Volunteer Information Sheet Today’s Date: ____________________ Name: _________________________ Birthday (mo & day): _____________ Home Phone: ______________ Cell: ______________ Fax: ______________ Work Phone: ______________ Email: _______________________________ Street Address: __________________________________________________ City, State Zip: ___________________________________________________ VOLUNTEER INTERESTS (Check all that apply) � I am applying for the specific volunteer position of: ____________________________ � I have general volunteer interest in: Resident Services � Kids Only Programs � Homework Tutor � Adult workshops � Seniors: Bingo, fieldtrip � Plan a community event Property Work: � Painting � Gardening � Landscaping � Facility Improvement Events � Auction � Design/Decoration � Fund Raising Events � Small house parties � Fall Breakfast Office Help � General Office Help � Computers � Phones – Answer/Make Calls � Bulk Mailing Help � Data Entry / Database Other � _________________________ � _________________________ � _________________________ � _________________________ General � Board Membership � Committee Service � Grant Writing/Research � Housing Advocacy � Public Speaking � Marketing Publications � Writing � Layout & Design � Proofreading � Website Design � I’m willing to do just about anything. Just ask. Background Information: 1. Past Volunteer Experience(s): a. ________________________________________ b. ________________________________________ c. ________________________________________ d. ________________________________________ 2. Current Employment/Previous Employment: a. ____________________________________________ b. ________________________________________ c. ________________________________________ 3. Education: a. ____________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________ c. ____________________________________________ 4. Computer Skills (Microsoft Office, Internet, Website Design, etc.): a. ____________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________ c. ____________________________________________ 5. Trainings/Certificates (First Aid, CPR, etc.) a. ____________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________ c. ____________________________________________ d. ____________________________________________ e. ____________________________________________ 6. Languages (other than English): a. ____________________ b. ____________________ c. ____________________ 7. Are you a previous or current Imagine Housing resident? Yes or No 8. Are you applying to be a resident at an Imagine Housing property? Yes or No References (please list one or two) 1. Name _______________________________ a. Email: __________________________ b. Phone:__________________________ c. Relationship: _____________________________________ 2. Name _______________________________ a. Email: __________________________ b. Phone:__________________________ c. Relationship: _____________________________________ Thank you for filling out this form! We are excited that you are interested in volunteering with Imagine Housing. Please know that all information is held in strict confidence. Completed forms can be returned to: Imagine Housing 10604 NE 38th PL #215 Kirkland, WA 98033 OR E-mail: info@imaginehousing.org Fax: 425-576-5194