Book Chapters

C Group: Members’ Publications
Book Chapters
Hadfield, J. and Hadfield, C. with A. Gupta: Travels with Auntie in Language in
Use P. Griffiths, A.J. Merrison and A. Bloomer (eds ) Routledge 2010.
Hadfield J and C : What is English? in Contemporary Literary Criticism 289 J
Hunter ( ed) Gale, Cengage Learning, Michigan USA 2010.
Lima, C. (in press) New technologies in SLTE: A virtual teacher development
experience in Tocantins, Brazil, in M. Beaumont & T.Wright (eds) Experiences of
Second Language Teacher Education, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Lima, C. 2013. Reading and discussing literature online. In Pattison, T. (ed) IATEFL
2012 Glasgow Conference Selections. Canterbury: IATEFL.
Lima, M.C.B. and Lamy, M-N., 2013. Online reading groups and network dynamics,
in M-N Lamy and K Zourou (eds.) Social Networking and Language Education,
Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Lima, C. 2011. Classrooms as Complex Environments, in Lima, C. (ed) 10 yeas of
Brazilian Scholarship, London: The British
Lima, C. 2011. Various activities, in Grundy, P., H. Bociek and K. Parker
(eds) English Through Art, London: Helbling.
Lima, C. 2011. The place of imagination in ELT teacher education. In Pattison, T.
(ed) IATEFL 2010 Harrogate Conference Selections.Canterbury: IATEFL.
Maley.A. 2001. Literature in the Language Classroom. In Carter. R and Nunan.D.
(eds) The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 180-185.
Maley.A. 2003 Inputs, Processes and Outcomes. In Materials Development:
Extending the range in Mukundan.J. (ed) Readings on ELT Materials I. Serdang:
Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.
Maley. A. 2004. Creativity is in the Air we Breathe. In Tan Bee Tin (ed.) Creative
Writing in EFL/ESL Classrooms. Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.
Maley.A. 2006. Creative Writing / Reading. In Mukundan.J. (ed) Creative Writing in
EFL/ESL Classrooms II. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia.
Maley. A. 2006. Where do new ideas come from? In Mukundan.J. (ed), Readings on
ELT Materials II. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia.
Maley. A. 2006. Doing Things with Texts. In Mukundan.J. (ed). Focus on ELT
Materials. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia.
Maley.A. 2007. Swimming Against the Tide. In Mukundan.J, Menon.S. and Hussin
(eds) ELT Matters 3: Developments in English language Learning and
Teaching. Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, pp.
Maley. A. 2009. Materials Writing: By the people, for the people? In Mukundan.J.
(ed), Readings on ELT Materials III. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia, pp.
Maley.A. 2011. Squaring the Circle – reconciling materials as constraint with
materials as empowerment. In Tomlinson.B. (ed) Materials Development in Language
Teaching. 2nd ed Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.
Maley.A. 2012 Literature and Language Teaching. In Alsagoff.L, McKay.S.L.,
Hu.G. and Renandya.W.A. (eds) Principles and Practices for Teaching English as an
International Language. London: Routledge, pp. 299-317.
Maley. A. 2013. Creative Writing for English Language Students. In Bland.J. and
Lutge.C. (eds) Children’s Literature in Second Language Education. London and
New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 161-172.
Maley. A. 2013. Winnowing the Past: Towards a principled eclecticism. In Arnold,J.
and Murphey.T. (eds) Meaningful Action: Earl Stevick’s influence on language
teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.
Maley.A. 2013. Creative Approaches to Materials Writing. In Tomlinson.B. (ed)
Developing Materials for Language Teaching.London and New York: Bloomsbury.
Spiro, J., 2010. Crossing the Bridge from Appreciative Reading to Reflective Writer:
the assessment of creative process in Paran, A. and Sercu, L. (eds.) Testing the
Untestable in Language Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 165- 190..
Spiro, J., 2011B. Reader response and the formulation of literary judgement in
Swann, J., Pope, R. and Carter, R. (eds) Creativity in language and literature: the
state of the art. Palgrave Macmillan: 231 – 244.
Tomlinson, B., forthcoming 2013. Materials development. In C. A. Chapelle ed. The
encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Tomlinson, B., 2013. Innovation in materials development. In K. Hyland and L.
Wong eds. Innovation and change in English language education. New York:
Routledge, pp. 203-217.
Tomlinson, B., 2013. Materials development. In M. Byram and A. Hu eds. Routledge
encyclopedia of language teaching and learning. 2nd ed. Routledge: New York, pp.
Tomlinson, B., 2013. Language acquisition research and materials development. In B.
Tomlinson ed. Applied linguistics and materials development. London: Bloomsbury,
pp. 11-30.
Tomlinson, B., 2013. Classroom research and materials development. In B.
Tomlinson ed. Applied linguistics and materialsdevelopment. London: Bloomsbury,
pp. 43-60.
Kennedy, C. and Tomlinson, B., 2013.The implementation of language policy and
planning in materials development. In B. Tomlinson ed. Applied linguistics and
materials development. London:Bloomsbury, pp. 255-268.
Tomlinson, B., 2012. Materials development. In J. Richards and A. Burns eds. The
Cambridge guide to pedagogy and practice in second language teaching. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 269-278.
Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H., 2012. Materials development for language
learning: Principles of cultural and critical
awareness. In A. Pereira and L.
Gottheim eds. Materiasis didaticos para o ensini de lingua estrangeira – Processos
de criacao e contextos de uso. Rio de Janeiro: Mercado de Letras.
Tomlinson, B., 2012. Issues in the development and evaluation of textbooks and other
learning materials. In T. Summer and M. Eisenmann eds. Basic issues in EFLteaching and learning. Heidelber: Universitatsverlag Winter, pp. 343-356.
Tomlinson, B. 2011. Introduction: principles and procedures of materials
development. In B. Tomlinson. ed. Materials development in language teaching. 2nd
ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-34.
Tomlinson, B. 2011. Seeing what they mean; helping L2 readers to visualise. In B.
Tomlinson. ed. Materials development in language teaching. 2nd ed. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 357-378.
Tomlinson, B. 2011. Access-Self materials. In B. Tomlinson. ed. Materials
development in Language Teaching. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
pp. 413-432.
Tomlinson, B. and H. Masuhara., 2010. Published research in materials development.
In B. Tomlinson and H. Masuhara eds.Research in materials development for
language learning: evidence for best practice. London: Continuum, pp. 1-21.
Tomlinson, B., 2010. Which test of which English and why? In A. Kirkpatrick ed.
Handbook of world Englishes. London: Routledge, pp. 599-616.
Tomlinson, B. 2010. Helping learners to fill the gaps in their learning. In F. Mishan
and A. Chambers eds. Developing language learning materials to meet needs and
wants. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 87-108.
Tomlinson, B. 2010. Principles and procedures of materials development. In N.
Harwood ed. Materials in ELT: theory and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 81-108.
Tomlinson, B. 2010. Teacher development. In Diadori, P. TQAC in FLT: training,
quality and certification in foreign language teaching. Siena: Mondadori Education,
pp. 62-65.
Wright,A., (1967) The Role of the Artist in the Production of Visual Materials for
Language Teaching. In: P. Meredith (Ed) The International Journal of Educational
Sciences. Vol.1, Number 3, June 1967 London: Pergamon Press. pp. 139-149.
Wright,A., (1978) Meaningful Visuals. In Holden,S. (Ed) Visual Aids for Classroom
Interaction. Modern English Publications. pp. 15-22.
Wright,A., (1984) Writing Interpretive Materials for Children. In Nigel, N. (Ed)
Writing and Designing Interpretive Materials for Children. Manchester: Design for
Learning. Manchester Polytechnic pp. 37-47.
Wright,A., (1988) Interview. In Jackie Smith (Ed) Reporter Rome: Reporter pp. 14 –
Wright,A., (2003) The Place of Stories in ELT. In: A.Paron and E.Watts, Storytelling
in ELT. Whitstable: IATEFL pp. 7-10.
Wright,A., (2003) Kormi. In: A.Paron and E.Watts, Storytelling in ELT. Whitstable:
IATEFL pp. 7-10
Wright,A. and Dudas,J., (2000) Vocabulary. In Watcyn-Jones,P. (Ed) Top Class
Activities. Penguin. pp. 131-133
Wright,A., (2007) Stories and Who We Think We Are. In: Rubio,F. (Ed) 2007 SelfEsteem and Foreign Language Learning. Newcastle. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
pp. 145-159
Wright,A., (2012) The Potential Role for Stories in Language Teaching. In: Ed.
H.Emery and F.Gardiner-Hyland. Dubai: TESOL Arabia. pp. 211-226
Wright,A., (2013) Stories as Symphonies. In: J.Bland and Lutge,C. (Ed) Children’s
Literature in Second Education. Bloomsbury. London and New York pp. 204-217