MEDITHERM ID: REPORT NO: WMC PATIENT ID: 8 Upper Wimpole Street, London W1G 6LH tel: 020 7486 2196, fax: 020 3637 2822 email: THERMAL IMAGING - BREAST SCREENING REGISTRATION PERSONAL DETAILS First appointment date: Surname: Forename: Title: Mr Mrs Ms Miss Other Date of birth: Address: Postcode: Telephone (H): (Mobile): E-mail: Ethnicity: Occupation: Referred by: All information given in the questionnaire will remain strictly confidential and will only be divulged to the reporting thermologist and any other practitioner that you specify. Would you like us to send your report by: Email in pdf format Hard copy in the post A free 10 minute consultation to discuss your report with one of our thermographers or Dr Daya can be arranged should you wish, or if you prefer your referring Practitioner may discuss your report with you instead. What is your preferred form of contact for reminders and messages? By letter By email (address: *By landline *By mobile ) *Do you give us permission to leave a full message on this number (stating the clinic name and a brief message on why we are calling you)? Yes No We sometimes use test results from our patients in our research programme and when we do, this is in a completely anonymous way. It helps us make treatment advances in the work we are doing. Do you object to the anonymous use of your tests results for research purposes? No, I do not object Yes, I do object Signed: Date: OFFICE USE ONLY: Aftercare / Consultation notes DITI NP 042012 1 BREAST THERMOGRAPHY CONFIDENTIAL QUESTIONNAIRE YES NO 1. Do you have any close relative who has had breast cancer? 2. Have you ever been diagnosed with breast cancer? 3. Have you ever been diagnosed with any other breast disease (fibrocystic)? 4. Have you had any biopsies or surgeries to your breasts? 5. Have you had any breast cosmetic surgery or implants? 6. Have you had a mammogram in the past 12 months? 7. Have you had a mammogram in the past 5 years? 8. Have you had abnormal results from any breast testing? 9. Have you ever taken a contraceptive pill for more than 1 year? 10. Have you suffered with cancer of the womb? 11. Have you ever had hormone replacement therapy? 12. Do you have an annual physical examination by a doctor? 13. Do you perform a monthly breast self exam? 14. How many mammograms have you had in total? 15. What was your age when you had your first mammogram? 16. How many births have you had? 17. Did you breast feed? Yes Your age at birth of first child: No If so, approximately how long for? 18. Did your periods start before the age of 12? Or finish after the age of 50? 19. Do you smoke? Yes Never Yes Yes No No Not in last 12 months 20. Have you recently had any of these breast symptoms: Not in last 5 years Right breast Left breast Pain Tenderness Lumps Change in breast size Areas of skin thickening or dimpling Secretions of the nipple EXTENDED BREAST QUESTIONNAIRE Diagnosed with breast cancer: When diagnosed: Cancer type: No Month/Year Metastatic Where (left breast): Yes Local Lymph node involvement Where (right breast): Upper Outer Upper Outer Upper Inner Upper Inner Lower Outer Lower Outer Lower Inner Lower Inner Nipple Nipple Treatment: Surgery DITI NP 042012 Chemo Radiation Other None Please mark X to show location Right Breast Left Breast 2 Diagnosed with other breast disease: When diagnosed: Disease type: Month/Year Fibrocystic Cystic Mastitis Abscess (please report other types of disease in the history Other ) Breast biopsies or surgery: When diagnosed: Month/Year Where (left breast): Upper Outer Upper Inner Lower Outer Lower Inner Nipple Lower Outer Lower Inner Nipple Where (right breast): Upper Outer Upper Inner GENERAL HEALTH QUESTIONS 1. Please state below any diagnosed health conditions you have: 2. Please list any current symptoms you are experiencing: 3. Please state below what prescribed medication and/or nutritional supplements you are currently taking: 4. Prescribed Medicines: 5. Nutritional Supplements: 6. Are you vegetarian or vegan? Yes If yes how long for? No Do you eat red meat? Yes No 7. How many silver fillings do you currently have in your mouth? None 1-2 4-6 A mouthful Have you had any silver/amalgam fillings replaced? Yes No If so when? 8. Do you use products containing aluminium such as: Aluminium foil in cooking? Aluminium pans? Anti perspirants or deodorants containing aluminium? Can you see the aluminium element at the bottom of your kettle? 9. Do you use hair dye? Yes No Do you dry skin brush? Yes How often? No 10. If you smoke cigarettes, etc. how many do you smoke per day? 11. If you drink alcohol state daily consumption and type: 12. How much water do you drink per day? 13. How often do you eat foods containing the following: Dairy daily weekly monthly rarely Caffeine daily weekly monthly rarely Wheat daily weekly monthly rarely Sugar daily weekly monthly rarely DITI NP 042012 3 13. Do you drink tea and/or coffee? If YES please complete questions below: Cups of tea per day: Cups of coffee per day: Do you take sugar with your beverage? yes no Do you take artificial sweeteners with your beverage? 14. Do you sleep well? 15. Do you exercise? yes yes Type of exercise: yes no no How many hours sleep do you get per night? no How often? 16. If you are still having menstrual cycles, are your periods regular? yes no When was your last menstrual period? Where in your cycle are you right now? 17. If you are post menopausal, when did you start the menopause? 18. Are you currently taking HRT or the contraceptive pill? 19. What is your weight? Do you consider your weight to be: Normal 20. Do you consider yourself to be under stress? yes Under Over no What type of stress? Questions relating to ElectroSmog 1. How long do you spend daily on your mobile phone? 2. Where on your body do you place your mobile phone? 3. When using your mobile phone do you use ear piece or phone to ears ? 4. Do you sleep with your mobile phone close to you? 5. Are you aware of any phone masts stations near to your home? 6. How long do you spend daily on the computer? 7. How often do you take flights abroad? 8. Short Haul Flights 9. Long Haul Flights 10. Do you have/use a digital cordless phone at home and/or at work? 11. Do you have wifi at home / work? 12. Do you switch the wifi off at night? PATIENT DISCLOSURE I understand that the report generated from my images is intended for use by trained health care providers to assist in evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. I further understand that the report is not intended to be used by individuals for self-evaluation or self-diagnosis. I understand that the report will not tell me whether I have any illness, disease, or other condition but will be an analysis of the Images with respect only to the thermographic findings discussed in the report. I would like to be shown how to do a self-breast examination yes no I would like a copy of my report to be sent to my referring practitioner. yes no Finally, I understand that it is my own responsibility as the patient to choose whether to accept any treatment or test options professionally offered. yes no By signing below, I certify that I have read and understand the statements above and consent to the examination. Signature: DITI NP 042012 Today’s date: 4 A Positive Outlook Please remember that whilst Thermal Imaging is an excellent screening tool for early detection of underlying metabolic and physiological processes, it does not and cannot offer a diagnosis. Only a tissue biopsy can give a definitive diagnosis. Early detection of heat abnormalities allows for proactive and holistic healthcare approaches to help reverse a potentially serious disease process. We therefore encourage you to focus on these positive, proactive aspects. A snapshot into the invisible energy world, Thermal Imaging provides us with images that help motivate us to bring about basic lifestyle changes to reduce the toxic load on our body and encourage the healing process. These changes can be demonstrated using comparative analysis with Thermal Imaging over a period of time THERMAL IMAGING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS Please read this prior to your breast scan About Thermal Imaging Thermal Imaging is a safe, non invasive screening method which effectively screens for changes in the physiology of breast tissue over time. It provides useful information about inflammation, lymphatic, hormonal and vascular abnormality in the body. This information leads to the justification of further tests, observations or maintenance. It provides the opportunity for early intervention and preventative treatment.Thermal Imaging uses an infrared camera with a sophisticated heat sensor to detect and distinguish various temperatures found in the breast. Preparation information: Getting the best scan picture To ensure the best quality thermal scan, it is important to avoid anything that may heat the body or irritate the skin surface on the day of the scan. Please read the guidelines below and AVOID the following on the day of your scan: ACTIVITY: Smoking for 3 hours prior to the scan Hot showers Sunbathing Shaving or waxing your underarms DIET: Using deodorant, antiperspirant, creams, lotions or hormone creams on the day of the scan. Physical therapy, such as massage, physiotherapy for 24 hours before the scan, unless otherwise advised by a doctor or practitioner Carrying heavy bags on your shoulder or have straps across the breast region under the arms. Also avoid scratching or rubbing the skin surface, especially of the upper body. Hot drinks and food for 3 hours prior to screening Alcohol Caffeine MEDICINE: Where possible, do not take anti-inflammatory or anti-histamine medication. However, a thermography examination should not stop you from taking your normal medication. Please bring a list of your medication with you to the examination. Please wait 3 – 4 months after radiation or surgery, including biopsies to have a thermal scan. DITI NP 042012 5 THE PROCEDURE Please note that all our thermographers are female. Prior to the examination You will be asked to complete a questionnaire. Please bring this completed questionnaire with you. It is advisable to allow plenty of time for your travel to Harley Street so that you have a few minutes before your scan to relax and allow your body temperature to cool down. You are entitled to request a chaperone to be present at your Thermal Imaging session. If you wish to bring your partner, friend or relative along, please do so. What does the procedure involve? You will be directed to a private room where a female thermographer will confirm details of your case history with you. You will then be shown to a screened scanning area and will be asked to remove your upper body clothing, jewellery and secure hair away from your neck. Surgical gowns and hair clasps / nets are available for your comfort should you wish. The thermographer will discuss the images to be taken. Once your body temperature has stabilised after a few minutes, the images will be taken. For the breast scans, 6 images are taken and you will be asked to clasp your hands behind your head for a few seconds while each scan takes place. At the end of the session, you will have the opportunity to look at the pictures briefly. We allow 1 hour for the first scan and subsequent scans are just 30 minutes. Report Your scan report will normally be available during the week following your scan and it can be sent to you by email in a pdf format or by post. If you need your scan results more urgently, please discuss this with the Thermographer at the time of your scan. Additional reports can be sent to your referring practitioner, on request. Aftercare and Advice If you have any questions about your report or would like some advice on what options are available to you, please call the office and ask to speak to the Thermographer. Please note that the Thermographer is not qualified to interpret your report. A telephone discussion with Dr Daya may also be possible. Please note that the DITI reports should not be used for self diagnosis. It is important to discuss the results with a qualified practitioner. Having a thermogram does not replace the possible need for an anatomical test such as mammograms, ultrasounds and MRI’s at some time. The use of both methods of testing gives the best possible opportunity for early detection. If you would like any more information, please visit our website or feel free to call the office on 020 7486 21 96 with any other questions. We look forward to meeting you soon. DITI NP 042012 6