Adelaide T. Peters Kutztown Area High School Family Tree Project- ACADEMIC You will follow these steps to create a multi-media family tree. FAMILY TREE Build a tree using Your tree will need to include people and dates. People (Goal of at least 5 generations.) Optional: You & Your Siblings Uncles/Aunts Parents Cousins Grandparents Nieces/Nephews Great grandparents Etc. Great-great-grandparents Dates: Births & Deaths Optional: The program provides you with many options to add additional details. I encourage you to add other significant events and details to relative’s entries such as marriages, baptisms, and graduations and the locations of these events. INTERVIEW: There are two directions you can take the interview. Both should begin with a clear introduction from you. Option 1: Record ALL conversations about the family tree in Garage Band. Focus on the building of the family tree and get a few short stories about people on the tree. Examples: Your Mom telling you about her birth date and place or her wedding date and location. Your grandfather telling you dates and names for your great-great grandparents. Your aunt showing you family photos and explaining who is who. Option 2: Focus more on family stories than the genealogy. Begin with a brief introduction using shots of the family tree but focus on the interviewee. Examples: Your parents telling you about their favorite memory of you as a child. Your grandparents telling you about their childhood and their parents. Your uncle telling you about one of your parents when they were children. The best projects are often a combination of Option 1 & 2. PHOTOGRAPHS: Scan family photographs you have access to into the computer. Be sure to label them so you can identify the people later. Adelaide T. Peters Kutztown Area High School ENHANCED PODCAST: Merge all these elements and record any additional narrative that is necessary. Add music if you wish. Family tree must also be uploaded and submitted the same day as the podcast. Final project will include: Screen shots of the family tree (use Grab) Family photographs Audio from interviews Your audio Music (optional- no lyrics) DUE DATE: This project is due no later than Friday, April 1. If you turn it in by 3:00 PM on Friday, March 25 you are eligible for 5 bonus points if the project is turned in complete. Incomplete projects will not be given bonus points. Adelaide T. Peters Kutztown Area High School Family Tree Podcast- Rubric ACADEMIC Family Tree/ Excellent (10) Podcasting Elements Introduction -Tells the audience what to expect in the podcast. -Tells who is speaking -Gives the date -Gives the location Name_________________________________ Good (8) Is missing at least 2 of the elements needed in the introduction: -What to expect -Who is speaking -Date -Location Images -The images used are -Timing of the audio Family Tree, relevant to the and images is not Photographs, Other speaker, match what synchronized Relevant Images is being said in the -The images are podcast, and unclear or need to be synchronize with the resized x2 audio Audio and Music -Speech is easily -Some parts need to heard and makes be rerecorded to sense. give them better - A logical order of sound. information is given - A logical order of that follows the information is given introduction. that follows the - Music (if used) is introduction. ducked, is -Sound levels need instrumental only, to be adjusted. and adds to the -Need to duck music mood of the podcast. Information - Makes sense - Some detailed - Keeps to the topic information is as introduced included for one - Gives some individual interesting details - More information is about some needed to provide individuals family history Poor (6) Is missing more than 2 of the elements needed in the introduction: -What to expect -Who is speaking -Date -Location - Images are irrelevant to audio - Images are missing - Color and font choices make images hard to see - Is hard to hear - - A logical order of information is not apparent - Background noises need lowering or omitting - Needs to duck music -Music includes lyrics - Needs more information added - No details on any family member are included Adelaide T. Peters Kutztown Area High School Interview (s) Time: Family Tree x3 -Questions are -Questions only -Needs to ask relevant to the address the family tree questions that do not building of the family and no additional have yes or no tree OR information/stories are answers -Open-ended told -Needs to stay on questions draw -Questions are off topic topic interesting and -Needs more relevant information information from the interviewee -Follow up questions are relevant -The interview sounds like a conversation You will be awarded 1 point for each minute of your podcast up to 10 minutes/points. -Family tree has at least 5 generations. -All generations are labeled with first and last names. -All generations are labeled with birth & death dates. -Family tree has at least 4 generations. Some generations are labeled with first and last names. -Some generations are labeled with birth & death dates. -Family tree has 3 or fewer generations. -Not all generations are labeled with first and last name. -Not all generations are labeled with birth and death dates. A pdf copy of family tree is due the same day as the podcast- upload this. Rubric modified from Podcasting Rubric and Rcampus Comments: Total: _________________/100 Adelaide T. Peters Kutztown Area High School Turning in Your Family Tree ( piece) Once you have entered all of your family data into you will create a chart, save the PDF, and upload the PDF to Moodle. There are many choices for creating charts. Pick from one of the following two: All-in-One (if you added sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc) or Ancestors (if you added only parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents, etc.) Option 1 If you added aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Charts & BooksSelect the following options for each step 1) All-in-one 2) your choice 3) main person should have your name; create an appropriate title; for “Facts for Individuals” choose “Date and Place of Birth and Death”; Show all generations; printing method-single page Click- Generate Chart It may take some time to process, the more information, the more time it will take. Open PDF & save copy to your computer with appropriate file name. Upload this PDF to Moodle with your podcast. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Option 2 If you only went back- ie: parents, grandparents, etc Charts & BooksSelect the following options for each step 1) Fan chart (ancestors) 2) your choice 3) main person should have your name; create an appropriate title; for “Facts for Individuals” choose “Date and Place of Birth and Death”; Show all generations; printing method-single page Click- Generate Chart It may take some time to process, the more information, the more time it will take. Open PDF & save copy to your computer with appropriate file name. Upload this PDF to Moodle with your podcast. Adelaide T. Peters Kutztown Area High School How to Export Your Podcast from GarageBand When you are finished creating your podcast in Garage Band follow these steps to save your project as a .m4a. File --> Save Share--> Export Podcast to Disk AAC Spoken podcast set artwork should be checked name your file--> your name family tree (be sure you pay attention to where it saves) file should be a .m4a When all these steps have been completed you should upload your podcast to Moodle. File limit is 100MB. If you want to check to make sure everything is okay it is a good idea to view your file. Your computer will want to play it in iTunes, you can also see what your final product looks like by viewing it in Quicktime.