LAKEWOOD ELEMENTARY – OCTOBER HOT LUNCH ORDER FORM ***ORDERS DUE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2015*** ***NO LATE OR PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED*** Student Name:_________________________ Homeroom Teacher: ________________________ TUESDAY – PIZZA October 13th ____ at $1.50 each = October 20th ____ at $1.50 each = October 27th ____ at $1.50 each = Total Pizza Order: $ FRIDAY – HOT LUNCH October 9th - Panzerotti ____ at $3.50 each = October 16th – Turkey Sub ____ at $3.50 each = October 23rd – Chicken Wrap ____ at $3.50 each = October 30th - Pita PitComplete attached form ____ at $4.50 each = Total Friday Hot Lunch Order: $ (Total of Tuesday and Friday Orders) GRAND TOTAL: An order form must be completed for EACH child and with the child’s name indicated on the form. Please send payment with EACH child. DO NOT COMBINE PAYMENTS! We prefer the orders to be paid by cheque, made payable to Lakewood Elementary. Paying by cash MUST be paid with EXACT change as change cannot be given, and will be considered a donation to the school. PLEASE NOTE: If your child is away on a food day, the food item will NOT be saved or refunds given. OFFICE USE ONLY o Cheque o Cash