Course Schedule: Statutory Requirements (EDUC 511) Time 9:00 – 12:30 Monday, August 12 Tuesday, August 13 Wednesday, August 14 Thursday, August 15 Friday, August 16 Welcome to UB Dr. van der Giessen Registration (Garden Level ‐ Library) Professionalism and the School Culture Mrs. Kimberly Beck Classroom Management Strategies Dr. Janet Robinson School Policies, Rules and Regulations Dr. Ethan Margolis Provost Welcoming Remarks Dr. Allen Cook Dean Certification Issues Professor Joyce Cook Certification Officer 12:30 – 1:00 1:00 – 4:00 Lunch 10:00 – Elementary/Bridgeport Assistant Superintendent 10:30 – Elementary/Waterbury Integrating Art and Music in the Classroom Prof. Frank Martignetti 11:00 – Elementary/Stamford 11:30 – Secondary Lunch Superintendent Music Faculty Prof. Gary Munch Art Faculty Lunch Advisement (1:30) Elementary: Recital Hall English: Carlson 117 Math : Dana Hall 129 Mandated Reporting Mr. Jason Blackwell Division of Children and Family Services What do Administrators Look for When Hiring a New Teacher? Mrs. Kimberly Gallo Science: Dana Hall 236 Music : ABC 307 Middle School: Carlson 103 Questions: Carlson 103 Lunch Lunch Classroom Management Strategies (continued) Meet Your Supervisor Interns : TBA Dr. Janet Robinson Principal Social Studies: Dana Hall 238 Engaging the Disengaged Student Mr. Sal Buchetto Dr. Anne Stuhlman Director of Curriculum Superintendent Traditional Students : TBA