Monday 19th October Dear Parents, Last week the children showed

Monday 19th October
Dear Parents,
Last week the children showed us just how quickly they can learn, and how well they can
concentrate, when they took part in the Flamenco dance workshop. It was a real pleasure to watch
them and I hope the parents who came to watch the performance in the afternoon enjoyed it as
much as we did.
Some of our school councillors have been working very hard to research charities for our fund
raising focus for this year. On Friday they presented four different children’s charities to the rest of
the school. I was very impressed with their confidence and the way they were able to speak about
their chosen charity in a thoughtful way. I was also very impressed with the effort they had put into
making their ballot boxes, in their own time at home, these are on display in our reception area. All
the children and adults have now voted and the results will be counted later today.
This week is our design and technology enrichment week; the children will be engaged in lots of
activities around this subject which involves designing purposeful and appealing products for
themselves and others and being able to communicate their ideas before they make them. The
children will need to be able to select and use a range of equipment and materials and be able to
evaluate the products they have made. This also includes understanding about nutrition and
learning how to cook. I hope the children enjoy making and that their design structures don’t
overwhelm your homes!
Parent teacher consultations are taking place this week on Tuesday and Thursday. There will be a
crèche available on both evenings.
You are welcome to join us for our achievement assembly on Friday at 9 a.m.
Please be aware that our contract with Wisepay, our electronic income payment system, has ended;
therefore with immediate effect please do not make any further payments to us via Wisepay. We
are pleased to advise that we have introduced a new service - ‘School Gateway’. Please see
attached letter for further details.
Please find attached details regarding next half term’s after school football club and also details
regarding a vacancy at SPINS Pre-school Nursery.
Enjoy your week.
Yours sincerely,
Sandra Morris