Story Writing Rubric for Grade 6 Content: character, setting introduced at the beginning of the story. Problems/events and actions to solve problems are build through paragraphs. Conclusion to story makes sense. 4 –excellence achievement of grade level -The character and setting is clearly and effectively introduced. The problems and events are clear and connect to the story. The writing is creative and holds the reader’s interest 3- good achievement of grade level -The character and setting are clearly introduced. 2- basic achievement of grade level -The character and setting are introduced and are understandable. The problems and events make sense to the story. The events and problems are general and may be predictable. The story keeps the reader’s interest. The story is straightforward and generally holds the reader’s interest Events and details are developed in paragraphs in a understandable way. Events and details are developed in an understandable way most of the time. 1 - not meeting grade level expectations Characters and setting are vague. The events and problems are not given or solved. The story is difficult to follow and understand. Organization Follows a logical order using paragraphs. Connects events and problems with the use of paragraphs. Brings the story to an end in a closing paragraph. Events and details are developed in paragraphs in a clear order. Vocabulary: Words, expressions, simile, metaphors, alliteration, and onomatopoeia are used correctly and make the story more interesting. Conventions Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, indentation for new speakers Throughout story chosen words and expressions create vivid images and enrich details. Words and expression are often used to create images and to make details clearer. Words and expressions are general and used to clarify details. Words and expression are basic and may detract from the story. Error free Errors present rarely reduce the clarity of the story Errors that are present occasionally reduce the clarity and flow of the story Errors reduce the clarity and interrupt the flow of the story The ending ties events together The ending gives an appropriate finish The ending is predictable but connects to events. Events and details lack direction. The ending is not connected to the story.