Organization Information
Bin Request
Aluminum Can (32 gallons) Qty:______ Plastic Bottle (32 gallons) Qty:______
Deskside (4 Quart) Qty:______ Paper (18 gallons) Qty:______
Check-outs & Returns
The bins are stored at an unstaffed warehouse, so you must schedule an appointment to pick up bins. MET staff is available to meet you by appointment only at the warehouse between 9 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Check-Out Date:___________________ Time: 9 am. 10 am. 11 am. 12 pm. 1 pm. 2 pm 3 pm.
9:30 pm 10:30 pm 11:30 pm. 12:30 pm. 1:30 pm. 2:30 pm.
Return Date: _____________________ Time: 9 am. 10 am. 11 am. 12 pm. 1 pm. 2 pm 3 pm.
9:30 pm 10:30 pm 11:30 pm. 12:30 pm. 1:30 pm. 2:30 pm.
Borrower Information
Phone #:_____________________________ Fax #:______________________________
You are responsible for taking the recyclables to the nearest recycling center. We ask that the recycling bins never be converted to trash cans. Please contact us if you ever need assistance with your recycling program.
Should the bins be damaged, lost or stolen, you will be responsible for a replacement fee of up to $30 per container.
A fee may be charged if brought back unclean.
In exchange for this free service, we also request that you provide us with details and photos related to recycling at your organization, including how much recyclables were collected, etc.
Borrower’s Signature
MET Staff Signature
Warehouse: 211 N. Boulder Ave. ● Tulsa, OK 74103
Office: 918-584-0584 Fax: 918-584-0594
Warehouse: 211 N. Boulder Ave. ● Tulsa, OK 74103
Office: 918-584-0584 Fax: 918-584-0594