Thesis Rubric

Research Thesis Scoring Tool
IRA Standards (2003) addressed: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 5.4 ISTE Standards addressed: TF-I.B1; TF-III.A2; TF -VIII .D1
Thesis Weight
x .05 =
x .05 =
Literature Review
x .10 =
x .30 =
x .30 =
x .10 =
x .05 =
x .05 =
Thesis Evaluation
= Distinguished
3.89-3 = Proficient
2.9-1.5 = Developing
1.49-1 = Unsatisfactory
For your thesis to be approved, you must score at least 3 in each category of the rubric.
4 Distinguished
3 Proficient
2 Developing
1 Unsatisfactory
Abstract clearly and succinctly
states the purpose, describes
sample, summarizes methodology
and major findings in the
appropriate academic discourse.
Abstract is 100-150 words.
Abstract clearly and succinctly
states the purpose, describes
sample, summarizes methodology
and major findings. Abstract is
100-150 words.
Abstract addresses all or some
of the following: states purpose,
describes sample, summarizes
methodology and major
findings. Abstract is 100-150
Abstract fails to state the
purpose, describe sample,
summarize methodology and
major findings. Or Abstract is
Introduction Introduction clearly and succinctly Introduction clearly and succinctly Introduction states the
states in the appropriate academic states the problem/issue,
problem/issue, rationale,
Introduction fails to state the
problem/issue, rationale,
research question and the
significance of the study.
discourse the problem/issue,
rationale, research question and
the significance of the study.
rationale, research question and
the significance of the study.
research question and the
significance of the study.
Literature review clearly and
succinctly synthesizes relevant
research on the topic with
appropriate headings, details the
parameters of the search, and
defines key terms in the
appropriate academic discourse.
The author consistently and
accurately follows APA guidelines.
Literature review clearly and
succinctly synthesizes relevant
research on the topic with
appropriate headings, details the
parameters of the search, and
defines key terms. The author
consistently and accurately follows
APA guidelines.
Literature review synthesizes
some relevant research on the
topic with appropriate headings,
details the parameters of the
search, and defines key terms.
The author inconsistently and/or
inaccurately follows APA
Literature review fails to
synthesize relevant research on
the topic with appropriate
headings, detail the
parameters of the search, and
define key terms. The author
inconsistently and/or
inaccurately follows APA
The Methodology section clearly
and succinctly describes types of
methodology used, characteristics
of the participants and context,
sampling procedures, methods of
inquiry, data collection processes,
data analysis processes and
limitations. Relevant citations
accurately follow APA Guidelines.
The Methodology section
describes some of the following:
types of methodology used,
characteristics of the
participants and context,
sampling procedures, methods
of inquiry, data collection
processes, data analysis
processes and limitations.
Relevant citations accurately
follow APA Guidelines.
The Methodology section fails
to describe types of
methodology used,
characteristics of the
participants and context,
sampling procedures, methods
of inquiry, data collection
processes, data analysis
processes and limitations.
Relevant citations do not
follow APA Guidelines.
Methodology The Methodology section clearly
and succinctly describes types of
methodology used, characteristics
of the participants and context,
sampling procedures, methods of
inquiry, data collection processes,
data analysis processes and
limitations in the appropriate
academic discourse. Relevant
citations accurately follow APA
The Results section clearly and
succinctly states findings or results
which are substantiated by
collected evidence in the
appropriate academic discourse.
Relevant tables and/or figures
accurately follow APA Guidelines.
The Results section clearly and
succinctly states findings or results
which are substantiated by
collected evidence. Relevant
tables and/or figures accurately
follow APA Guidelines.
The Results section states
findings or results which are
substantiated by collected
evidence. Tables and/or figures
do not follow APA Guidelines.
The Results section fails to
state findings or results which
are substantiated by collected
evidence. Tables and/or
figures do not follow APA
The Conclusions section includes
statements that are substantiated
by collected evidence and makes
relevant recommendations for
practice in the appropriate
academic discourse.
The Conclusions section includes
statements that are substantiated
by collected evidence and makes
relevant recommendations for
The Conclusions section includes
statements that are
substantiated by collected
evidence and makes relevant
recommendations for practice.
The Conclusions section fails to
include statements that are
substantiated by collected
evidence and make relevant
recommendations for practice.
The Reference List is complete and The Reference List is complete and The Reference List is incomplete The Reference List is
accurate (with fewer than 3
or inaccurate.
incomplete and inaccurate.
surface errors).
Overall , the thesis uses a
professional writing style and
completely follows the
specifications of the assignment.
The title page adheres to APA
Overall, the thesis uses an
appropriate writing style for a
formal setting and completely
follows the specifications of the
assignment. The title page
adheres to APA Guidelines.
Overall, the thesis inconsistently
uses an appropriate writing style
for a formal setting and
somewhat follows the
specifications of the assignment.
The title page adheres to APA
Overall, the thesis uses an
inappropriate writing style for
a formal setting, and does not
follow the specifications of the
assignment. The title page fails
to adhere to APA Guidelines.