Charity reference 1114905
Revised 1 st July 2013
Charity reference 1114905
Whatever Next…..? Charity Shop
Leaflet / Charity Sack Distribution Risk Assessment and Training
Our Commitment
The Executive Committee / Board of Directors of Healthy Friendships (HF) attaches the greatest importance to the health and safety of its Members Befrienders, Volunteers, Employees, other servants and members of the public. At all times we shall seek to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other relevant regulations thereby providing a safe and healthy operational and working environment.
Healthy Friendships committed to:
Undertaking risk assessments on the operation of all of our leaflet/donation sack distribution.
Providing necessary training to all staff and volunteers in safe systems of work, including : o Safe lifting techniques o Posting items without trapping fingers in letterboxes
Foster a health and safety culture ensuring all staff are aware of their obligations towards their own health and safety and those of customers
Providing all staff and volunteers a copy of this policy
Items to be covered before undertaking Leaflet/charity sack distribution
Reminding volunteers/staff about road safety and ensure all staff and volunteers are capable of map reading if required.
Advising staff and volunteers not to enter a property under any circumstances
Advising staff and volunteers not to over exert themselves, take regular breaks and ensure they remain hydrated
Advising staff and volunteers not to deliver to properties where they in any way feel concerned for their safety (e.g. risk of being bitten by a dog, gangs/groups present etc.)
Telling staff and volunteers to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for their duties and for the weather conditions
Advising staff and volunteers not to undertake duties in adverse weather conditions, particularly snow and ice.
Periodically consult with staff and volunteers on health and safety matters and act on any legitimate concerns.
Staff and volunteers must take responsibility for their own health and safety and ensure that they comply with this policy and general safety advice.
Training undertaken on by
I certify that I have received the above training Volunteer
Revised 1 st July 2013
Charity reference 1114905
Whatever Next…..? Charity Shop
Leaflet / Charity Sack Distribution Risk Assessment and Training
Our Commitment
The Executive Committee / Board of Directors of Healthy Friendships (HF) attaches the greatest importance to the health and safety of its Members Befrienders, Volunteers, Employees, other servants and members of the public. At all times we shall seek to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other relevant regulations thereby providing a safe and healthy operational and working environment.
Healthy Friendships committed to:
Undertaking risk assessments on the operation of all of our leaflet/donation sack distribution.
Providing necessary training to all staff and volunteers in safe systems of work, including : o Safe lifting techniques o Posting items without trapping fingers in letterboxes
Foster a health and safety culture ensuring all staff are aware of their obligations towards their own health and safety and those of customers
Providing all staff and volunteers a copy of this policy
Items to be covered before undertaking Leaflet/charity sack distribution
Reminding volunteers/staff about road safety and ensure all staff and volunteers are capable of map reading if required.
Advising staff and volunteers not to enter a property under any circumstances
Advising staff and volunteers not to over exert themselves, take regular breaks and ensure they remain hydrated
Advising staff and volunteers not to deliver to properties where they in any way feel concerned for their safety (e.g. risk of being bitten by a dog, gangs/groups present etc.)
Telling staff and volunteers to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for their duties and for the weather conditions
Advising staff and volunteers not to undertake duties in adverse weather conditions, particularly snow and ice.
Periodically consult with staff and volunteers on health and safety matters and act on any legitimate concerns.
Staff and volunteers must take responsibility for their own health and safety and ensure that they comply with this policy and general safety advice.
Training undertaken on by
I certify that I have received the above training Volunteer
Revised 1 st July 2013