Strategies and Resources for Preparing Teachers for STEM

Strategies and Resources for Preparing Teachers for STEM Teaching and
Sarah McPherson
New York Institute of Technology
United States
Abstract: This presentation will address the frameworks, principles and standards constructs that
can be applied to STEM education for hands-on, inquiry, and project-based learning to meet the
goal of preparing students for pursuing STEM related fields in college and careers. Teacher
preparation in content, pedagogy and technology helps teachers to be able to help their students
reach their goals This presentation will provide an overview of Next Generation Science standards
designed to reform curriculum and may encourage study and careers in STEM. The TPACK
framework will be presented as a guide for integrating technology in content and pedagogy. The
principles and guidelines for Universal Design for Learning provide more specific direction for
features of technology and instructional materials so that all students have the opportunity to
participate and make progress in the general education curriculum and instruction.
Knowledge in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is becoming
increasingly important for students’ academic success and their preparation for the workforce.
STEM related fields are increasing and, as they increase, the demand increases for more people
with STEM skills. The discoveries and innovations in STEM fields can drive the future of our
economy and the job prospects of our young people. Therefore, preparing teachers for teaching
STEM is a national priority (U.S. Department of Education, Blueprint for Reform of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act pp. 26-27).
In order to prepare teachers to teach STEM we need a framework that establishes the relevance
and interdisciplinary connections of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. There
are several approaches to consider including Next Generation Science Standards, STEM and
technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK), Common Core Curriculum, and the
application of principles of Universal Design for Learning in STEM which come together as
dimensions to consider for preparing teachers to teach STEM.
Next Generation Science Standards
The Next Generation Science Standards describes key scientific ideas and practices that all
students should learn by the time they graduate from high school. The project has focused on
what it takes to help all students become literate in science, mathematics and technology. The
thinking is that all citizens should be science literate with basic knowledge of the natural world
and the principles of science and scientific thinking and they should understand the
interdependence of science, mathematics and technology and its human, personal and social
purpose and impact on our global society.
Kesidou and Kopopal (2004) recommend showing relevance in science education. Making the
instruction relevant is key to students learning. Key questions a teacher should consider are:
Does the activity or materials address critical thinking and problem solving? Does the activity or
materials focus of the ‘big ideas’ that provoke questioning and research? Does the activity or
material reflect the appropriate level of the learner? Teachers should consider these questions
when planning their STEM instruction so that students are engaged and challenged to explore
and find information. This ownership of the learning will develop their knowledge and skills
toward becoming scientifically literate.
A New York City high school teacher described a project she did with her students that
illustrates relevance beautifully. The project was on the human impact on the environment. Her
students were to identify environmental issues within their own neighborhood. Once they
identified a problem the students then had to develop the solution. One of her students identified
the problem of insufficient drinking water in a crowded home in a poverty stricken area of the
city. The solution involved population density, water resources, and other aspects of cleanliness
and sanitation – all aspects of STEM. This high school teacher reported that she learned the
value of creating projects that engage students. The process was to find out the students’ interests
and then allow the students to identify problems and issues they have seen in their neighborhood
and to design possible solutions. These projects gave students the opportunity to consider their
design solutions from multiple perspectives and to apply the scientific method to their
experiments with various solutions. The student-developed projects exemplify the
interdisciplinary curriculum of STEM and included disciplines of writing, reading, and
geography as well.
Kesidou and Kopopal (2004) also suggest that we “pay attention to what the students are
thinking” (p.7). Students perceptions of scientific phenomena should be explored and expanded
– not dismissed as incorrect. Questioning related to validity and plausibility can lead to expand
or perhaps, change students’ perceptions to better develop their understanding of the scientific
concepts. For example, a fifth grade teacher in New York City had her class conduct an
experiment about chromatography as a hands-on investigation of colors. Her students already
had notions of what colors are, of course, but with a simple experiment of dipping coffee filters
in water they observed formation of colors from a completely new perspective, thus expanding
their understanding of color and light. Students began explaining what they saw and drawing
scientific conclusions from their observations. While the students conducted the investigation
and developed their own conceptual knowledge of color theory, the teacher became the
facilitator of the learning. The learning was no long teacher-centered but rather student-driven.
Students were leading the discussions, asking questions, and drawing each other into the learning
in a very scientific inquiry-based way.
The final recommendation is to use effective instructional strategies. Research proven strategies
include hands-on projects; use of appropriate age, grade and reading level materials; real-world
activities; and connections to background knowledge. The 2011 Nation’s Report Card states that
“students doing hands-on projects in class more frequently score higher” (p.10) on the National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2011 Science Assessment. The Nation’s Report
Card for 2011 also says that students who work together often, at least weekly, on science
projects scored higher than students who did not have the same opportunity. These assessment
results indicate that learning by doing helps students understand STEM concepts and apply them
in the discovery and development of their own scientific knowledge. For example, the concept of
erosion can be rather abstract since it happens over an extended period often over thousands of
years. However a New York City elementary teacher was able to simulate the process with a
hands-on experiment using materials such as rocks, sand, and spray bottles. As students observed
what happened to the sand, rocks and water, they developed their own explanations and
descriptions of the erosion process. The teacher reported that the students were the drivers of
their own learning as they collaborated with their classmates about their observations. The
hands-on approach, experimentation and collaboration used in this experiment are tried and true
pedagogical strategies for effective instruction, particularly in STEM content areas.
Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge (TPACK)
The TPACK framework serves a useful way to explore technologies and how they support
learning in any content area (Koehler & Mishra, 2009). The TPACK framework is the complex
interplay of content, pedagogy and content. As the diagram in Figure 1 suggests, TPACK is
three dimensional to represent the complex interaction at the intersection of each circle and at the
intersection of all three circles, which is at the center where the Technological Pedagogical
Content Knowledge (TPACK) occurs.
Koehler and Mishra (2009) describe planning for effective technology integration in any specific
subject area as a dynamic thought process for considering the relationship between the content,
the pedagogy and the technology in the context of the unique learning environment. Every
learning environment is unique depending on the teacher, the students, the grade level, the
demographics, and the school culture so that the combination of technology, content and
pedagogy is different for every teacher and every class. The rapid changes in technology
available for teaching complicate a straightforward process of integrating technology into
teaching and learning. Therefore, the TPACK framework is an approach to guide the design
effective technology integration for specific content areas and in specific classroom contexts.
The first step in planning for technology integration is to consider the content – what should be
taught? If an integrated content area, such as STEM, is the subject then the teacher will need to
be knowledgeable in each discipline and understand how they interconnect with each other.
STEM is a unique content area that acknowledges the interdependence of science, technology,
engineering and mathematics. STEM teachers will have content knowledge that includes the
scientific method, evidence-based reasoning, principles of engineering design and constraints,
and mathematical theories and constructs, and technology applications that support their content
The next step is to consider the pedagogy – what do methods of teaching and learning are used?
Pedagogy is the knowledge of how students learn, classroom management skills, lesson planning
and assessment (Koehler & Mishra, 2009). Teachers who understand and apply cognitive, social
and development theories of learning in the classroom have deep pedagogical knowledge.
Pedagogy may be different for specific content areas. Project-based learning, hands-on
instruction, or inquiry learning may be more applicable to STEM instruction. The depth of
pedagogical knowledge coupled with content knowledge leads to effective teaching and learning
in a STEM classroom. The challenge is to have a sufficient STEM content knowledge, and
effective pedagogical knowledge to make the learning effective, challenging and engaging.
The third ring of the TPACK framework is the technology – what technology will enhance the
teaching and learning of the content? Technology knowledge as defined by Koehler and Mishra
(2009) defines technology broadly as applications for productivity, information processing,
communication, and problem solving. As technology changes it is important to consider the
evolution of applications and open-ended interactions technology brings into the context of
teaching and learning environment. In a professional development project, called Research
Experience for Teachers funded by the National Science Foundation in fall 2008, teachers
designed lessons for integrating technology into engineering topics with science and
mathematics (Grable, L. et. al. (2011). The researchers applied the TPACK framework for the
integrating the content and student learning process. The professional development included
resources to enhance conceptual understanding, strategies for the design of inquiry-based lessons,
and opportunities for collaboration. At the time, the university researchers had access to a suite
of technology tools for teaching engineering, and the teachers had access to online resources
such as Discovery Learning. However, technology quickly changes. Therefore, it was useful to
use a framework that supports the flexible knowledge teachers need to integrate technology into
their teaching.
The TPACK framework allows teachers to focus on technology as ‘ecological’ approach to
integrating technology rather than as an ‘add-on’ as they consider the interconnectedness of
technology, content and pedagogy in the context of the educational setting (Basham, Israel, &
Maynard 2010). We know that the educational setting includes a diverse student population with
varying demographics, ability levels, and socio-economic backgrounds. An ecological view of
STEM education would take into account the complexity and variability of the classroom context.
Teachers need to focus on the successful learning of all students including those with disabilities
(Basham, Israel, & Maynard, 2010). If the focus of STEM education is to increase STEM
literacy, critical thinking, higher student achievement, and to prepare all students for the 21st
century workforce, then this focus includes all. Therefore it is increasingly important to provide
all students with access and opportunities to meaningful learning experiences so that they are
successful in gaining knowledge and skills in STEM content. Access and opportunities may
entail a redesign of curriculum and modern instructional materials including technology
integrated into instruction. Traditional instruction may not benefit all students, especial those
with disabilities. Textbooks are often written at inappropriate reading levels making it difficult
for students who struggle with traditional instruction involving extensive reading and writing.
Universal Design for Learning
All too often classroom instruction is text-based, reading and writing, using the textbooks layout
for presenting material for students to read and checking for understanding by their answering
questions at the end of the chapter. However this approach does not serve all students, especially
those with diverse learning styles and reading levels below grade level. The challenge is for
general education to provide learning opportunities that are inclusive and effective for all
students. Researchers at the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) have develop a
framework called Universal Design for Learning (UDL) that “provides a blueprint for creating
instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone--not a single,
one-size-fits-all solution but rather flexible approaches that can be customized and adjusted for
individual needs” (Rose & Meyer, 2002). Following the principles of UDL can facilitate the
design of curriculum that provides options for how information is presented, how students
demonstrate what they have learned, and how students are engaged in learning. The principles
of UDL are based on brain research that identified three major neural networks for learning:
recognition, strategic and affective.
In the STEM classroom the UDL principles can easily apply to designing curriculum and
instructional activities that will be engaging for all learners. According to Ralabate (2011), four
interrelated components are considered in the UDL curriculum development process. Goals
refer to learning expectations. The Goals are what is being taught in the lesson. When designing
STEM instruction it is important to define the learning expectations – the knowledge, concepts
and skills the student needs to know and be able to do. We have the standards in the Common
Core curriculum (which will be discussed later in this chapter), which are procedural for learning
in content areas to attain critical thinking skills. STEM curriculum and instruction has specific
topics such as erosion, water quality, and chromatography - the examples we read about earlier.
Ralabate (2011) next mentions Methods which refers to the instructional strategies to support
student learning – the how students will be active learners and express their understanding of the
knowledge, concepts and skills of the lesson. The hands-on exploratory inquiry based activities
used in the lessons erosion and chromatography lesson are examples of how students can be
active learners, expressing their observations and understandings in multiple ways. The author
goes on to suggest that designing instruction that follows the principles of UDL consider the
Materials for multiple, varied and flexible for content presentation and demonstrating learning.
And finally, the Assessment refers to the variety of methods and materials for monitoring student
progress. Following the UDL principles the STEM teacher designs assessments that provide
evidence of student learning using varied and flexible tools. Assessments can facilitate students
self-monitoring of their own progress, and can guide self–regulation for sustaining interest, effort
and staying on task. The student engagement in monitoring progress can provide the why for
learning. The STEM classroom assessments are not paper/pencil tests but rather assess student’s
communication of what they learn through web 2.0 tools, such as comic strip makers, graphic
organizer mind map, authoring e-books, Glogsters, wikis and blogs – the possibilities are endless.
Web 2.0 tools are interactive web-based tools that allow users to write to the web. The format is
usually limited as a template with features that allow users to import graphics, video, sound,
music, and add text to create a web-based publication. The use of these tools is engaging for
students and, as a NYC fifth grade teacher said - it makes learning fun again.
Researchers at CAST have developed UDL Guidelines for each principle – Representation,
Action and Expression, and Engagement (CAST, 2011). For each principle the guidelines
provide options that teachers can use in designing their curriculum. For Representation options
for perception, for language, mathematical expression and symbol, and for comprehension are
suggested. For Action and Expression options include physical action, expression and
communication, and executive functions, such as goal setting, strategies, organization, and
progress monitoring. The options for Engagement deal with student interest, effort and
persistence, and self-regulation. The CAST researchers suggest that using these guidelines to
develop curriculum will result in learners who are resourceful and knowledgeable, strategic and
goal-directed, and purposeful and motivated. The guidelines and options are very specific in
their direction and can be useful in the STEM classroom as a way to approach planning that will
be appropriate for all learners.
In working with an Earth Science high school teacher in Comsewogue School District, in New
York, we conducted an analysis of some web 2.0 tools she uses in teaching to see how they align
with UDL Guidelines for Plate Tectonics unit she was planning. Her unit includes concepts of
plate tectonics, zones of crustal activity, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes as a natural
disaster. Students could use a variety of web 2.0 tools to expand their knowledge of plate
tectonics and seismic activity. In preparation for teaching unit she listed the web 2.0 tools she
planned to use and compared their features to the options listed in the UDL guidelines. Not
surprisingly, she found features of a number of web 2.0 programs correspond very closely with
the Guidelines options. Graphic organizers and writing 2.0 tools are examples of the alignments
she discovered for the three UDL principles and associated UDL Guidelines options.
The pedagogy she planned included note taking, labs, research, manipulative models, review and
assessment. The web 2.0 tools listed were used to organize information found from Internet
research using sites such as Hippocampus ( and Google Earth
( Hands-on
activities planned were to construct models using play dough and Paper Mache. Students were
given choices and flexibility in ways to explore and research plate tectonics and volcanoes. They
were also given choices in the assessment. They could chose how to demonstrate their
knowledge and understanding by creating a comic strip, a Prezi presentation, Animoto video, or
any other tool they wanted to use to communicate the concepts they learned.
STEM and Common Core
A challenge in classrooms today is how to engage students (Bybee, 2010). If instruction is at the
appropriate age, grade and developmental level then students can engage in the challenge or
problem that is set forth in and inquiry-based classroom. Student can research and explore
information and data to better understand the problem and then use critical thinking to analyze
the problem. As they understand the problem, STEM instruction, projects and hands-on inquiry
methods can lead to the design of solutions. The process for research, data analysis, posing
arguments, and solving problems are elements of the procedural knowledge in the Common Core
State Standards.
The Common Core State Standards address conceptual understandings and procedures to prepare
students for college and careers (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices,
Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010). Although the Standards are divided into
Mathematics and English Language Arts standards for content areas, of science, history, social
studies and technical subjects beginning in sixth grade are integrated into the English Language
Arts Standards. The procedural learning called for in the Standards reduces the
compartmentalization of content and allows students to explore and develop critical thinking
expertise using a range of modalities.
The key concepts in English Language Arts Reading students are to master is comprehension of
increasingly complex text as they advance through the grades. In Writing they are to master
various types and text and be able to produce written responses to reading and research.
Speaking and Listening requires a mastery of comprehension, communication and collaboration
through oral and interpersonal skills. In our digital age communication includes use of media
and social media for communication and collaboration. The concept of Language applies to
reading, writing, speaking and listening using the proper conventions of grammar, syntax, and
spelling, effective use of language and vocabulary for communication. These areas are basic
tenets of literacy vital in our society. The Common Core Standards bring to education a 21st
century interpretation of literacy with the mastery of new technologies as a component for
preparing for college and careers in the workforce.
The Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice are equally as robust in basic processes
for understanding mathematics. The standards require not only understanding mathematical
concepts but also critical thinking, beyond computation, for how to use mathematical concepts to
solve problems. As student apply higher-order thinking skills to mathematics they develop a
level of awareness of the authenticity and prevalence of mathematics in the real world. This
leads to using mathematics and mathematical tools for reasoning, constructing arguments based
on plausible assumptions with quantifiable and precise data for justification.
These tenets of the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematical
Practice are grounded in procedural learning handily applicable to STEM. The pedagogy in
project-based learning develops the procedural, strategic learning strategies student need to know
for mastery of the Common Core Standards. Teachers in a STEM certificate program at the New
York Institute of Technology use IntelTM Teach Elements as a resource for how to integrate
technology into STEM instruction. The IntelTM Teach Elements used in the certificate program
are 1) Project-based Approaches, 2) Collaboration in the Digital Classroom, and 3) Inquiry in
the Science Classroom. In 2012 the American Institutes for Research aligned the Elements with
the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematical Practices (Palacios,
The IntelTM Teach Elements Project-based Approaches guides teachers in the process of
designing project-based instruction – for organizing the curriculum, the learning environment
and the technology for 21st century projects. Assessment strategies include ways that students
demonstrate their knowledge and skills in open-ended projects. The Mathematical Practice
standards addressed include making sense of problems and problem solving, using tools
appropriately and with precision. A NYC teacher in the NYIT STEM program reported that she
used project-based learning and assessment strategies for teaching STEM in her classroom. The
projects engage her students and allow them to identify issues and design their own solutions
while applying the standards English Language Arts standards for reading, writing, speaking and
listening, and Mathematical Practice standards for problem solving, develop arguments with
quantifiable data, and using appropriate tools for mathematical practice and communication.
Students create interactive multimedia final projects using web-based tools. Tools for projects
are usually free online multimedia web 2.0 tools such Animoto, Glogster, VoiceThread, or Prezi,
but there are many and many more new ones rapidly becoming available. The resource list
includes commonly used web 2.0 tools. Interdisciplinary project-based learning for STEM
instruction works hand in hand with the procedural learning components of the Interdisciplinary
Common Core Standards.
The IntelTM Teach Elements Inquiry in the Science Classroom explains the inquiry process and
interactive activities that can be used in grades three through nine. It provides in-depth
information about the scientific process and inquiry, benefits, basic steps in the process, data
collection methods, how to design inquiry projects for the classroom and assessment strategies.
CAST has free online tools that can facilitate the writing process for science inquiry including
Science Writer (CAST, 2010) and the Book Builder (CAST 2009). The Science Writer guides
students through the process of using research-based strategies for a science report. Teachers
and students can use the Book Builder to write e-books combining text, images and audio in a
book format. CAST has developed animated characters called learning agents to provides
prompts and hints to model that reading skills. The creator of the book can script whatever the
animated characters should say to support the reading skills.
Cartoon builders such as Professor Garfield Comic Creator, MakeBeliefComix and ToonDoo
are popular writing tools for engaging students. Creative uses of comic strips are effective for
developing students English Language Arts reading, writing, and communication skills.
Comprehension, vocabulary and critical thinking are skills students need successful create
comics. Thematic topics can be assigned, students can collaborate, content knowledge can be
demonstrated and even contest can be used to evaluate the students’ creativity in their comic
strips. A comic strip can explain the digestive system
The IntelTM Teach Elements Collaboration in the Digital Classroom focuses on online
collaboration tools. Teachers explore ways to use collaboration tools to help students develop
thinking skills and content understanding relevant to authentic global issues. Teachers learn to
design projects that integrate collaborative tools for use with other classrooms locally or around
the world. Strategies for safe collaboration are included. As teachers develop STEM classroom
collaboration tools are easily applied for generating projects at multiple sites, collecting data
remotely or collaboratively with students in other classes, and applying analytical thinking skills
to data interpretation and problem solving. The issues student identify in their neighborhood,
such as available clean water, can be researched and the topic of collaboration with students in
other parts of the world. These tools enhance the STEM instruction and provide tools that
engage students to the point that they have skills to make decisions on STEM related issues
perhaps they will be interested in pursuing careers in STEM fields.
The integration of technology using interdisciplinary project-based learning is key for effective
STEM instruction. When speaking with a high school special education teacher at the Brooklyn
School for Career Development he was excited to share interdisciplinary project-based learning
projects he has done with his students. One was the High Cost of Fashion in Space for a literacy
fair held in District 75, the NYC special education district. Students were to select parts of a
space suit, research the layers and construct a sample space suit. Another project was using Lego
NXT robotics in the classroom. Students constructed a robot using different types of sensors
such as solar array or wind turbine and measured the amount of light from a flashlight or wind
from a fan needed to generate power to the robot.
The overview of the robotics lesson described a scenario in which students play the role of
scientists on a space station. The scenario goes on to say that a solar panel on the station has been
partially damaged or covered with debris. Their assignment is to conduct an investigation into
the effects of the limited usable surface area on the energy generated by the damaged solar panel
within a fixed period of time and to test and evaluate the effects of the reduced energy source.
The lesson goes on to describe the real world connections to renewable energy and alternative
energy sources. such as solar. The lesson plan includes vocabulary, research, critical thinking,
data collection and analysis, collaboration, hands-on design and development, testing and
evaluating. The integrated unit is steeped in STEM and meets the Common Core Standards for
English Language Arts and Mathematical Practice. Students were required to understand the
problem in the context of a scenario in space, create solutions, test the solutions, research,
comprehend, reason, problem solve, collect data, use the appropriate mathematical tools with
precision. All the key components of Common Core Standards are evident in this instructional
activity and … robots engage students. This lesson on robotics illustrates the depth and breadth
of knowledge and skills students can gain from an integrated hands-on project-based learning
experience. The intent of the Common Core is to prepare students for college and careers.
Reading this lesson plan and seeing the outcomes confirm that this lesson will indeed prepare
high school students, even those who learn differently, for a future in college or technical careers.
Preparing teachers for STEM instruction requires a change in the approach to teaching and
learning. An elementary special education teacher from Queens, NY says,
“Before learning about STEM I did a lot of direct teaching. The end result
was a boring lesson. I knew I needed to change my teaching style but did not
know how to do it. I never dreamed that STEM would change the way I
present my lessons to my students. My lessons are now more motivating and
interesting because I incorporate a lot of technology in them. I put more
thought into my lessons now than I ever did before. I feel that I have become
a more effective teacher because of STEM”.
STEM education can change the paradigm in the classroom. Teachers become the facilitators of
learning while students discover, explore, design, and question. Students take charge of their
learning – teachers are not on the stage, but rather they set the stage with scenarios, materials,
technology, and essential questions that trigger critical thinking, that are relevant to the realworld, and that engage students.
This presentation explores curriculum reform to encourage study and careers in STEM. The
TPACK framework was introduced as guide for integrating technology in content and pedagogy
– a logical application for STEM education. The principles and guidelines for UDL gave more
specific direction for features of technology and instructional materials so that all students have
the opportunity to participate and make progress in the general education curriculum and
instruction. The principles of UDL for representation, action and expression, and engagement are
clearly evident in the interdisciplinary hands-on approach to STEM. STEM education and
Common Core Standards are aligned in that both call for procedural learning – comprehension in
reading and communication in writing, speaking and listening as basic tenets of English
Language Arts, and problem solving, reasoning, precision and logic in the standards for
Mathematical Practice. These frameworks, principles and standards constructs suggest that
strategies applied to STEM education for hands-on, inquiry, and project-based learning will meet
the goals of effectively preparing students for pursuing STEM related fields in college and
careers. Teacher preparation in content, pedagogy and technology helps teachers to be able to
help their students reach their goals.
Basham, J.D., Israel, M. & Marynard, K. (2010). An ecological model of STEM education:
Opertionalizing STEM FOR ALL. Journal of Special Education Technology 25(3). 9-19.
Bybee, R. W. (2010). Advancing STEM education: A 2020 vision. Technology and Engineering
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Intel Corporation, (2009). IntelTM Teach Elements Project-Based Approaches.
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Kesidou, S. & Koppal, M. (2004). Supporting goals-based learning with STEM outreach,
Journal of STEM Education, Vol. 5 (3 and 4). AAAS Project 2061.
Koehler, M.J. & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge?
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education. 9(1). 60-70.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School
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Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C.
NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington,
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Palacios, L. (2012). IntelTM Teach Elements and Alignment to Common Core, American Institutes
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Ralabate, P.K. (2011). Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the Needs of All Students. ASHA
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