Black Desert and White Desert

Black Desert and White Desert
By: Arden Rose
Once upon a time there was sandstone, who lived in the black desert, and
limestone, who lived in the white desert. They fell in love, but their love was doomed
form the begging………………………..
From the begging the black and white desert were forbidden to love one another
because of father weathering. Ever since the water that covered both deserts receded
back and evaporated, father weathering has separated the black and white deserts. The
white desert consisted of limestone that was made from calcite which came from
evaporating of the ocean and shells form sea animals. The black desert was made on
top of the white desert consisting of sandstone and cooled magma. The sandstone was
made from sand and other particles settling to the bottom of the ocean, and after years
of build up and pressure became a solid rock. The magma came after all the water was
evaporated and receded back. Plates in the earth moved away from each other causing
a rip in the earth know as the Rift Valley. Out of the rift valley spilled magma which
covered the sandstone. Then father weathering weathered the cooled magma and
sandstone away leaving only parts of the limestone, but left some of the black desert in
another area. Since it took so long to weather away some of the black desert he didn’t
have enough energy to make the limestone look nice so he shaped it into odd shapes,
so he only weathered the bottoms of the limestone only and left the top’s big and blocky.
Father weathering was smart he knew that if he made it so the white desert didn’t
look that good the black desert wouldn’t fall in love and he could keep the two deserts
separate. One day though father weathering made a big mistake. While on his way to
weather some more of the white desert he carried with him some of the black desert and
dropped it in the white desert. So the two deserts met and fell madly in love till they were
found out and blown away by father weathering.