Melksham Oak Community School raising aspirations, learning for life, success for all SIXTH FORM APPLICATION (Level 3 Courses) Name: Enter Current School Details below Tutor Group: Home Address: Post Code: Telephone No: Academic Information List the subjects you are studying this year, then complete the level and estimated grades column. This section can be completed with the help of your form tutor. Subject Level (e.g. GCSE) English Language Mathematics Science Please tick here if applying for Rugby Academy Bowerhill, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6QZ Tel: 01225 792700 Fax: 01225 790759 email: Headteacher: Mr Stephen Clark The Academy Trust of Melksham; a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales Company No. 08153550. Estimated Grade Application Details This section must be completed with subject teachers. ¨ Please write next to the subjects below your choice of subjects 1—6. 1 = the subject you would most like to study. Subject teachers: please use numbers 1 - 4 to show the students’ commitment and ability in your subject. The definition of each number is below: 1. This student is very conscientious and is aiming for at least a Grade 'B' in this subject at GCSE. 2. This student is well motivated. Their predicted GCSE grade is of a satisfactory level for this course. 3. This student is likely to pass this GCSE course but at present has not demonstrated the appropriate level of maturity and commitment. Recommended but a period of probation may be appropriate should this student start this subject at AS level. 4. This student is not recommended for this course owing to their current level of achievement, ability or motivation. Subjects List top choice of subjects 1-6 Applied IT Art & Design (Fine Art) Biology Teacher recommendation Subjects List top choice of subjects 1-6 Teacher recommendation Maths Music BTEC Performing Arts DRAMA BTEC Performing Arts DANCE BTEC Performing Arts DANCE & DRAMA Philosophy & Ethics Physics Product Design Psychology BTEC Science Sociology Spanish BTEC Sport & Exercise Textiles BTEC Business (double) Business Economics Chemistry Computer science BTEC Creative & Media English Language English Literature English Media Food French Geography History Student Signature: Parent Signature: Date: Date: This form now needs to be passed on to your Form Tutor. Form Tutor Comment Attitude to School Manner & Appearance Motivation/Suitability for Planned courses Additional Comment Signed (Form Tutor): Date: This form needs to be submitted to Main Office. The deadline is Friday 22nd January 2016 Melksham Oak Community School raising aspirations, learning for life, success for all Bowerhill, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6QZ Tel: 01225 792700 Fax: 01225 790759 email: Headteacher: Mr Stephen Clark The Academy Trust of Melksham; a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales Company No. 08153550.