Registration - Unified Protocol Institute


Unified Protocol

One-Day Introductory Workshop

Presented by Shannon Sauer-Zavala, Ph.D.

Director of Education & Training for the Unified Protocol with clinical demonstrations provided by advanced graduate students

Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders

648 Beacon Street, 6 th Floor

Boston, MA 02215

January 29, 2016, 9am to 4:30pm

$150.00, 6 CE Credits for Psychologists

Workshop Description: The proliferation of specific treatment manuals for specific disorders has created unintended barriers for implementation and dissemination of evidence-based psychological treatments (McHugh & Barlow, 2012). The Unified Protocol for the

Treatment of Emotional Disorders (UP; Barlow et al., 2011) is a recently developed transdiagnostic, emotion-focused cognitivebehavioral treatment (CBT) that targets core deficits occurring across the neurotic spectrum (e.g., anxiety, depressive, and related disorders). This workshop will first briefly review evidence supporting the development of such transdiagnostic interventions. This will be followed by a description and demonstration of how to apply core UP treatment modules, along with the similarities and differences between the UP and traditional CBT.

Audio and videotaped illustrations of core treatment interventions (e.g., mindful awareness, emotion exposures) will be presented, along with detailed case examples involving complex comorbidity. Attendees will be invited to participate in exercises as part of these demonstrations. For more information, contact us at

Educational Objectives

(a) Participants will develop a unified, transdiagnostic case conceptualization for patients presenting with comorbid emotional disorders.

(b) Participants will apply emotion-focused treatment concepts and strategies (e.g., objective monitoring, emotional awareness training, cognitive reappraisal, reduction of emotional avoidance and maladaptive emotion driven behaviors) to patients presenting with comorbid emotional disorders.

(c) Participants will create effective and cohesive emotion exposures for patients with depression and complex comorbidities.

Intended Audience: Mental health professionals of varying degrees of experience and backgrounds who have some familiarity with cognitive-behavioral approaches for treating anxiety and mood disorders.

The Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Center for anxiety and Related Disorders maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

The Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders is a handicap accessible facility


Workshop Registration

Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders

March 13, 2015 $150.00 Professional Rate $75.00 Student Rate

(With copy of student ID)

To REGISTER, please send this completed form to:

Mail: Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, ATTN: Shannon Sauer-Zavala

648 Beacon Street 6 th Floor, Boston, MA 02215

Fax: 617-353-9609, ATTN: Shannon Sauer-Zavala

Space is Limited. Please Register by March 9, 2015

Cancellation & Refund Policy: Fee minus $30 administration fee for all cancellations made five (5) business days prior to the event. No refund for cancellations made less than five (5) business days prior to the event.

Last Name:

Telephone Number:

Professional Affiliation:

Payment Method:

Check Credit Card

(checks payable to CARD)

Expiration Date

First Name:










E-mail Address:


Card Type

Visa AmEx Discover MasterCard

Card Number

Please provide additional information about your clinical experiences


African Origin/Black

European Origin/White

Asian Origin

Native American

More Than One Race


___ __________

Name on Card

Security Code

Your professional degree(s) related to psychotherapy: Fulfilled requirements for delivering psychotherapy as defined by your field (e.g., licensure, board certification):




Years of experience conducting psychotherapy (individual or group):

Which therapeutic orientations do you use in your treatment approach? Please check all that apply.







Yes No

Years of experience conducting psychotherapy specifically targeting anxiety disorders and depressive disorders:

Please indicate the percentage of patients with whom you use each of the following treatment elements:



Cognitive Restructuring

Situational Exposure Exercises

Interoceptive Exposure Exercises

Weekly Homework


What percent of the time do you follow a specific treatment protocol (e.g. behavioral activation) or manualized treatment

(e.g., Mastery of your Anxiety and Panic)?

Please indicate the degree to which your treatment is usually adherent to a manualized treatment compared to being completely flexible (0 = I practice complete flexibility with no adherence to a manualized protocol; 100 = I follow manualized protocols exclusively and exactly)

Which protocol treatments or approaches do you have familiarity? Please select all that apply.

Mastery of Anxiety and Panic

Mastery of Social Anxiety

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Mastery of Anxiety and Worry

Exposure and Response Prevention for OCD

Cognitive Processing Therapy

Prolonged Exposure

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Behavior Activation

Other protocol interventions with which you have familiarity:

Please list any treatment approaches or protocols on which you have sought additional training (e.g., attended a workshop, completed a certification program):

In which settings do you deliver treatment? Please check all that apply.



Older adults (65+)

Inpatient clinic

Partial inpatient clinic

Outpatient psychiatric facility (e.g., graduate training clinic, hospital, or VA clinic)

School clinic (e.g., undergraduate student health services)

Correctional facility

Private Practice

Other (please describe)

Which patients do you regularly treat? Please check all that apply.


Please indicate the diagnoses you usually treat. Please check all that apply

Anxiety and related disorders (e.g., OCD, PTSD)

Depressive disorders

Eating disorders

Psychotic disorders

Personality disorders

Bipolar disorders

Substance use disorders



Most of my patients do not have a clinical diagnosis

I typically do not assess or am not aware of my

patients' diagnoses

Other (please describe)

Please characterize the severity/impairment level of the patients you typically treat; check all that apply.

Absent to mild impairment/no clinical diagnosis

Mild to moderate impairment/clinical diagnosis but usually high functioning

Moderate impairment/clinical diagnosis and moderate functioning

Moderate to severe/clinical diagnosis and moderate to severe impairment

Severe/severe mental illness and/or severe impairment

Extremely severe/patient is unable to live independently due to symptoms


Approximately how many sessions does your typical case last?

1- 4 sessions

5-10 sessions

10- 20 sessions

20-40 sessions

40+ sessions

On average, how many patients are in your caseload at one time?

If you only see patients one time, please indicate how many new patients you typically see each week.

1- 4 patients

5-10 patients

11- 20 patients

21-30 patients

More than 30 patients

We are interested in learning about your current understanding and opinions about the Unified Protocol for

Transdiagnostic Treatment for Emotional Disorders

In what ways have you already learned about the Unified Protocol? (Check all that apply).

Read the UP Therapist Guide

Read the UP Client Guide

Listened to audio or video recordings of the UP being delivered

Received other (non-certification) education or instruction related to delivering the UP (e.g., treatment discussed in a graduate training course)

This workshop is my first experience with the Unified Protocol.

Other (please describe)

Please respond to the following questions. If you don't know the answer to a question or questions (because you have had limited exposure to the Unified Protocol thus far), please answer "Don't know yet."

What have you heard about the Unified Protocol? How did you hear about it?

Why was the Unified Protocol was developed?

What therapeutic skills are included in the Unified Protocol?

What kinds of patients (diagnosis type, severity, demographic information, etc.) do you believe would benefit from the

Unified Protocol?

What kinds of patients (diagnosis type, severity, demographic information, etc.) do you think another treatment would be more appropriate?

Do you have any hesitations about using the Unified Protocol? If so, what are they?

