
SMC Core Curriculum Course Proposal Form
Electronically submit a copy of the course proposal form and attachments to
the Chair of the CCC. Please submit a separate copy of the proposal form for
each learning goal.
1. Name of Proposer: J. Tomas Gomez-Arias
2. Email address:
3. Department/Program of Proposer: Marketing/
4. Name of Department/Program housing the course: Marketing / Business
Administration Program
5. Name(s) of Program Director/Department Chair (if not the proposer): Caroline
Doran/ Saroja Subrahmanyan
6. Course Acronym, Number and Title: BUSAD 129 Global Marketing Management
7. Semester(s) in which course will be offered: Fall 2013
8. How often is this course taught? Once a year
9. Course Prerequisites (if any): BusAd 124 Marketing
10. Unit Value of Course: 1
11. Proper Audience for the course (delete those that don’t apply):
12. The Learning Goals for which the course is being submitted
(Courses may apply for at most one Pathways to Knowledge goal, and for as many
Engaging the World goals as is appropriate. Please complete a separate proposal
form for desired goal.)
Community Engagement
(1) Syllabus (attached)
(2) Teaching.
a) Apply academic methods and/or theories in a way that promotes collaboration and
mutual benefit in a community setting. At the core of the Marketing concept is the
development of relationships that create value for all the parties involved. A
significant part of the course involves working in teams with an organization to
collaboratively develop an international marketing plan that creates value while
acknowledging, respecting and leveraging the diversity of backgrounds in the
communities involved. I anticipate the partner organization to be a non-profit with
or considering an international presence (e.g. Habitat for Humanity re-thinking its
plans in Thailand) or a for-profit with a social mission (e.g. a Peruvian co-operative
planning to access the US market). Each student is expected to dedicate
approximately 30 hours to the community project.
b) Demonstrate critical reflection throughout their experience. One of the assessment
instruments for the course is a reflective journal where students document their
weekly progress in their project, not only in terms of the development of the project
deliverable itself, but also the interaction with other members of the team and the
partner organization and how they all learn from it.
c) Express their understanding of the interconnections between their experience and
their responsibilities as members of social or professional communities. The
development of a marketing plan is an exercise in understanding the relationship
between organizational actions and their impact on an organization’s stakeholders.
It requires the explicit development of not only financial performance goals and
metrics, but also social and environmental ones. In the case of partner
organizations with a social mission, social and environmental goals often take
priority over financial ones.
(3) Learning.
a) Apply academic methods and/or theories in a way that promotes collaboration and
mutual benefit in a community setting. The main instrument to measure
performance in this goal will be the marketing plan itself. Since it is a team project,
the reflective journal and some questions in the exam will allow me to triangulate
for individual performance.
b) Demonstrate critical reflection throughout their experience. The reflective journal
will be the main instrument to measure individual performance in this outcome.
c) Express their understanding of the interconnections between their experience and
their responsibilities as members of social or professional communities. The reflective
journal will be the main measurement instrument for this outcome, supported by
the marketing plan.
Expected Attachments
Syllabus: Course syllabus containing a course description and a list of
learning outcomes. The course’s learning outcomes should include coverage of the
Learning Outcomes associated with the Core Curriculum Learning Goal for which
the course is being proposed.
Teaching: A brief narrative (300 words) that explains how the course will
guide students toward achieving the Learning Goal. The CCC believes it would be
simplest both for the proposer and for the Working Groups if the narrative
addressed the Learning Outcomes one by one.
Learning: A brief explanation of how coursework (e.g., papers, exams,
videotaped presentations) will be used to measure student achievement of each of
the Learning Outcomes. Please address the outcomes directly and one by one.
Any course approved for the core must provide data for the assessment of Core
curriculum learning goals at an institutional level. Via this proposal a chair/program
director agrees to oversee the submission of the student work necessary for the
assessment of the learning goals. If the proposal is from an instructor, that
individual agrees to oversee submission of work from appropriate sections of their
Similarly, while courses, and individual sections within courses, may vary, the Core
should provide somewhat consistent experiences within each Learning Goal. To this
end, by submitting this proposal a chair/program director/instructor agrees that
instructors of Core courses will participate in assessment exercises.