ESPS Fall Final Study Guide KEY Name:_______________________________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _____________ 1. List the steps of the Scientific Method. OBSERVATION – HYPOTHESIS – EXPERIMENT – COLLECT & ANALYSE DATA – CONCLUSION HYPOTHESIS SUPPORTED – TEST FURTHER TO DEVELOP THEORY; NOT SUPPORTED REVISE HYPOTHESIS & REPEAT STEPS 2. Define independent and dependent variable. INDEPENDENT– WHAT CAUSE THE CHANGE YOU ARE MEASURING IN AN EXPERIMENT DEPENDENT – WHAT YOU ARE MEASURING IN AN EXPERIMENT 3. Why do you need control in an experiment? SO THAT YOU HAVE A STANDARD TO COMPARE THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS TO 4. Name two reasons the sun’s energy is important to life on Earth. HEAT, PLANT LIFE, LIGHT 5. List the planets in our solar system in order from the closet to the sun to the furthest MERCURY, VENUS, EARTH, MARS, JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE 6. What are the terrestrial planets? What are the characteristics of a terrestrial planet? M, V, E, MARS –DENSE, SMALL, SOLID ROCKY SURFACES 7. What are the Gas Giants? What are the characteristics of Gas Giants? J, S, U, N – DEEP MASSIVE GASEOUS ATOMSPHERE, MANY SATELLITES, RINGS 8. How do the masses of two objects affect the gravitational force between them? LARGER THE OBJECTS = GREATER GRAVITATIONAL FORCE 9. What would happen to the Earth without the gravitational pull of the sun? (hint: the Earth moves in a curved orbit around the sun) IT WOULD TRAVEL IN A STRAIGHT LINE 10. What is the hydrosphere? WATER ON THE EARTH’S SURFACE 11. Why do more objects from space strike Mercury than Earth? MERCURY HAS NO ATMOSPHERE – THEY BURN UP IN OURS 12. What is a dwarf planet? Name 2 dwarf planets in our solar system. Where are they located? ORBITS SUN – ROUND DUE TO GRAVITY – HAS NOT CLEARED OTHER OBJECTS FROM ITS ORBITAL PATH 13. All Gas Giants have ___________ and ___________. RINGS AND SATELLITES 14. How was the geocentric model of the universe different from our current model? EARTH AT THE CENTER 15. How did the moon form? Where did it come from? LARGE OBJECT COLLIDED WITH EARTH – PIECE OF EARTH BROKE OFF AND WAS CONTAINED BY EARTH GRAVITATION PULL 16. What are the 3 factors that affect how bright a star is? DISTANCE FROM EARTH/ TEMPERATURE/ SIZE 17. List the 6 layers of the sun CORONA/RADIATIVE ZONE/CORE/CONVECTIVE ZONE/CHROMOSPHERE/PHOTOSPHERE 18. What are the 3 basic colors of stars? List them in order from coolest to hottest. RED/YELLOW/BLUE 19. Once a supernova has occurred, what the two possible outcomes? (hint: what new item can form) BLACK HOLE OR NEUTRON STAR 20. What does the H-R Diagram display? (hint: What are on each axis) EMPERATURE VS MAGNITUDE (BRIGHTNESS) OF STAR 21. What are the 3 possible futures of the universe? How does the amount of matter affect these possibilities? KEEP EXPANDING FOREVER SLOW DOWN GRADUALLY AND APPROACH LIMIT SIZE START COLLAPSING 22. Why do S-waves not travel through the outer core? OUTER CORE – LIQUID……. S WAVES WON’T TRAVEL THROUGH LIQUID 23. What type of plate boundary occurs at mid ocean ridges? DIVERGING PLATE BOUNDARIES – RIFT VALLEY 24. What are the 2 types of crust? OCEANIC & CONTINTENTIAL 25. The amount of energy released by an earthquake is measured by what scale? RITCHER SCALE 26. The youngest rock layers are at the _________________ of a rock formation TOP 27. Plates slide past one another at what type of plate boundary? TRANSFORM FAULT 28. List the 3 layers of the Earth’s interior from coolest to hottest. CRUST – MANTLE - CORE 29. What does the Continental Drift Hypothesis say? Who developed this hypothesis? ALL CONTINENTS USED TO BE TOGETHER (PANGEA) – DRIFTED TO PRESENT POSITIONS. ALFRED WEGENER 30. Where is new crust forming? MID OCEAN RIDGES 31. How many seismographs are required to determine the location of an earthquake’s epicenter? 3 32. ________________________ waves cause the Earth to vibrate in a direction parallel to the direction that the wave is moving. LONGITUDINAL - PRIMARY 33. Where is the epicenter of an earthquake? POINT ON EARTH’S SURFACE DIRECTLY ABOVE FOCUS POINT (WHERE EQ ORGINATED) 34. 75% of the Earth’s active volcanos are located in an area known as the _________________________________________. RING OF FIRE 35. Describe the difference between a P-wave and an S-Wave. P WAVE IS A LONGINTUDINAL WAVE IN WHICH THE ENERGY TRAVELS PARALLEL TO THE PARTICALS – COMPRESSES & EXTENDS AS IT TRAVELS S WAVE IS A TRASNVERSE WAVE IN WHICH THE ENERGY TRAVELS PERPENDICULAR TO THE PARTICLES – THINK OF “THE WAVE” DONE IN ARENAS 36. Label the tectonic plates: TECTONIC PLATES: 1. EURASIAN PLATE 2. SOUTH AMERICAN PLATE 3. AFRICAN PLATE 4. NORTH AMERICAN PLATE 5. PACIFIC PLATE 6. AUSTRALIAN - INDIAN PLATE 7. JUAN DE FUCA PLATE 8. NAZCA PLATE 9. CARIBBEAN PLATE 10. ARABIAN PLATE 11. PHILLIPPINE PLATE 12. COCOS PLATE 13. ANTARCTICA PLATE Convert the following to Scientific Notation: 37. 100,549,000 1.00549 x 108 38. 0.254806 2.54806 x 10-1 39. 5.24 5.24 x 100 Convert the following to Standard Notation: 40. 9.567 x 10-6 0.000009567 41. 8.504 x 109 8,504,000,000 42. 3.227 x 100 3.227 Calculate the following: 43. (2.89 x 105) x (7.26 x 107) 20.98 x 1012 2.098 x 1013 44. (9.548 x 109) x (6.47 x 10-2) 61.78 x 107 6.178 x 108 45. (8.723 x 10-6) / (5.34 x 106) 1.63 x 10-12 46. (1.57 x 102) x (6.3 x 108) 0.25 x 10 -6 2.5 x 10 -7 Convert the following to desired units: 47. 659mL = ______________ L 0.659 L 48. 423,240cg = _____________kg 4.2324kg 49. 95,005,320s = _______________ yr 3.013yrs Solve the following problems: 50. If a boy is driving at a speed of 165km/h. How long will it take him to travel 5000m? 0.03h 51. A plane is traveling at a speed of 15000m/s. How far will the plane have traveled after 2.5 hours? 135,000,000s 52. At what speed is a duck swimming if it crosses a 350m lake in 30mins? (Provide your answer in m/s) 0.194m/s