ALTERNATIVE WIND ENERGY IN ICELAND Spring 2012 A VIABLE SOLUTION FOR ICELAND? SUMMARY of entire report to be made by the group that is responsible for handing the paper in. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS By James Dannyell Maddison and Rannvá Danielsen Wind energy is a well-known source of energy. However, in recent years the technology has drastically improved the energy efficiency and stability of wind turbines. A World Energy Assessment by the UNDP (2000) estimates that wind energy theoretically can produce up to 500,000 terawatt-hours annually, though only 10 per cent of this can realistically be harvested. It has also been the fastest growing renewable energy technology over the last ten years, with an average growth 18.4 per cent, according to a report by UNDP and GEF. The global energy consumption in 2008 was 132,000 terawatt-hours, of which 85 per cent was fossil fuel, so the current realistic production of 50,000 terawatt-hours could not replace fossil fuels entirely but it could represent a more sustainable alternative. Even though Iceland produces both geothermal and hydropower energy, the use of fossil fuels is still prevalent (though the vast majority is used for transport), and the total consumption of energy has increased from less than 150 PJ to almost 250 PJ between 2005 and 2010, according to Orkustofnun (2010). It is still valid to explore other sustainable energy options for Iceland, especially with the rising energy prices. The most important factor when deciding the location of wind turbines is the mean wind speed To harvest wind energy, the power density needs to be at least 400 watts per square metre at 30 metres above the ground, or 500 watts per square metre at 50 metres above the ground, according to the UNDP (2000). The most important factor when deciding where to place wind turbines is the mean wind speed. The power output varies with the mean wind speed at a factor of three, so a doubling in wind speed increases the power output by a factor of eight, according to Jónasson (2008). Landsvirkjun (2010) has made a map that lists the areas where harvesting wind energy is feasible, which makes it clear that there are countless of areas where the mean wind speed and infrastructure is adequate. The power generation of wind turbines is dependent on many factors. When the turbine reaches the nominal speed where it produces maximum output, this output remains constant despite increasing winds. In his project, Jónasson (2008) uses 10 x 2MW wind turbines with a hub height of 100 metres placed in three different locations across Iceland. He estimates that the wind turbines have a production capacity of approximately 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0 GWh/year respectively. It is worth noting that the location with 7.5 GWh/year is the location with the highest mean wind speed and wind density, but still it doesn’t have the highest power production. In his analysis, Jónasson (2008) indicates that this location often has very high wind speeds that will make the wind turbines shut off as a safety measure. The capacity factor of the wind turbines is 40%, 42% and 46% respectively, which is a very high capacity factor compared to the common values for on-shore wind farms of 2040%. The wind map by Landsvirkjun. The blue circles represent the many suitable locations for wind turbines in Iceland. This proves how important it is to make a proper analysis of the prospective location of wind turbines and to find a type of wind turbine that suits the location to harvest as much power as the conditions of the location allows. Wind turbines need to connect to main power grids, which ideally are not too far away, and it is wise to take into consideration population density when deciding where to place wind turbines, since many people feel they take from the aesthetics of the landscape in which they are placed. So overall, there are many things to consider when you are deciding where to place wind turbines. On the sustainability of wind turbines it is important to consider the process from which wind power comes. Initially the turbine needs to be built and for this there are processes that emit pollution and the sourcing of parts, which are transported, potentially across great distances. This can be reduced though by sourcing parts locally where possible. Rare earth elements are required in the permanent magnets of turbines but Enercon has developed a turbine that does not use a permanent magnet, thus reducing the need for such rare-earth elements. Assembly processes (cutting, welding, etc.) may also cause pollution although all of this is finite and steps can be taken to mitigate it including recycling. Transportation to the site requires the construction of access roads and fuel to transport the several assemblies, which are very large in size. At the final location there is a pad required for the final assembly. Access roads are also required for the power line assemblies and the power line assemblies have the potential to have a much larger footprint than the wind turbine assembly or assemblies. After construction comes maintenance which requires the continuation of access roads, requiring upkeep not only on the assemblies but also the roads themselves. Part of maintenance is the replacement or upgrading of parts, which again may have to travel individually large distances from the source to the turbines. Replacement can come from both regular wear or also upgrading to later parts which may improve performance or safety of the turbine. Upgrading can also include increasing the number of turbines in an area or network, requiring greater infrastructure. Possibly the most controversial part of wind turbines is the pollution aspect. Most of the issues relating to pollution are not actually environmental but social. Actual environmental pollution really only occurs during the manufacture and assembly. A secondary source of environmental pollution is the variable wind speed, which can require regular stations to operate to provide backup, reducing the environmental benefit of wind energy. The social aspect is covered elsewhere so only a brief list of pollution considered a social issue will be presented here: • Visual pollution: turbines are considered large, ugly and stand out prominently • Sound pollution: turbines generate a hum and there is sound emitted when the blades slice through the air • Kinetic energy: the moving blades provide a risk to birdlife and large rotating masses present a safety hazard in the event of a failure. • Turbines produce low energy for their footprint so many are required, so-called "wind farms" References • Jónasson, Smári. 2008. Feasibility Study of Developing Wind Power Projects in Iceland: An Economic Analysis. Gothenburg: Chalmers University of Technology • Orkustofnun. 2010. Energy Statistic in Iceland 2010. Reykjavík: Orkustofnun • UNDP. World Energy Council. ECOSOC. 2000. Chapter 5: Energy Resources. World Energy Assessment: Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability. • UNDP. GEF. 2008. Promotion of Wind Energy: Lessons Learned From International Experience and UNDP-GEF Projects. • Landsvirkjun. 2010. Vindorka. Reykjavík: Landsvirkjun