Student Teaching: Case Study and Video Analysis

Student Teaching: Case Study and Video Analysis
Student Teaching Analysis for Case Study and Video
This report is comprised of two sections, which include analysis of teacher
candidates’ case study data and analysis of teacher candidates’ video data.
Case Study Results
The case study performance profile for all teacher candidates by term is featured
in Figure 1. The results indicate that teacher candidate performance was relatively stable
over time, and the mean teacher candidate performance by term was very high (above
Figure 1. Aggregate teacher candidate case study performance by term.
Student Teaching: Case Study and Video Analysis
The case study performance profiles for teacher candidates by group (MAT
versus traditional) are presented in Figure 2. The results indicate that the two profiles
were very similar, although the MAT group had higher performance on average in the
Fall of 2009 but had lower performance on average in the Fall of 2010 through the Fall of
2011. However, it is important to note that there was only one traditional teacher
candidate represented in the Fall 2010 term and the Fall 2011 term and therefore the
performance profile for traditional teacher candidates for that term may not be a reliable
indicator of traditional teacher candidate ability or performance in general.
Figure 2. Teacher candidate case study performance by group and term.
Student Teaching: Case Study and Video Analysis
Video Results
The video performance profile for all teacher candidates by term is provided in
Figure 3. The results indicate that teacher candidate performance remained relatively
stable over time, and the mean teacher candidate performance was high across all five
Figure 3. Aggregate teacher candidate video performance by term.
Student Teaching: Case Study and Video Analysis
The video performance profiles for teacher candidates by group (MAT versus
traditional) are presented in Figure 4. The results indicate that the two profiles were very
similar with both groups of teacher candidates scoring very high, on average. However,
as previously noted, there was only one traditional teacher candidate represented in the
Fall 2010 term and the Fall 2011 term and therefore the performance profile for
traditional teacher candidates for that term may not be a reliable indicator of traditional
teacher candidate ability or performance in general.
Figure 4. Teacher candidate video performance by group and term.
Student Teaching: Case Study and Video Analysis
The data analysis results indicate that teacher candidates tended to score high with
regard to their teacher candidate teaching outcomes, which include their clinical
evaluations, their case study evaluations, and their video evaluations. Furthermore, the
high performance was consistent over time and across groups (MAT and traditional).