SALMEN HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLAN GRADE: 10 TEACHER: Watson SUBJECT: English II Gifted WEEK OF: MONDAY TUESDAY Daily Objective: TLW Remain in formal and consultative register for duration of class period. Use active listening strategies to ensure authentic response. Use teacher-provided strategies to complete annotation of complex nonfiction. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Check all that apply KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Daily Objective: TLW Remain in formal or consultative register for duration of class period. Use active listening strategies to ensure authentic response. Demonstrate understanding through analysis of literary markers and author's purpose. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Check all that apply KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION WEDNESDAY Daily Objective: TLW Remain in formal or consultative register for duration of class period. Use active listening strategies to ensure authentic response. Demonstrate understanding of poetry through literary analysis. Demonstrate thematic connections among various genres, authors, and time periods. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Check all that apply KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION 9/15/13 - 9/21/13 THURSDAY Daily Objective: TLW Read and respond to appropriately complex informational text. Use active listening strategies to ensure authentic response. Follow Socratic seminar procedures, especially regarding active listening and constructing evidencesupported responses. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Check all that apply KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION FRIDAY Daily Objective: TLW Remain in formal or consultative register for duration of class period. Use active listening strategies to ensure authentic response. Synthesize themes and author's purpose among various genres, authors, and time periods. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Check all that apply KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Instructional Modifications/Intervention 1. Vocabulary Icons 2. Skeleton Outlines 3. Highlighting 4. Marking Text 5. Diagrams, maps, graphs 6. Voc. Card File 7. Shortened Assignments 8. Extended Time 9. Note-Taking 10 Taped Texts 11. Grouping 12. Assignment notebooks 13. Taped Lectures 14. Peer tutoring STANDARDS: HIGHLIGHT THOSE WHICH HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AS POWER STANDARDS 15. Special seating GLE#: CCSS# R.CCR.1; 16. 1 page Summary sheets R.CCR.2; R.CCR.4; W.CCR.1; W.CCR.5; L.CCR.1 17. Process Writing OTHER 18. Discovery Learning Lesson Steps Check all that apply Lesson Steps Check all that apply Lesson Steps Check all that apply Lesson Steps Check all that apply Lesson Steps Check all that apply Initial Teach Independent Practice Independent Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Enrichment Enrichment Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Review Enrichment Enrichment 19. Mnemonic Cues 20. Technology tools 21. Differentiate questions as needed utilizing Bloom’s Taxonomy 22. Other Instructional Strategy LECTURE INQUIRY METHOD LITERACY STRATEGY STUDENT GROUPING QUESTION/ANSWER MEDIA PRESENTATION CLASS DISCUSSION TEACHER MODELING TACTILE/KINESTHETIC OTHER ________________ Instructional Strategy LECTURE INQUIRY METHOD LITERACY STRATEGY STUDENT GROUPING QUESTION/ANSWER MEDIA PRESENTATION CLASS DISCUSSION TEACHER MODELING TACTILE/KINESTHETIC OTHER ________________ Instructional Strategy LECTURE INQUIRY METHOD LITERACY STRATEGY STUDENT GROUPING QUESTION/ANSWER MEDIA PRESENTATION CLASS DISCUSSION TEACHER MODELING TACTILE/KINESTHETIC OTHER ________________ Instructional Strategy LECTURE INQUIRY METHOD LITERACY STRATEGY STUDENT GROUPING QUESTION/ANSWER MEDIA PRESENTATION CLASS DISCUSSION TEACHER MODELING TACTILE/KINESTHETIC OTHER ________________ DESCRIBE ACTIVITIES BELOW FOR EACH STRATEGY INDICATED. DESCRIBE ACTIVITIES BELOW FOR EACH STRATEGY INDICATED. DESCRIBE ACTIVITIES BELOW FOR EACH STRATEGY INDICATED. DESCRIBE ACTIVITIES BELOW FOR EACH STRATEGY INDICATED. Bellwork (Writing): In writing, students discuss an abstract concept in concrete terms. Concept: Fortune Bellwork (Writing): In writing, students discuss an abstract concept in concrete terms. Concept: Memory (Teacher out of class for Whole Faculty Study Group. Students report to Room 201 for class.) Speaking-Listening: Students review procedures for Socratic seminar. Speaking-Listening: Students present and discuss bellwork in whole group. Speaking-Listening: Students present and discuss bellwork in whole group. Initial Teach: Teacher introduces students to markers of satire. Initial Teach: Teacher reviews poetic elements with students. Reading-Literature, Writing: Using literary analysis checklist, students read and analyze Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal." Closing (SpeakingListening): Students identify thematic connections among Rand, Carson, and Swift. Reading-Literature, Writing: Using poetic elements checklist, students read and analyze A.E. Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young." Initial Teach: Teacher reviews preparations for Socratic seminar on courage. Closing (SpeakingListening): Reading-Informational, Reading-Literature, Writing: Using all works studied so far as well as studentprovided contributions, students prepare responses to teacherprovided guiding questions for Socratic seminar on courage. Instructional Strategy LECTURE INQUIRY METHOD LITERACY STRATEGY STUDENT GROUPING QUESTION/ANSWER MEDIA PRESENTATION CLASS DISCUSSION TEACHER MODELING TACTILE/KINESTHETIC OTHER ________________ DESCRIBE ACTIVITIES BELOW FOR EACH STRATEGY INDICATED. Speaking-Listening: Students participate in whole-group Socratic seminar concerning courage as expressed in Speaking-Listening: Ayn Rand's Anthem, Ben Students participate in Carson's America the whole-group non-content Beautiful, Jonathan Socratic seminar in Swift's "A Modest preparation for content- Proposal," A.E. based seminar Friday. Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young," and student-provided contributions. Writing: Students submit all prep work completed throughout the week. Testing Modifications 1. Oral testing 2. Shortened Test 3. Other: Materials Activity Materials Activity Materials Activity Materials Activity Materials Activity TEXT P# WORKBOOK P# SUPPLEMENTAL ENRICHMENT MANIPULATIVE RELATED EQUIPMENT OTHER TEXT P# WORKBOOK P# SUPPLEMENTAL ENRICHMENT MANIPULATIVE RELATED EQUIPMENT OTHER TEXT P# WORKBOOK P# SUPPLEMENTAL ENRICHMENT MANIPULATIVE RELATED EQUIPMENT OTHER TEXT P# WORKBOOK P# SUPPLEMENTAL ENRICHMENT MANIPULATIVE RELATED EQUIPMENT OTHER TEXT P# WORKBOOK P# SUPPLEMENTAL ENRICHMENT MANIPULATIVE RELATED EQUIPMENT OTHER Assessment Describe Assessment Describe Assessment Describe Assessment Describe Assessment Describe FORMATIVEBellwork; Closing; Annotation FORMATIVEBellwork; Closing; Annotation FORMATIVEBellwork; Closing; Seminar prep SUMMATIVE SUMMATIVE SUMMATIVE OTHER OTHER OTHER FORMATIVESeminar SUMMATIVE OTHER FORMATIVE SUMMATIVESocratic seminar OTHER RETEACH/REMEDIATION General: See list on right for ideas or add your own. RETEACH/REMEDIATION General: See list on right for ideas or add your own. RETEACH/REMEDIATION General: See list on right for ideas or add your own. RETEACH/REMEDIATION General: See list on right for ideas or add your own. RETEACH/REMEDIATION General: See list on right for ideas or add your own. After following conference procedure, students are permitted to revise assignments to improve grade. After following conference procedure, students are permitted to revise assignments to improve grade. After following conference procedure, students are permitted to revise assignments to improve grade. After following conference procedure, students are permitted to revise assignments to improve grade. After following conference procedure, students are permitted to revise assignments to improve grade. Spartan Learning Period Activities Guided Intervention for English III and English IV