock ‘N Roll Arena
5068 215th Street
Deep River, IA 52222