Middle School Book Club Permission Slip

Round Lake Middle School
2000 North Lotus Drive
Round Lake Heights, IL 60073
Telephone (847) 270-9400
Fax (847-270-9419
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We will once again be offering a book club program to the students of Round Lake Middle School.
Students who participate will read a portion of a book each week and discuss it in an informal setting
over lunch. This will be an opportunity for students to discuss literature in a way that may be new to
them. Students will be encouraged to share how the book makes them think and feel.
My hope is that through participation in these talks, students will learn to appreciate literature in a
new way. Please read and sign the attached permission slip if you would like your student to
participate in one of these clubs.
Students who participate in these book talks will meet once per week in the guidance office and will
be allowed to bring their lunch up from the cafeteria.
Please have your student return this form to their homeroom teacher as soon as possible
Thank You,
Raymond D. Russo
Guidance Counselor
I give my child ___________________________________________ permission to participate in the
lunch time book talk on the following book(s).
_____ The Clique
_____ Define Normal
_____ The Truth About Truman School
Student’s Homeroom Teacher: ______________________________ Lunch Period: _________
Parent Signature______________________________________ Date______________________
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