Additional Skagit MRC References for Sound IQ McConnell, M., P

Additional Skagit MRC References for Sound IQ
McConnell, M., P. Dinnel, I. Dolph, J. Robinette and D. Semrau. 2001. Rocky reef bottomfish recovery in
Skagit County. Phase I Final Report: Marine Protected Areas – Preliminary assessment & public
input. Final Report for the Northwest Straits Commission by the Skagit County Marine Resources
Committee, Mt. Vernon, WA. 72 pp. + appendices.
Robinette, J. and P. Dinnel. 2003. Restoration of the Olympia oyster in North Puget Sound. Will Olympia
oysters thrive in Fidalgo Bay? Final Report by Skagit Marine Resources Committee for the
Northwest Straits Commission. 21 pp.
Dinnel, P., M. McConnell, I. Dolph, J. Ramaglia and M. Sato. 2003. Rocky reef bottomfish reserves for
Skagit County, Washington? In: Chapter 15, Proceedings of the 5 th International Conference on the
Science and Management of Protected Areas (SAMPAA), Victoria, BC, Canada, May 2003 (eds.
Munro, N.W.P., P. Dearden, T.B. Herman, K. Beazley and S. Bondrup-Nielson).
Dinnel, P., A. Weispfenning, R. Barsh and I. Dolph. 2004. ROV surveys of deep rocky reef habitats and bottomfish
at eight candidate marine reserve sites in Skagit County, Washington. Final Report by Skagit County
Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits Commission, Mount Vernon, WA. 12 pp +
Weispfenning, A.J., P.A. Dinnel, G. McKeen and N.T. Schwarck. 2004. Baseline SCUBA assessments of habitat
and fishery resources in eight candidate marine reserve sites in Skagit County, Washington. Final Report
by Shannon Point Marine Center, Anacortes, WA for Skagit County Marine Resources Committee, Mount
Vernon, WA. 22 pp. + appendices.
Dinnel, P., R. Barsh, I. Dolph, J. Giboney, R. Knowles, C. O’Hara and M. Schwertner. 2004. Pacific oyster
enhancement in Padilla Bay. Final Report by Skagit County Marine Resources Committee, Mount Vernon,
WA for the Northwest Straits Commission, Mount Vernon, WA. 13 pp. + appendices.
Robinette, J., P. Dinnel, R. Barsh, I. Dolph, J. Giboney, R. Knowles, M. Sato and M. Schwertner. 2004.
Restoration of native oysters in Fidalgo Bay. Year two report. Progress Report by Skagit County Marine
Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits Commission, Mount Vernon, WA. 11 pp. + appendix.
Weispfenning, A.J., P.A. Dinnel, N.T. Schwarck and G. McKeen. 2005. Baseline SCUBA assessments of
habitat and fishery resources in eight candidate marine reserve sites in Skagit County, Washington.
Pp. 129-142 in: Diving for Science: Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences,
24th Annual Symposium, Groton, Conn. (J.M. Godfrey and S.E. Shumway, editors). Also, platform
presentation by A.J. Weispfenning at the 24th Annual Symposium, American Academy of Underwater
Sciences, University of Connecticut, Groton, Conn., March 10-12, 2005.
Dinnel, P.A., J. Robinette, I. Dolph and M. Schwertner. 2005. Restoration of native oysters in Fidalgo Bay.
Year three report. Progress Report by Skagit County Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest
Straits Commission, Mount Vernon, WA. 20 pp. + appendices.
Dinnel, P., N. Borman, I. Dolph, J. Giboney, E. Pickett, J. Ramaglia, P. Sund, C. Woodward and R. Barsh.
2006. Restoration of the native oyster in Fidalgo Bay: Year four report (with an update on Pacific
oyster enhancement). Final Report by Skagit County Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest
Straits Commission, Mount Vernon, WA. 31 pp.
Dinnel, P., T. Stevens, B. Dewey and K. Reinhardt. 2009. Shellfish water quality exhibit. Final Report by Skagit
County Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits Commission, Mt. Vernon, WA. 5 pp. +
Dinnel, P.A., B. Peabody and T. Peter-Contesse. 2009. Rebuilding Olympia oysters, Ostrea lurida Carpenter 1864,
in Fidalgo Bay, Washington. J. Shellfish Res. 28(1):79-85.
Dinnel, P., K. McKinnon, T. Patton, R. Haley and C. O’Hara. 2009. Smart Sponge ® demonstration project. Final
Report by Skagit County Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits Commission, Mount
Vernon, WA. 10 pp. + appendices.
Dinnel, P., N. Borman, J. Giboney, E. Pickett, J. Ramaglia, T. Richards, P. Sund and C. Woodward. 2009.
Restoration of the native oyster in Fidalgo Bay: Year seven report. Final Report by Skagit County Marine
Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits Commission, Mount Vernon, WA. 31 pp. + appendix.
Dinnel, P., T. Alker, R. Haley, M. Reynolds and C. O’Hara. 2010. Smart Sponge demonstration project and
Monitoring Report. Final Report by Skagit County Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits
Commission, Mount Vernon, WA.
Dinnel, P., N. Schwarck and K. Muller. 2011. Volunteer training on sampling techniques in the marine
environment. Final Report by Skagit County Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits
Commission, Mount Vernon, WA. 8 pp.
Dinnel, P. 2011. Construction of a demonstration rain garden at the Depot in Anacortes, WA. Final Report by
Skagit County Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits Commission, Mount Vernon, WA. 5
Dinnel, P and J. Middleton. 2011. Installation and monitoring of a storm water antimicrobial unit at Bay View,
Washington. Final Report by Skagit County Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits
Commission, Mount Vernon, WA. 13 pp.
Dinnel, P. and J. Apple. 2012. Community beach seining at Ship Harbor, Fidalgo Island, Washington, 2011-2012.
Final Report by Skagit County Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits Commission, Mount
Vernon, WA. 33 pp.
Dinnel, P. and J. Apple. 2013. Community beach seining at Ship Harbor, Fidalgo Island, Washington, June and
August 2013. Final Report by Skagit County Marine Resources Committee for the Northwest Straits
Commission, Mt. Vernon, WA. 31 pp.
Aqua-Terr Systems, Inc. 2012. Shannon Point rip rap removal project, Anacortes, Washington. Feasibility and cost
estimate study. Final Report for Skagit County Marine Resources Committee, Mount Vernon, WA. 22 pp.
Puget Sound Restoration Fund. 2014. Fidalgo Bay native oyster project. Final Report #2012-1-PSRF for the
Northwest Straits Foundation, Bellingham, WA and Skagit County Marine Resources Committee, Mount
Vernon, WA. 39 pp.
Puget Sound Restoration Fund. 2015. Pinto abalone recovery project. Final Report for Skagit County Marine
Resources Committee, Mount Vernon, WA. 9 pp.