City Planning Simulation Each group member needs to choose one of the jobs listed below: Job City Mayor City Council Member Transportation Secretary Parks Commissioner City Auditor Student Description Elected official. In charge of leading the budget discussion. Must be critical and see all of the perspectives. Must also be efficient and help work towards solutions that have the greatest gains. Elected official. Representing the people of the Edisonville. Elected official. Manages all of the transportation system in the city. Elected official. Managing all of the park systems in the city and suburbs. Elected official. Manages the budget. Makes sure that you don’t spend too much money. Scenario: The city of Edisonville and the suburbs around it have grown very fast and badly needs a new transportation system to help all of it’s citizens get from one place to another. You are a member of the planning board. Your job is to help plan a transportation system that will make residents of Edisonville and the suburbs of Del Sol, Salzeria, Hagenson Heights, and Heidi Park happy. Your plan can include light rail train systems, highways, buses, and bikeways. You have a budget of $40 million dollars. You must build a highway or a light rail train system that connects each suburb to the city. You must also build a transportation system inside of the city. There are some rules about how you have to spend this money that your city auditor will tell you about. Use the city map to draw your plans, and the infrastructure price list to make sure you do not spend more money than you have. When your plan is complete you will create a powerpoint presentation and present it to the city council (the class) for the final vote. Infrastructure Price List Infrastructure Type Highway Cost Money Spent 7 million dollars to build highway connecting suburb to the city. 1 x 7 million = 7 Million 10 million dollars to build a highway inside Edisonville. 0 x 10 million = 0 Million 8 million dollars to connect a suburb to the city. Light Rail Train and Track 15 million dollars to build a light rail system inside of Edisonville. $500,000 to connect a suburb to a city. Bikeway 2 x 8 million = 16 Million 1 x 15 million = 15 Million 1 x $500,000 = 500, 000 1 x $300,000 $300,000 to build a bikeway system inside of the city. $100,000 for each bus. = 300,000 6 x $100,000 = 600, 000 Bus $75,000 for each light rail platform. 7 x $75,000 = 525,000 Light Rail Platform $2,000 for each bus stop. 23 x $2,000 = 44,000 Bus Stop $10,000 for 10 bikes and a kiosk. 3 x $10,000 = 30,000 Nice Ride Total Cost: $39,999,000 Group Members: ______________________________________________________________________ Highways 1. How many highways did you build that connect the city to the suburbs? How much money did you spend on highways? We built _______ highways that connect the city to suburbs 2. Did you build a highway system in the city? _________ 3. How much money did you spend on highway systems? We spent _______________________dollars on highways. Light Rail 4. How many light rail systems did you build that connect the city to the suburbs? How many light rail platforms did you build? We built ________ light rail systems that connect the city to the suburbs, and ________ light rail platforms. 5. Did you build a light rail system in the city? ________ 6. How much money did you spend on light rail transportation? We spent _______________________ dollars on light rail transportation. Buses 8. How many buses and bus stops did you buy? We bought _________ buses and __________ bus stops. 9. How much money did you spend on buses? We spent _______________________ dollars on buses. Bikeways 10. How many bikeways did you built that connect the city to the suburbs? We build _______ bikeways that connect the city to the suburbs. 11. How many bikeways did you build inside the city? We built _________ bikeways in the city. 12. How much money did you spend on bikeways? We spent _____________________ dollars on bikeways.