Nutrition Unit STUDY GUIDE

Nutrition Unit STUDY
 Types of NUTRIENTS
o BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate
o Saturated
o Unsaturated
o Trans
o Cholesterol
 Minerals, Vitamins, Supplements, electrolytes
 Amino Acids
 Glycogen
 Scurvy, Anemia
 Dehydration
 Homeostasis
 Nutrient Density
 Understand Food Pyramid
 Daily Recommended Values
o Based on how many calories?
 Components of a food label
 Body Mass Index
 Obesity
 Fad Diets
 Types of Diets
 Anti-Oxidants
1. Amino Acids: small units that are bound together chemically to form proteins.
2. Metabolism: the chemical process by which the body breaks down food to release energy.
3. Carbohydrate: a nutrient made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that supply energy.
4. Calories: unit for the amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down.
5. Protein: a nutrient that contains nitrogen as well as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; needed for the
growth and repair of body tissues.
6. Nutrients: a substance in food that the body needs to regulate bodily functions, promote growth,
repairs body tissues and obtains energy.
 7. Fats: a nutrient made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; supplies energy, forms cells, maintains body
temperature and protects nerves.
 8. Fiber: a type of complex carbohydrate that is found in plants and is necessary for the proper
functioning of the digestive system.
 9. Trans Fat: the type of fat produced when manufacturers add hydrogen to the fat molecules in the
vegetable oil.
 10. Cholesterol: a waxy, fat like substance that is found only in animal products.
 11. Vitamins: a nutrient that is made by living things is required in small amounts and assists in chemical
reactions in the body.
 12. Fat Soluble Vitamins: which dissolve in fatty material. Vitamins A, D, E
 13. Sodium: mineral, important in functioning of the heart and water balance can raise blood pressure.
 14. Mineral: a nutrient that occurs naturally in rocks or soil; needed by the body in small amounts.
 15. My Pyramid Plan: a plan that groups foods according to types and indicates how much of each type
should be eaten daily for a healthy diet.
 16. Unsaturated Fats: a fat with at least one unsaturated bond in place where hydrogen can be added to
the molecule.
 17. Nutrient-Dense Food: a food that contains lots of vitamins and minerals relative to the number of
calories but is low in saturated fat, Trans fat, added sugar and salt.
 18. Antioxidant: a vitamin that helps protects healthy cells from the damage caused by the normal aging
process as well as certain types of cancer.
 19. Dehydration: a serious deduction in the body’s water content.
 20. Saturated Fats: a fat that has all the hydrogen the carbon atoms can hold.
 1. Overweight: term used to describe a person who is heavier than the standard for the person’s height.
 2. Body Composition: a measure of how much body fat a person has as compared to muscle and bone.
 3. Body Mass Index (BMI): a ratio of a person’s weight to height. BMI = [weight / height^2]* 703
 4. Hunger: a feeling of discomfort caused by the body’s need for nutrients.
 5. Appetite: a desire for food based more on emotional and other factors than on nutritional need.
 6. Vegan: a person who does not eat food from any animal source.
 7. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): the rate at which a person uses energy when the body is at rest.
 8. Nutrient Dense Food: a food that contains lots of vitamins and minerals relative to the number of
calories but is low in saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, and salt.
 9. Daily Values: recommendations that specify the amounts of certain nutrients that the average person
should obtain every day.
 10. Fasting: refraining from eating
 11. Food Allergy: the immune systems response to the proteins in certain foods.
 12. Fad Diet: Popular diets that may help a person lose or gain weight but without proper regard for
nutrition and other health issues.
 13. Obesity: condition in adults who have a body mass index of 30 or higher.
 14. Type 2 Diabetes: is a disease in which the body does not properly use insulin, a substance that
controls blood glucose levels.
 15. Anorexia: eating disorder in which a person doesn’t eat enough food to maintain a healthy weight.
 16. Food Intolerance: the inability to digest a particular food or food additive.
 17. Mega Dose: over dosage. Not a wise investment.
 18. Bulimia: an eating disorder in which a person has uncontrolled eating binges followed by purging.
 19. Food Labels: lists specific nutritional facts about the food including calories, nutritional content, and