Recent Minutes

(7/07/14) (2894)
Minutes of:
Council of the City of New Carlisle, Ohio
Regular Meeting
July 7, 2014
#1: Call to Order: This Meeting of Council was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor McGlothin.
#2: Roll Call: Roll Call showed the following Council Members to be present:
Mayor McGlothin; Mr. McIntire; Mr. Zsambok; Mr. Reynolds; Mr. Rick Lowrey; Mr. Krabacher and Vice
Mayor Mike Lowrey. All members present.
Staff present included the following individuals; City Manager, Mrs. Jones; Law Director; Miguel Pedraza;
Service Director, Howard Kitko; Finance Director, Colleen Harris; and Gene Collier, Clerk of Council.
#3 and #4: Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: The Invocation was presented by Pastor Jeff Christmas
of the First Baptist Church of New Carlisle, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
#5: Action on Minutes:
Regular Meeting, June 16, 2014: Motion to approve minutes as written, of June 16, 2014 meeting,
by Mr. Zsambok, second by Mr. Reynolds. No discussion on minutes. Vote: Yea 7: Mr. Rick
Lowrey; Mr. Krabacher; Mr. Mike Lowrey; Mayor McGlothin; Mr. McIntire; Mr. Zsambok; Mr.
Reynolds; Nay 0. Passed 7-0.
#6: Communications: None:
#7: City Manager’s Report: City Manager, Mrs. Jones started her report by deferring to the Service
Department discussion. Mr. Kitko, Service Director reported on the progress of the bike path crossing
lights on Rt. 235. Mr. Kitko shared that the crossing light equipment has arrived and that the project will
be completed within the next few weeks. Mrs. Jones then moved on to her informational items on her
report. Mrs. Jones shared that the Income Tax Committee met last week and we had 5 individuals attend;
we still have 3 to 4 who would like to attend; next meeting is August 13th @ 10am in the morning here at
the Shelter House; next meeting we will be setting timeline on what and when we will present to the
public; Mrs. Manneman has agreed to be the Committee’s Treasurer; Mrs. Jones discussed article in
Springfield News and Sun regarding the City of Lebanon putting an income tax issue on the ballot to pay
for City services; Mayor McGlothin shared that a lot of municipalities need additional funding to provide
basic services. Mrs. Jones discussed a thank you note that was included in Council’s packet; sent to Mrs.
Varga who assisted with soccer playing situation in Brubaker Park; Mrs. Jones thanked her for coming to
speak with her and Mr. Kitko about moving the soccer players from Brubaker Park to Smith Park; there
have not been any additional complaints from citizens. Mrs. Jones shared a memo that Fire Chief Phillips
gave her regarding safety issues and injuries resulting from the use of fireworks; Chief Phillips just wants
to get the word out. Mrs. Jones discussed the Community Garage Sale on July 19th; flyers are available at
the City Building; Mr. Bridge, Planning Director, is asking that individuals provide their name and
address if they are participating in the garage sale; he wants to publish locations in paper so that citizens
can hit all the sales in the City. CM Krabacher inquired about the progress on the deeds for the Twin
Creek Properties; Law Director; Miguel Pedraza, shared that the Prosecutor’s Office has already filed to
reopen 8 of deeds and he just received an e-mail to come in and sign to reopen some more of the deeds.
Mayor McGlothin asked if we have kept the buyer informed of the process; Mr. Pedraza said yes. CM
Reynolds asked a question about the condition of the surface on the bike trail bridge. CM Rick Lowrey
asked City Manager, Mrs. Jones, if the Twin Creeks Homeowner Association President has contacted her;
Mrs. Jones has attempted to contact, but has not had any contact; CM Rick Lowrey shared that the grass
is not being mowed around the retention pond. CM Mr. McIntire asked a question about traffic on Main
Street and Jefferson Street. Mayor McGlothin discussed the poor condition of the Smith Park Sign and
asked if we have inquired to any of the Churches of interest in helping paint the sign.
#8: Comments for Members of the Public: Mrs. Valarie Herdman, one of the 3 Managers at the City
Pool thanked CM Mike Lowrey; City Manager, Mrs. Jones; Service Director, Mr. Kitko; and City
Employee Victoria Portner for their help and support of City Appreciation Day at the pool. Mrs.
Herdman shared that 143 people attended and that was exceptional due to the raining weather. Mrs.
Herdman shared that Good Vibrations provided music; served combo meals in the concession stand and
every one had a great time. Mrs. Herdman said it was a great time for the citizens and she would like to
see it happen again next year. CM Mike Lowrey suggested that the time be extended in the future. CM
Rick Lowrey shared that he will talk with City Manager about extending the time next year.
#9: Committee Reports: None
(7/07/14) (2895)
A. Ordinance 14-32: The Clerk of Council read Ordinance 14-32 by title only. An Ordinance
amending Chapter 238 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of New Carlisle regarding the Division of
Fire. A motion to adopt Ordinance 14-32 as written was made by CM Rick Lowrey; second by CM
Reynolds. City Manager, Mrs. Jones shared that a compensation rate was not included in the original
ordinance for on-call staff. This ordinance establishes the rate for on-call pay.
Vote: Yea 7; Mr. Rick Lowrey; Mr. Krabacher; Mr. Mike Lowrey; Mayor McGlothin; Mr.
McIntire; Mr. Zsambok; Mr. Reynolds; Nay 0. Ordinance 14-32 passed 7-0.
B. Ordinance 14-33: The Clerk of Council read Ordinance 14-33 by title only. An Ordinance
authorizing the disposal of unneeded, obsolete, or unfit City property. A motion to adopt Ordinance 1433 as written was made by CM Mike Lowrey; second by CM Krabacher. City Manager, Mrs. Jones
shared that the City has accumulated old computers, old printers, old copiers and we are running out of
space and we need to get rid of them; Goodwill has a very nice program and will pick them up; City will
remove hard drives from computers and copiers prior to disposal; to protect confidentiality.
Vote: Yea 7; Mr. Mike Lowrey; Mayor McGlothin; Mr. McIntire; Mr. Zsambok; Mr. Reynolds;
Mr. Rick Lowrey; Mr. Krabacher; Nay 0. Ordinance 14-33 passed 7-0.
C. Ordinance 14-34(E): The Clerk of Council read Ordinance 14-34(E) by title only. An Ordinance
authorizing City Manager to enter into an agreement with Ohio Public Entity Consortium Health Care
Cooperative for health insurance for City Employees and declaring an emergency. A motion to adopt
Ordinance 14-34(E) as written was made by CM Reynolds; second by CM McIntire. City Manager,
Mrs. Jones, shared that the City was approached by this consortium and they will offer exact same health
coverage, with Medical Mutual, with a rate decrease of current premium of 2 ½ percent; our insurance
committee met and agreed to the change; this is an emergency ordinance because they need our
paperwork by August 1st to start September 1st; a regular ordinance would not have allowed us to meet the
date. Vote: Yea 7; Mr. Zsambok; Mr. Reynolds; Mr. Rick Lowrey; Mr. Krabacher; Mr. Mike
Lowrey; Mayor McGlothin; Mr. McIntire; Nay 0. Ordinance 14-34(E) passed 7-0.
D. Ordinance 14-35(E): The Clerk of Council read Ordinance 14-35(E) by title only. An Ordinance
adopting the Tax Budget for the City of New Carlisle, Ohio for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2015,
and submitting same to the Auditor of Clark County, Ohio and declaring an emergency. A motion to
adopt Ordinance 14-35(E) as written was made by CM Rick Lowrey; second by CM Reynolds.
City Manager, Mrs. Jones explained that herself; Mrs. Harris, Finance Director; Mr. Kitko, Service
Director; and Mr. Bridge, Planning Director, met and reviewed each line item. We use the framework
from this Tax Budget to do our regular budget in March.
Vote: Yea 7; Mr. Rick Lowrey; Mr. Krabacher; Mr. Mike Lowrey; Mayor McGlothin; Mr.
McIntire; Mr. Zsambok; Mr. Reynolds; Nay 0. Ordinance 14-35(E) passed 7-0.
#12. Other Business
A. City Offices Closed: Monday, September 1, 2014 for Labor Day.
B. Joint Government Meeting: Monday, September 29, 2014, @ 6:30pm @ Smith Park Shelter House
C. New Carlisle Crime Watch Meeting: Wednesday, July 9 @ 6:30pm at Smith Park Shelter House.
It was shared that CM Rick Lowrey and CM McIntire would attend the Crime Watch Meeting as
representatives of Council.
#13. Executive Session: None
#14. Return to Regular Session
#16: Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Mr. Zsambok.
Mayor, City of New Carlisle
Clerk of Council, City of New Carlisle