July - Transition Liverpool

Energy Sub-group Meeting - 22 July
report by Tracey Dunn
The meeting was excellently chaired by Claire Connolly.
We started by talking about what we were doing and why we had come along.
Roisin Has worked as a volunteer one day a week at 'action for sustainable living’, a charity in
Manchester which kickstarts local projects. It works with government organisations like
DEFRA...department of food and rural affairs contactable on 0800 072 9006 Alan T.T. and 'Friends of
the Earth ' member. Involved with low carbon community strategy and Centre for alternative
technology, Wales. Special interests: health, poverty and social justice. Wants to help people access
Karen Has filled a website (www.thisworldmatters.org/forum) with current affairs, peak oil info, self
sufficiency. Wants to learn how to build a wind turbine.
Danielle President of Liverpool guild of students. Wants to know what students can do to make a
Matt Has studied mechanical engineering. Has been involved in a wind turbine group which had
displays all over the country. Involved with Liverpool social centre, Next to Nowhere under News
from Nowhere, Bold Street. Mentioned that C.A.T. has produced a report 'Zero Carbon Britain' which
talks about forestry, growing food and running cars. There is a good energy chapter. Matt is
interested in Energy watch...advise what grants are available for Liverpool people to access without
involving government.
Stella Has done lots of ecological research in the past including: willow for biofuels, elephant grass
too. Interested in sustainable living and eco knowledge (like don't put wind turbines on peat bogs as
they release more carbon).Interested in education on these subjects including how to utilize Mersey
winds and find local installers of solar panels, wind turbines and thermal boilers.
Dan A background in physics. Has done wind turbine courses in Liverpool and London with Hugh
Piggott (scoragwinds).Has worked for a while at C.A.T. as a volunteer engineer. He mentioned
Hebden Bridge Alternative Technology Centre which has small green business workshops, studios
and a shop. It is an info centre primarily, networking with businesses and grass roots organizations
to facilitate development of more sustainable technology in society.
Sara Works for News from Nowhere cooperative bookshop. Has mentioned that the Ropewalks area
which includes N.from Primary Care Trust offices and FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative
Technology) could get grants for wind turbines and solar panels. Fact’s main project for next year is
called 'unsustainable' and is about the environment to tie in with the city council's 'Year of the
Environment for 2009' Told us about Sundog Energy company based in Cumbria...clean energy
solutions for a greener world. Would like to have resources for info on what grants are available and
maybe an education programme. Suggested a one day a month drop in at the Liverpool Social
Centre. Is concerned that there maybe a blanket ban on wind turbines in the city centre. Told us that
13% of Mersey energy now comes from wind turbines. See wwwBWEA.com/NOABL/ for wind
energy info. There is possibly a million pounds funding from the big lottery fund available for
renewable energy, we will know by September if it's available. Also checkout the T.T. Brixton link
'Sustainable Communities Act 2007' which is worth a read. Tells us how communities can have more
say in democratic processes.
Finally... we are looking into hiring a minibus for a visit to C.A.T. Wales