
Supporting Information Table S1
Table S1 Some references explicitly suggesting that Heinrich stadial-1 was colder and
drier than the last glacial maximum in western Europe and 2σ ranges of the calibrated
ages of two charcoal fragments reported by de Lafontaine et al. (2014) completely
included within Heinrich stadial-1 interval.
Age of climatic
(cal kyr BP)
~17.9 - ~14.8
17.6 - 14.9
Type of data
Evidence for HS1 being colder and/or drier
than global LGM
Marine records (cores
from the Gulf of Cadiz,
Alborán and
Thyrrhenian Seas)
Marine record
(Portuguese margin
Marine record
(Portuguese margin
SST lower during HS1 than global LGM
(alkenone measurements)
Cacho et al., 2001
Sea surface cooling (planktonic foraminiferal
de Abreu et al., 2003
Sea surface cooling (dinocyst record;
alkenone unsaturation ratios) and maximum
extension of dry steppes (pollen record)
during HS1
Sea surface cooling (planktonic foraminiferal
δ18O record) and AMOC shutdown (Pa/Th
Cessation of calcite growth
Turon et al., 2003;
Bard et al., 2000
HS1 colder and drier than global LGM
(model simulation); decrease in arboreal taxa
during HS1 (model simulation and pollen
Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
unusually cold; northwest Europe dominated
by hypercold winters
Two-phase climatic succession during HS1:
a cold and humid episode (decrease of Pinus)
followed by a dry and cool phase (increase in
semi-desert plants) (pollen records)
Reduction of arboreal pollen and expansion
of semi-desert vegetation during HS1 (pollen
Lower fluvial discharge indicates increased
aridity in the Pyrenees and the Alps during
HS1 (K/Al ratio)
Shallow lake level, saline waters and reduced
productivity during HS1 (paleohydrological
Global LGM was not a cold extreme but a
period of warming as compared to
surrounding HSs (multiple paleohydrological
Cessation of calcite growth
Kageyama et al., 2005
LGM survival of Picea and Abies followed
by their disappearance during HS1 (pollen
Severe cold and dry condition with
expansion of semi-desert/steppic and forest
contraction during HS1 (pollen records)
Kelly et al., 2010
AMOC shutdown and colder conditions
during HS1 (Planktonic foraminiferal δ18O
record, lithic and foraminiferal counts
portray a sequence of events through HS1)
HS1, not global LGM, was the coldest and
most arid period (multiproxy records from
continental sequences)
Stanford et al., 2011
Europe: cool and dry stadial during HS1
when vegetation returned to its glacial state
Clark et al., 2012
~17.7 - ~14.7
17.5 - ~14.7
Marine record (Bermuda
Sea core)
Grotte Chauvet,
southern France
simulation &
ODP site 976
~24 - 14.6
16.6 - 14.4
Terrestrial record
Model - data (from
Alborán Sea core)
17.5 - 14.5
Review and perspective
~18.2 - ~14.9
Marine records (cores
from the Galician
17.5 - 14.7
Marine record (Alborán
Sea core)
~17.3 - ~14.7
Marine record (Balearic
Sea core)
Lake Estanya,
northeast Spain
18 - 14.5
Lake sediments
Western Iberian
18- 15
Compilation of 11
marine records along
western Iberian margin
El Pindal Cave,
northeast Spain
Bodmin moor,
~18 - ~15
Terrestrial record
Terrestrial record
(pollen analysis)
~19 -14.6
17.5 - 14.5
World (Europe)
17.5 - 14.7
17.5 - 14.5
? - ~14.6
Compilation of 117
terrestrial and marine
pollen records
throughout Europe
Marine record from
Eirik Drift
Compilation of 12
reconstructions from
lake sediments
Compilation of 69 SST
records and EOF
McManus et al., 2004
Genty et al., 2005
Denton et al., 2006
Naughton et al., 2007,
Fletcher & SanchezGoñi, 2008
Frigola et al., 2008
Morellón et al., 2009
Eynaud et al., 2009
Moreno et al., 2010
Fletcher et al., 2010
Moreno et al., 2012
19.5 - 14.7
19 - 14.5
Ayoó mire,
northwest Spain
Pinus sylvestris
16.4 - 13.6
Marine record (core
from the Sea of
Marine records from
Faeroe margin, Celtic
margin, Vöring plateau
Reduction of arboreal pollen and expansion
of semi-desert vegetation during HS1 (pollen
Sharp cooling and sea-ice development
during HS1 (abundance of polar planktonic
foraminifera and coarse lithic grain
Dry and cold climate; the most unfavorable
conditions for plant growth (pollen record)
Valsecchi et al., 2012
Caulle et al., 2013
Terrestrial record
Morales-Molino &
(pollen analysis)
García-Antón, 2014
2σ =16.2-16.7
Soil macrofossil
de Lafontaine et al.,
Fagus sylvatica
2σ =15.8-14.8
Soil macrofossil
de Lafontaine et al.,
AMOC, Atlantic meridional overturning circulation; EOF, empirical orthogonal function; HS1, Heinrich stadial-1; LGM, global last
glacial maximum; SST, sea surface temperature
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