Journal Report: Assignment Guidelines General Psychology 2301: Professor Fauria 1. A Journal Report based on a professional journal article you read and relevant to a psychological topic you choose is expected. Decide what topic you want to explore. Then, find a journal article related to that topic. You may find an article in print on the library stacks or electronically through one of our library’s search engines. Do not use an internet article retrieved through a common search tool such as Google and do not use an article from a book or magazine, such as, Psychology Today. Rather, find a professional article through the library’s database via the internet. Search engines such as Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, EBSCO Host, Academic Search Premier, Omni or Proquest databases are available through Lone Star College – Montgomery Library and the recommended ways to find your article. How to access such original research articles is demonstrated at the Bibliographic Instruction day listed in your course schedule. Additional, handouts to help you with the assignment will be distributed that day. If you miss this class please speak to a reference librarian about the assignment. 2. The psychology report should be at least three type printed pages long and double spaced. 81/2 x11 inch white paper should be used. Please no cover sheet or folder. Your name, course name and number, term and year, and Professor Fauria should be indicated on the upper right hand corner of the paper. 3. Report topics should be of interest to you. The article should be current from the years 2004 – 2009. The journal article needs to be Xeroxed and attached to your paper for my perusal. Your article must be cited at least two times in the body of your text APA style. This means you must incorporate a direct statement or idea from the researcher’s article and reference it properly within the text of your paper. In addition, your article must be properly listed on a References page at the end of the report on a separate sheet of paper. The library has proper APA citation handouts available or you may use Landmark Citation for help. This too will be discussed during the Bibliographic Instruction. 4. The Psychological Report must include 7 sections : 1) An introduction, which explains the topic and why you chose it, 2) a summary of the research design, its hypothesis, assumptions, and/or theory the author had on the topic, 3) a description of the study’s quantitative results and its measurements 4) the conclusions of the study 5) whether or not you agree with the study’s conclusion and what you might do to enhance the study 6) two reference citations in the text APA style and a 7) Reference List on a separate page. 5. No papers will be accepted by email. Points are deducted for late papers. Criteria for grading is: Topic Knowledge Organization Mechanics Creativity Total 40 points 30 points 20 points 10 points 100 points 40% 30% 20% 10% 100% *Please remember it is illegal to plagiarize. I want your ideas on the information read (except for the citations) regardless of whether or not you are a hundred percent accurate in your interpretation. It is your effort to understand the material I am interested in rather than the mastery of the material. Do not