Släckmedel (engelsk version) Miljökrav Information/ Krav Verifiering Ska/ Bör Till kravställaren För utförlig information om typer av släckmedel se: TO AF ALLM 900-4C Brandsläckmedel För intern styrning inom kemiområdet, se TjF avseende livscykelansvar för kemiska produkter och varor innehållande farliga kemiska ämnen. Krav 1 och 2 ska ställas oavsett typ av släckmedel. Observera att det finns tre alternativ avseende tillhandahållandet av säkerhetsdatablad (a1, a2 och a3). Välj ett krav, ta bort de övriga Krav 3, 4 och 5 är endast tillämpliga vid upphandling av skumsläckmedel. Ta inte med denna text i anbudsförfrågan. Haloner och HFC-ämnet 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-propan (HFC 236fa, DeugenN) får användas som släckmedel i vissa slutna utrymmen men är strängt reglerade i lagstiftningen. Observera dock att haloner inte får användas där det finns godtagbara alternativ, exempelvis i stridsfordon. Förutom dessa krav ska leverantörens arbete inom kemiområdet kravställas genom att FMV klausulen ”Kemiska ämnen/produkter/varor” används i de kommersiella villkoren för upphandlingen. 1. List of fire-extinguishing media a. The supplier shall list the fire-extinguishing media that is part of the firefighting equipment. b. The list shall include trade name and/or chemical name, weight/volume, and information if safety data sheets are required by Regulation (EC) no FMV version 3 Information requirement a, b and c: The supplier’s list with required information. Shall Släckmedel (engelsk version) Miljökrav Information/ Krav Verifiering Ska/ Bör 1907/2006 (Reach). c. For fire-extinguishing media covered by the requirement on safety data sheets, the list shall clearly state which safety data sheet corresponds to which fire-extinguishing media. 2. Safety data sheets Krav a1, a2 och a3 är olika alternativ. Välj ett av kraven beroende på vid vilken tidpunkt säkerhetsdatablad ska lämnas av leverantören. Ta bort övriga krav! Ta inte med denna text i anbudsförfrågan. a1. If a safety data sheet is required for the fire-extinguishing medium, the supplier shall include that in the quotation. The safety data sheet shall be in Swedish, if the chemical product is put on the market in Sweden, and compiled according to Regulation (EC) no 1907/2006 (Reach) Annex II (with amendments). Otherwise, the safety data sheet shall be in English. a2. If a safety data sheet is required for the fire-extinguishing medium, the supplier shall provide that at the latest [insert time period] before first delivery. The safety data sheet shall be in Swedish, if the chemical product is put on the market in Sweden, and compiled according to Regulation (EC) no 1907/2006 (Reach) Annex II (with amendments). Otherwise, the safety data sheet shall be in English. a3. If a safety data sheet is required for the fire-extinguishing medium, the supplier shall provide that at the first delivery. FMV version 3 a1. Current safety data sheet compiled according to Regulation (EC) no 1907/2006 (Reach) Annex II (with amendments). Requirement Shall a2 and a3: Supplier’s assurance that a safety data sheet will be sent according to the requirement. Släckmedel (engelsk version) Miljökrav Information/ Krav The safety data sheet shall be in Swedish, if the chemical product is put on the market in Sweden, and compiled according to Regulation (EC) no 1907/2006 (Reach) Annex II (with amendments). Otherwise, the safety data sheet shall be in English. 3. PFOS Fire-extinguishing media shall not contain PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonate) Requirement or PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) or salts or derivatives thereof. 4. FTOH Fire-extinguishing media should not contain FTOH (fluorotelomeralcohol) or Requirement derivatives thereof, such as 6:2 fluorotelomersulfonate (6:2 FTS). 5. Other fluoro-containing surfactants a. If the fire-extinguishing medium contains fluoro-containing substances other than PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonate), PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid), FTOH (fluorotelomeralcohol) or derivatives thereof, the chemical name of the substance(s) should be provided. b. If the fire-extinguishing medium contains fluoro-containing substances other than PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonate), PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid), FTOH (fluorotelomeralcohol) or derivatives thereof, the substance(s) concentration and its aquatic toxicity data, biodegradability data, and bioaccumulation data shall be provided.1 1 The testing of aquatic toxicity should be performed according to OECD Guidelines 201 for algae, 202 for arthropods and 203 for fish, or other comparable methods. Aquatic toxicity tests from three different trophic levels should be accounted for. The biodegradability test should be performed according to any of the OECD Guidelines 301 A-F or other comparable methods. Bioaccumulation potential may be tested according to OECD Guideline 305 or estimated using acceptable QSAR methods. FMV version 3 Information requirement Verifiering Ska/ Bör Supplier’s assurance. Shall Supplier’s assurance. Should Supplier’s information. Shall/ Should Släckmedel (engelsk version) Miljökrav 6. Information regarding substances/compounds on the Candidate list or on Annex XIV in Reach a. For chemical products (substances and mixtures) the supplier shall inform of potential contents of substances/compounds on the Candidate list. ( b. For chemical products (substances and mixtures) the supplier shall inform of potential contents of substances/compounds on Annex XIV in Regulation (EC) no 1907/2006 (Reach). If the chemical products contain substances/compounds on Annex XIV subjected to authorization, the authorization permit shall be included in the quotation. FMV version 3 Information/ Krav Verifiering Ska/ Bör Information requirement a and b: Supplier’s assurance that all required information on substances/compounds on the Shall Candidate list or on Annex XIV in Reach is included. Requirement Authorization permit. Shall