-- To Lake Armington Boat Launch Visitors -PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE LAUNCHING A BOAT OR PLACING ANYTHING IN LAKE ARMINGTON IF YOU ARE LAUNCHING A BOAT OF ANY KIND OR USING ANY KIND OF EQUIPMENT THAT HAS BEEN IN CONTACT WITH A LAKE, POND, RIVER, OR STREAM, YOU ARE POTENTIALLY SPREADING EXOTIC AQUATIC PLANTS. THE TWO MAPS THAT FOLLOW SHOW THE NEARBY INFESTED WATER BODIES, AND THE INFESTED WATER BODIES IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT AND MAINE. THERE ARE MANY OF THEM, AND THE NUMBER INCREASES YEARLY. WE ARE WORKING DILIGENTLY THROUGH OUR LAKE HOST AND WEED WATCHERS PROGRAMS TO PROTECT THIS LAKE FOR YOU AND THE MANY OTHERS WHO ENJOY IT. WILL YOU LEND A HAND AND HELP US? THIS DOCUMENT WILL HELP YOU HELP US ALL. The most common exotic aquatic plant in this region is MILFOIL. Variableleaf milfoil has been in New Hampshire since the late 1960s. It likely hitchhiked its way to the state on a boat or trailer from an infested lake in another state. Some boater unknowingly did this. Today this exotic plant infects 78 water bodies in New Hampshire and 33 in Maine. In Vermont, 97 water bodies are infected with Eurasian milfoil and 3 with variable-leaf milfoil. Milfoil can live out of the water for up to a week if it remains moist, such as when it’s stuck to a wet carpeted support on a boat trailer or roof carrier. Once the scrap of plant hits the water, it can start growing again. Botanists are sure that boaters who visit many lakes during a boating season help milfoil hitchhike its way from one water body to another because new infestations of milfoil (and other exotic plants) are usually found first in shallow waters near public boat launches. Spreading of milfoil is rapid because boat propellers chop its leaves and stems into small fragments that then float on the water surface. In a short time, roots form on these plant fragments that will grow and create a new milfoil colony wherever wind and wave carries them. Within a very few years, every suitable habitat in that water body will be clogged with these weeds. Lake Armington is shallow and unusually clear. Sunlight reaches much of its bottom, making it a perfect home for milfoil and other exotic aquatic plants. So far, the efforts of many people including visiting boaters have kept this lake free of exotic plants and animals. If your boat or any of your equipment has been in one of the infested lakes, ponds, and rivers shown on a map or listed in this document, please be especially careful to look for and remove all, even tiny, bits of vegetation or other material stuck to your trailer, boat, motor and equipment, including your shoes, boots, skis, tow ropes, and fishing gear. You need to inspect the underside of your boat(s) and the various parts of your trailer or car carrier thoroughly. One of our Lake Hosts will assist you with these tasks if present. Otherwise it is up to you. Have a safe and pleasurable time while here, and thank you. LAKE ARMINGTON ASSOCIATION, INC. PO Box 143, Piermont, NH, 03779 2013 Season Want to know more about Lake Armington or the Lake Armington Association? Perhaps you would like to become a member, or perhaps make a donation to help our work. Please see our web site at: www.lakearmington.org