`Back to 1920`s School Day` – next Monday!

Nineties Natter
The countdown is on and we only have 8 days to go! Below are a few reminders for everyone.
90th Birthday T-shirts
T-shirts were distributed this week and I must say they are very impressive. Thank you to Leticia Phillips (4A) for her winning
creative design. Students are able to wear the T-shirt for the month of November to celebrate our schools birthday.
‘Back to 1920’s School Day’ – next Monday!
Don’t forget the start of our celebrations with our ‘Back to 1920’s School Day’. I know that many teachers have been talking to
their students about that era. Mrs. Breeden-Walton has found some great interactive websites to share with the students to see
what life was like at that time..
Call out for Volunteers
We are still looking for people to give us just one hour of their time on Saturday 15th November to help our day run as
smoothly as possible. We need people to help with our souvenirs, sandwiches and drink stalls, greeters at the gates to hand out
maps and give directions, raffle ticket sellers and general helpers.
We also need people to help set up and pack up (slightly longer shifts and heavy lifters needed). It’s easy to sign up – visit
www.mesch.com.au/hpsvolunteer. Choose your time and fill in your details. If you do not have internet access, drop into the
office and leave your contact details. Thanks in advance!
Cake Stall & Devonshire Tea Donations
The cake notices went out last week to all students. Please make sure you read the instructions on the labelling of ingredients
for home made goods and where and when to return your donations.
We definitely need more donations of tins of coffee, packets of tea bags and sugar (white or brown) for the Devonshire Teas. It
would be greatly appreciated if families could donate to the school. It doesn’t matter what brand or how much, all will be
accepted. Please send you items to Miss Bowkett’s office.
90th Birthday Raffle
We’ve had numerous donations from local communities and school families towards our raffle – even a family
holiday to Ashmore Palms Holiday Village Queensland! Other exciting donations are: ‘Hosted Wine Tasting’ voucher,
Jumbuck Enamel 2 Burner Hooded BBQ from South Oakleigh Bunnings, one month gym membership from ‘Envite
Fitness’, Hairdressing voucher from ‘Haircentrix’, Hughesdale PS 90th Birthday Souvenir Gift Pack, large decorative
terrarium, two lap top tables, ‘World of Food’ and ‘Brew Café’ voucher.
Families will receive a stub of 10 tickets to buy or sell to friends. Tickets will be also sold on the Reunion Day for
visitors to purchase, with the draw at 2:15pm.
Working Bees – Thursday 13th & Friday 14th
We have a ‘twilight’ working bee scheduled for next Thursday at 3:30pm to tidy up the school grounds ready for
Saturday for a few hours. On Friday we are setting up for the Reunion Day with marquees, stage area, signage etc. If
you can help out on either of these days, complete the attendance slip in this newsletter.
Past Student and Teacher ‘Memories’ about Hughesdale PS
Below are some more wonderful memories that have been sent to the school.
Ron Davies (student 1937 – 1943) - Grandfather of Jacqueline Morgan in 5C
I remember playing kick to kick on the paddocks between Austin Street and what is now Simmonds Street. Facing the
school, the boy’s playground was to the left of the school and the girls to the right and at each break we went into
our own playgrounds and did not mix.
In I think 1943, during the war, they would come and take the big boys out of classes to go and dig trenches close to
Austin Street on the boy’s side. In winter the trenches filled with water and would not have been much good anyway!
One of the sports at interschool sports was tunnel ball and I played in that team. They also did school marching
contests, skipping, hurdles, running and high jump.
In the winter Mr Glossop used to fire up the boilers to keep the school warm. He also cleaned the school assisted by
the rest of his family.
Diana Viggers (nee
My maiden name was Diana Beverley Westmore, the photo 1946. I'm in the 2nd row, 4th from R
Beverley Withers is 5th from R, 2nd row, Julie Vass is 7th from R, 2nd row, and Jean Robinson is 1st on L, 3rd back
row. Beverley Sutcliffe is 4thfrom R front row.
My sister Elaine Barbara started school 1944 and brother Gregory Allan Westmore started in
1948. Mr Bartlett was Head Master in those days. On completion of my education at Burwood Teachers' College I
taught at Hughesdale in 1961.
Happy 90th Birthday Hughesdale P.S.
We would love to hear from other past students and teachers from the school who still live in the area. Please email us on the
following site and we’ll publish your memories too. (Hughesdale.ps@edumail.vic.)