Practical Training for Carers Facilitator Guide Resources and Support in South Australia Contents Facilitator Guide Workshop - 4 hours BEFORE YOU BEGIN HOW TO USE THE FACILITATOR’S GUIDE ........................................................................ 3 MATERIALS REQUIRED ........................................................................................................... 4 SYMBOLS USED IN THE FACILITATOR’S GUIDE .............................................................. 5 FACILITATOR GUIDE RESOURCES AND SUPPORT IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA INTRODUCTION ...................... 6 ALL TOPICS – DIRECTORIES FOR SEARCHING ONLINE, SERVICES FOR CARERS, ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY, MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCACY ............................................ 8 RECAP......................................................................................................................................... 15 ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................... 16 STATION 1 DISABILITY SERVICES INFORMATION .................................................. 17 STATION 2 BENEFITS, CONCESSIONS AND LOW-COST SERVICES ...................... 21 STATION 3 PROVIDE DAY OPTION PROGRAM LOOK BOOK ................................ 26 STATION 4 SHINE SA INFORMATION SHEET ............................................................. 28 STATION 5 DISABILITY INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTRE............................... 31 Please note: This course is independently managed by Interwork Ltd and funded by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. The opinions, comments and/or analysis expressed in this document are those of the author or authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Minister for Disability Reform and cannot be taken in any way as expressions of government policy. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 2/32 HOW TO USE THE FACILITATOR’S GUIDE Here are some helpful hints to assist you in using this guide: 1. Page Setup- Each page has two columns. The left column contains the current slide number and image plus the workbook page and symbol. The right column contains the segment title, description and activity instructions. 2. Instructions- describe what you are doing and explaining. It also explains what the learner is doing. Italicized text- This is scripted text of what the facilitator may say. 3. Timing- The time estimates are printed for each segment. The time required varies with the group size and your experience. Times should be changed to suit learner and facilitator requirements. You can always ask the group when they would like to break. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 3/32 MATERIALS REQUIRED Facilitator’s guide Participant workbook (1 per person) Computer, Power Point, Projector, cord/s and power board/s USB with Power Point Name tags (blank, 1 per participant) Clock/timer Coloured Markers Pens (1 per participant) Flipchart stand, paper and markers Attendance Sheet Participant Evaluation Lap top x 1 © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 4/32 SYMBOLS USED IN THE FACILITATOR’S GUIDE # image SLIDE NUMBER AND IMAGE Pge PARTICIPANT WORKBOOK PARTNER ACTIVITY GROUP ACTIVITY BREAK TIME © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 5/32 RESOURCES AND SUPPORT IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA INTRODUCTION Note to Facilitator: The objective of this session is to provide an overview of the resources available in your state, provide information on how to access the resources and support, engage guest speakers to come and talk about their services, and allow participants to do complete activities to seek out information. It is important to prepare this session is advance. You will need to contact and engage Guest Speakers. Check the resources in the participant handbook and PowerPoint to ensure they are current and up-to-date. Then update the PowerPoint and participant handbook to reflect any changes you may need to make. On the day of the session, you will need to set up the room so you have access to the internet for one of the activities and all the material is printed ready for distribution. Introduction to the session TOTAL TIME: 20 Minutes Ice Breaker (10 minutes) Facilitator to start with an Ice Breaker of their choice Tell participants approximate break times and finish time for the day. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 6/32 SLIDE 1 Introduction to session (5 minutes) Facilitator to give a brief description of the module, how this fits in to the Carer Training Program and using the Participant Workbook as a reference. Facilitator to say: “This session is all about what resources and support are available to you as a Carer. The information provided and guest speakers is meant to increase your awareness of what options may be available in the community”. TOPICS: o o o o o Directories for searching online Services for Carers Assisted Technology Mental Health Advocacy Services SLIDE 2 Overview of session content (5 minutes) Facilitator to discuss who the Guest Speakers are that are attending the session, questions that you may ask the Guest Speakers, How the activities will fit in to the session (work in partners or individually) © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 7/32 ALL TOPICS – DIRECTORIES FOR SEARCHING ONLINE, SERVICES FOR CARERS, ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY, MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCACY TOTAL TIME: 2 hour 30 minutes (includes 1 hour of activities) Directories for Searching Online (2 minutes) Introduce the topic- there are a number of directories online, we have outlined three. SLIDE 4 Directories for Searching Online (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 5 Directories for Searching Online (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 8/32 SLIDE 6 Directories for Searching Online (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 7 Services for Carers (2 minutes) Read through slide Introduce the topic- explain that we are covering three websites. SLIDE 8 Carer Services (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 9 Carer Services (10 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 9/32 SLIDE 10 Carer Services (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 11 Assisted Technology (2 minutes) Introduce the topic- explain how we have chosen 3 services but there are more and sometimes you may even chose to research organisations overseas. SLIDE 12 What is Assistive Technology (2 minutes) Read through slide and discuss SLIDE 13 Assistive Technology (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 10/32 SLIDE 14 Assistive Technology (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 15 Assistive Technology (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 16 Mental Health (2 minutes) Introduce the topic- explain that there are a number of websites for mental health but we have highlighted three in this session. SLIDE 17 Mental Health (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 11/32 SLIDE 18 Mental Health: (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 19 Mental Health (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 20 Advocacy Services: (2 minutes) Introduce the topic- explain that there are a number of services but we have chosen to highlight 3. SLIDE 21 What is Advocacy (2 minutes) Read through slide and discuss © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 12/32 SLIDE 22 Advocacy Services (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 23 Advocacy Services (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 24 Advocacy Services (5 minutes) Read through slide Navigate website and discuss. When navigating website show participants ‘home page’ and information you can source from the website. Allow participants to ask what they would like to see on the website. SLIDE 25 Activities (50 minutes) Partner Activity: Facilitator to introduce activity. Facilitator to ask participants to move around table to ‘set up’ workstations on different services Each workstation will be numbered. Each workstation will have Question sheet and resources relevant to the question sheet (facilitator has printed and prepared © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 13/32 earlier). Each group has ten minutes to work through activity then move on to next workstation GUEST SPEAKERS (Allow 20 minutes per speaker) Guest Speakers may be organised to come throughout the session, if there are long breaks between speakers, participants can continue the activities. It is the responsibility of the Facilitator to organize Guest Speakers to fit in to the session time. Ideas for Guest Speakers- Carers SA, DACSSA, Help at Home, Disability SA. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 14/32 RECAP TOTAL TIME: 10 minutes SLIDE 26 Review and summarise the session (10 minutes) Facilitator to discuss the module and ask for feedback/evaluation © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 15/32 ACTIVITIES Activities are based on services on South Australia Facilitator to set up five work stations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Disability Services provided by Government Benefits, concessions and low-cost services for people with disability Day option programs SHine SA Disability Information Resource Centre SA Each station should have Pamphlets, resources related to service/services in South Australia. A question sheet per group should be left at each station. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 16/32 STATION 1 Disability Services Information Provide an information sheet What are the general services that disability services provide? Answer: early childhood services, and developmental services for children and young people service assessment, planning, coordination and advice support in the family home or a person’s own home support with personal care support for carers, including foster carers (for example advice, training, respite care, emergency support) support and advice to manage difficult behaviour fully supported live-in accommodation services supported day-time activities access to equipment and aids, such as wheelchairs and ramps therapy services, for example physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, music therapy, psychology specialist clinics and other specialist community health support services. What is the eligibility criteria for Disability Services? Answer: Anyone can phone us on 1300 786 117 for information or to make a referral. In addition to information services, people with disability and their families may be able to receive some brief assistance from us without completing an eligibility assessment. To receive further help from us, people with disability must be eligible to receive our services. To be eligible, they must have major difficulties managing daily activities and need the support of a specialist disability agency. People we can assist are: © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 17/32 o children under five years of age who have significant global developmental delay o people with intellectual disability o people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (autism or Asperger syndrome) o children* and adults with acquired brain injury (ABI). This includes injuries resulting from events such as a stroke or car accident o children* and adults who have a physical or neurological condition that cannot be resolved with medical treatment. This includes conditions such as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and spinal injury What is ASSIST? Answer: ASSIST provides services that help improve the wellbeing and quality of life of adults with disability. ASSIST staff provide support to people living in their own homes and to people who live in supported accommodation. Staff can assist with advice about specialist areas such as mobility, communication, mealtime management, daily living and emotional wellbeing. This may include the provision of equipment. Teams are located in the metropolitan area but provide advice and professional support to staff in country South Australia. What services does the Centre for Disability Health Provide? Answer: This Centre offers specialist health consultancy services. Specialists can work with local GPs (general practitioners) and other health services to increase the capability of all health services. The Centre offers specialist clinical services through its clinics including medical, dental, neurological, psychiatric, psychological, dietetics and podiatry services. The North East Clinic in Modbury is available to clients living in the community and within our accommodation services. The Centre specialises in services for people with intellectual disability and also for people with acquired brain injury, physical or neurological disability. For more information, phone 8397 8100 (fax 8397 8199). © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 18/32 © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 19/32 What are the different types of accommodation services provided through Disability Services? Answer: community-based supported accommodation services campus-based services including Strathmont Centre and Highgate Park aged care services at Northgate and Highgate services during the day for example NorthLink, day options and pre-vocational activities after hours services, including crisis response and provision of emergency services. For after hours emergency support, phone 8372 1414. What is the Exceptional Needs Unit and what services do they provide? Answer: The Exceptional Needs Unit may be able to assist people with exceptionally high and complex needs. The Unit helps people who may be in contact with multiple agencies, have fallen through gaps in the service system or are homeless. This includes people with mental health conditions or chronic health problems, disability, or a combination of these. Those assisted are usually unable to live independently or safely in the community or may be experiencing significant behavioural problems. Services include: o o o o o Comprehensive needs assessment and advice Management Assessment Panel (MAP) Supported Residential Facilities (SRF) Assessment Team Homelessness Support Program Transition funding for clients with exceptional needs o Help to access other services. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 20/32 STATION 2 Benefits, Concessions and Low-Cost Services What are some of the payment benefits available through Centrelink for People with Disability and Carers? Answer: There are Centrelink benefits and payments for which people with disability, and their carers, may be eligible: o Disability Support Pension o Carer payments. Payments vary depending on whether you are caring for an adult or child and on how much care is provided. They include: Carer payment, when the person receiving care has a severe disability or medical condition or is frail aged Carer Allowance (child or adult) Carer Supplement o Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme o Mobility Allowance o Pensioner Education Supplement o Education Entry Payment o Rent Assistance o Bereavement Allowance. Explain one of the benefits available for people with a disability who would like to study? Answer: Centrelink o Centrelink provides benefits to help meet educational costs for people with disability and their carers, including Mobility Allowance, Pensioner Education Supplement, Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme and Education Entry Payment. Contact Centrelink (refer above). © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 21/32 School Card o The School Card program helps parents on low incomes with school fees for both government and non-government schools. You can find out more by visiting the Department of Education and Children’s Services (DECS) website at University scholarships o Scholarships are available for students with disability, through Adelaide University, Flinders University and UniSA (for example, the Sir Charles Bright Scholarship Trust). Information is available on the university websites at: o Adelaide— o Flinders— o UniSA— What is a Companion Card? Answer: People with a permanent disability may be eligible for this card if they need a carer to attend recreational/leisure events with them. The card allows free entry for a carer at participating venues. The card also allows free travel for a carer on public transport when they are with the card holder who has a valid metro ticket. Phone 1800 667 110 (free call) or download an application form at If you have a disability are you entitled to free ambulance cover? Explain. Answer: The only pension card in South Australia with entitlement to free ambulance cover is a Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card. Reduced cost ambulance cover is available to holders of a Health Care Card. Do not assume you have ambulance cover if you have a Health Care Card or other Centrelink card. Phone the South Australian Ambulance Service on 1300 136 272 or visit © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 22/32 What assistance is available for people with disability in housing and accommodation? Answer: Centrelink Rent Assistance o Details about how to contact Centrelink are included on page one. Housing SA Rental Assistance o This program helps people on low incomes, and others, who are in housing crisis. Eligible people can get help with rent and bonds in various ways. Phone 131 299 or visit any Housing SA office for more information. Homestart Finance o Homestart is a South Australian Government backed lender providing home loans for low to moderate income earners. Loans are provided to eligible adults, from young first home buyers through to seniors. Phone 8203 4000 (metropolitan) or 1300 636 878 (regional and interstate) for more information or visit Name two services available for people with disability for transport and parking. Explain the service. Answer: Adelaide Metro o Adelaide Metro Infoline and Infocentre Adelaide Metro gives free information about travelling by public transport. Plan your journey by phoning the Infoline on 1300 311 108 or 8210 1000 or 1800 182 160 (TTY 8303 0844). Visit the Infocentre on the corner of King William Street and Currie Street in Adelaide or visit to use the online journey planner tool. Get more information about Adelaide Metro’s accessible transport by calling the Infoline numbers above or downloading brochures from the website address above—select Accessible Transport, then Helping People with Disabilities. Mobility Pass © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 23/32 o This pass is available to people with disability who cannot manage ticket validating machines. Visit the website as described above Travel Pass—vision impairment o The Travel Pass for a Person with Vision Impairment entitles the holder to unlimited free travel on Adelaide Metro regular bus, train and tram services. Visit the website as described above. Companion Card o People with a permanent disability may be eligible for this card if they need a carer to attend recreational/leisure events with them. See page 3. Air travel o The Qantas Carer Concession Card is for people with disability requiring full-time assistance from a carer whilst on a plane. Cardholders and their carers can receive a discount on flights. NICAN - a national disability information service o Phone NICAN for more information and an application form on (02) 6241 1220 (free call/TTY 1800 806 769). Australian Disability Parking Permit o You may be eligible for an Australian Disability Parking Permit if it is very difficult for you to use public transport. o You can have a temporary Disability Parking Permit if your disability is likely to last for more than six months but is not permanent. o An application form is available from A general practitioner (GP) is required to fill in some parts of the form. Send the completed form to Service SA (GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA 5001) with the required fee. o e 13 10 84 if you have any questions about the permit. Local Councils o Most local councils have community services, primarily for their elderly residents. Services may include community bus services, transport to/from medical appointments, or someone to transport you and help with shopping. Phone your local council or visit the Local Government Association website at Patient Assistance Transport Scheme © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 24/32 o The South Australian Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS) provides financial reimbursement to country patients and approved escorts. The scheme covers some of the cost of travel and accommodation when travel is over 100 kilometres (each way) to receive specialist medical treatment unavailable at the nearest health centre. Contact your Regional Health Service or ask your GP for more information. The forms and more information are available on the website at, go to Services and select Patient Assistance Transport Scheme. Rail travel o People with a Commonwealth Pension Card or a Seniors Health Card are eligible for substantial discounts with Great Southern Rail (that is, The Ghan, The Indian Pacific and The Overland trains). People with a South Australian Seniors Card are eligible for other discounts. Phone 132 147 or visit South Australian Transport Service o The Australian Red Cross provides transport to and from medical appointments for people unable to use any other means of transport; this covers people with disability, those who are frail aged and their carers. There is an annual $25 fee and passengers are asked to make a donation of $8 for one zone transport to $12–15 for two zones transport. Phone 8100 4583 (metro) or 1800 246 850 (free call) for more information. Taxi Fare Subsidy Scheme o To apply for this service you will need a form called “Application for Transport Assistance”. This form is available from all doctors' surgeries or visit (search for “taxi fare”). o Ask your doctor to fill out this form and sign it. When it’s filled in correctly, send it along with two signed passport-sized photos of yourself to SATSS Data Processing (GPO Box 2830, Adelaide SA 5001). For assistance, phone 1300 360 840. o The taxi voucher saves you money but doesn't pay for all of your fare. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 25/32 STATION 3 Provide Day Option Program Look Book How many day option services are available in South Australia? Answer: 20 What is the aim of a Day Option Program? Answer: Support a young person’s transition from school to adult life Provide participants with opportunities to develop peer relationships, in a welcoming and comfortable environment Support participants in their development and enhancement of skills, taking into account their own individual goals Provide choice and access to a wide range of programs throughout the State. In general what are the minimum requirements of staff members for Day Option Programs? Answer: Minimum requirements: Certificate III in Disability Studies or equivalent Senior First Aid National Police clearance Manual Handling Medication and credentials specific to individual clients. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 26/32 Choose a day option service that may be appropriate for the person you are supporting (if you cannot find a service of interest). Find the following information: Eligibility criteria: Description of program: Hours of Program: Why have you chosen this service? Answer: Responses will vary Check the Day Option Program Look Book © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 27/32 STATION 4 SHine SA Information Sheet Services Provided at SHine SA Information sheet, Sexual Health Services for People with a Disability Describe SHine SA in a paragraph Answer: SHine SA is the lead sexual health agency in South Australia. We work in partnership with government, health, education and community agencies and communities to improve the sexual health and wellbeing of South Australians. o SHine SA provides: o prevention, promotion and education programs that build the capacity of communities in greatest need o professional education programs that build the capacity of workers across all sectors o clinical services targeting communities with health inequalities and poor sexual health o therapeutic counseling services targeting individuals unable to afford private providers o information about sexual health and wellbeing o resources and library services accessible to workers and the community o opportunities for partnerships with workers, governments and agencies o individuals and workers links to relevant services and supports o leadership and advocacy for sexual health o opportunities for participation by our communities of interest © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 28/32 What is the fee for accessing SHine SA services? Answer: ‘An annual fee of $20 ($10 concession), which can be negotiated, applies to clinic appointments, sexual health counselling and individual education programs.’ Who is responsible for the relationships and sexual health education of people with disability? Answer: Parents, siblings, teachers and support workers are usually responsible for the relationships and sexual health education of people with disabilities. Shine SA aims to build the ability of these people to provide effective education and support. How do SHine SA’s therapeutic services assist people with disability? Explain: Answer: Quote: Shine SA Therapeutic Counselling SHine SA offers a limited therapeutic counselling service, provided by professional sexual health counsellors. This service is available to people living with a disability. (cont….) © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 29/32 People living with some disabilities will not benefit from sexual health counselling (and the service should not ne used as a substitute for basic sexual education or case work). Counselling is provided for concerns such as: different levels of sexual desire, sexual identity, sexual issues related to disability, or those arising from sexual assault or child sexual abuse. Clients can come alone, with a support person or a partner. Rural clients can phone to arrange for a telephone counselling appointment. Where is SHine SA’s library and resource centre located? Answer: GP Plus Health Care Centre 64c Woodville Road Woodville © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 30/32 STATION 5 Disability Information Resource Centre Laptop setup Think of your local neighbourhood (if you are doing this activity in partners, choose 1 area). Using the Disability Information Resource Centre (DIRC) identify and describe two possible community-based activities that could be undertaken in the area for people with disability. The activities should be identified geographically as well as with relevant contact details and eligibility criteria outlined. Area: Service Name 1 Location Contact details Eligibility Criteria Description Service Name 2 © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 31/32 Location Contact details Eligibility Criteria Description Answer: Responses will vary, check DIRC for answers © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:02 Resources and Support in South Australia© Interskills 32/32