curriculum vitae - University of Massachusetts Boston

University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125-3393
University of Maryland, Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
Dissertation: “Trust, Commitment, Fidelity, and Condom Use among Young Adults in
Committee: Ulla Larsen (chair), Jeffrey Lucas, Leonard Pearlin, Reeve Vanneman
University of Maryland, Masters of Arts in Sociology
Thesis: “Perceptions of Ability to Refuse Sex among Single Women in Urban Cameroon”
American University, Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, cum laude
2012- current
Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Massachusetts Boston
2011 - 2012
Visiting Assistant Professor, Sociology and Population Studies and Training Center, Brown
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University
2009 - 2011
Fall 2008
2007 - 2008
Summer 2007
2002 - 2008
Independent Contractor, International Programs Center, U. S. Census Bureau
Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
Statistician, Student Temporary Employment Program, International Programs Center, U. S.
Census Bureau
Independent Research Consultant, Population Services International
Hattori, Megan Klein. 2014. Trust and condom use among young adults in relationships in Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of Biosocial Science. 1-18.
Tefera Belachew, David Lindstrom, Abebe Gebremariam, Challi Jira, Megan Klein Hattori, Carl Lachat,
Lieven Huybregts, and Patrick Kolsteren. 2012. Predictors of chronic food insecurity among
adolescents in Southwest Ethiopia: a longitudinal study. BMC Public Health (2012)12:604
Lindstrom, David P., Megan Klein Hattori, Tefera Belachew, and Fasil Tessema. 2012. Lifting the
Curtain on the Conditions of Sexual Initiation among Youth in Ethiopia. Journal of Adolescent
Health. 50(6), 614-620.
Lindstrom, David P., Tefera Belachew, Craig Hadley, Megan Klein Hattori, Dennis Hogan, and Fasil
Tessema. 2010. Survey Estimates of Non-Marital Sex and Condom Knowledge among Ethiopian
Youth: Improved Estimates Using a Non-Verbal Response Card. Studies in Family Planning. 41(4):
Hattori, Megan Klein, Kerry Richter, and Jessica Greene. 2010. Trust, Caution and Condom Use with
Regular Partners: An Evaluation of the Trusted Partner Campaign Targeting Youth in Four Countries.
Social Marketing Quarterly. 16(2):18-48.
Hattori, Megan Klein and Laurie DeRose. 2008. Young Women’s Perceived Ability to Refuse Sex in
Urban Cameroon. Studies in Family Planning. 39(4):309-320.
Hattori, Megan Klein and Ulla Larsen. 2007. Motherhood Status and Union Formation in Moshi,
Tanzania. Population Studies. 61(2):185-199.
Hattori, Megan Klein and Francis Dodoo. 2007. Cohabitation, Marriage, and 'Sexual Monogamy' in
Urban Poor Contexts: The Case of Nairobi Slums. Social Science & Medicine. 64(5):1067-78.
Presser, Harriet B., Megan Klein Hattori, Sangeeta Parashar, Sara Raley, and Zhihong Sa. 2006.
Demographic Change and Response in Social Context: A Multi-Country Perspective. Journal of
Population Research (Special Issue on Globalization and Demographic Change). 23(2):135- 163.
Meekers, Dominique, Martha Silva, and Megan Klein. 2006. Determinants of Condom Use among Youth
in Madagascar. Journal of Biosocial Science, 38(3)365-380.
Meekers, Dominique, Sohail Agha, and Megan Klein. 2005. The Impact on Condom Use of the “100%
Jeune” Social Marketing Program in Cameroon. Journal of Adolescent Health, (6) 530.e1-530.e12.
Meekers, Dominique, Megan Klein, and Leger Foyet. 2003. Patterns of HIV Risk Behavior and Condom
Use Among Youth in Yaoundé and Douala, Cameroon. AIDS and Behavior, 7(4): 413-420.
Meekers, Dominique and Megan Klein. 2002. Determinants of Condom Use among Youths in Yaoundé
and Douala, Cameroon. Studies in Family Planning, 33(4): 335–346.
Meekers, Dominique and Megan Klein. 2002. Understanding Gender Differences in Condom Use SelfEfficacy among Young Adults in Urban Cameroon. AIDS Education and Prevention, 14(1): 62-72.
Hattori, Megan Klein. Changes and continuities in marriages and masculinities in Mtoni, Dar es Salaam,
Hattori, Megan Klein. “Remember to be faithful”: Discussions of Fidelity with Young Men and Women
in the Mtoni ward of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Lindstrom, David P., and Megan Klein Hattori. Ideology and Behavior Change: Social Desirability Bias
and Reporting of Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices in Southwestern Ethiopia.
Hattori, Megan Klein. Exchange or Identity: the Development of Trust and Commitment in Tanzania.
Hattori, Megan Klein, and David P. Lindstrom. Patterns of Reporting Errors Using a Non-Verbal
Response Card in Southwestern Ethiopia.
Hattori, Megan Klein, and David P. Lindstrom. Grant Title: Linking Narratives to Longitudinal Data: the
Relationship between Marriage, Kin, and Legal Institutions in Ethiopia.
Building on a pilot study in Jimma, Ethiopia, this project aims to explore how young adults navigate
the marriage process during a time of rapidly changing relationships between marriage, kin, and legal
Hattori, Megan Klein. Paths to Marriage among Young Men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Roundtable
session presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. New York, NY.
August 9-13, 2013.
Lindstrom, David P., and Megan Klein Hattori. Lifting the curtain on the conditions of Sexual Initiation
among Female and Male Youth in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population
Association of America. Washington, D.C., March 31- April 2, 2011.
Lindstrom, David P., and Megan Klein Hattori. The Nonverbal Response Card Method for Soliciting
Responses to Sensitive Questions. Oral poster presented at the 2011 Joint Statistical Meetings.
Miami, FL. July 30-August 4, 2011.
Hattori, Megan Klein, Sarah Braun, Hope Chapman, Carolyn Chuong, Moniques Morales, and Sushant
Wagley. Sexual Concurrency in Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe: The Role of Gender, Economic
Status, and Migration. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of
America. Dallas, TX. April 14-16, 2010. * . indicates undergraduate student co-author
Hattori, Megan Klein. Identity and the Development of Trust and Commitment in Tanzania. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA.
August 8-11, 2009.
Hattori, Megan Klein. Trust, Commitment, Fidelity, and Condom Use among Young Adults in
Tanzania. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. New
Orleans, LA. April 16-19, 2008.
Klein, Megan, Kerry Richter, and Jessica L. Greene. Trust, Caution, and Condom Use with Regular
Partners: a Multicountry Evaluation of the Trusted Partner Campaign. Poster exhibition at the
International AIDS Conference. Toronto, Canada. August 13-18, 2006.
Klein, Megan and Ulla Larsen. Motherhood Status and Union Formation in Moshi, Tanzania. Poster
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Los Angeles, CA. March
30-April 2, 2006.
Presser, Harriet, Megan Klein, Sangeeta Parashar, Sara Raley, Zhihong Sa, and Jessica Shedd.
Demographic Change and Response in Institutional Context: A Multi-Country Perspective. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA.
August 14, 2004.
Klein, Megan and Yolande Coombes. Trust and Condom use: The Role of Sexual Caution and Sexual
Assurances for Tanzanian Youth. Poster Presentation at the International AIDS Conference.
Bangkok, Thailand. July 11-16, 2004.
Klein, Megan and Yolande Coombes. Towards a Trust, Caution and Sexual Assurances Measurement
Scale: Evidence from a Pilot in Zimbabwe. Poster Exhibition at the International AIDS Conference.
Bangkok, Thailand. July 11-16, 2004.
Klein, Megan and Laurie DeRose. Young Women’s Perceived Ability to Refuse Sex in Urban Cameroon.
Poster Exhibition at the International AIDS Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. July 11-16, 2004.
Klein, Megan and Francis Dodoo. Union Type and 'Sexual Monogamy' in Nairobi Slums. Poster
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Boston, MA. April 1-3,
Longfield, Kim and Megan Klein. Giving into Sexual Demand: Sexual Decision-Making among Youth.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA.
November 15-19, 2003.
Klein, Megan. Determinants of Unmarried Females’ Ability to Refuse Sex in Urban Côte d’Ivoire. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Minneapolis, MN. May
1-3, 2003.
Klein, Megan and Francis Dodoo. Violence, Coercion, Trickery and Negative Reproductive Health
Outcomes among Nairobi’s Poorest Residents. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Population Association of America. Minneapolis, MN. May 1-3 2003.
Longfield, Kim and Megan Klein. Criteria for Trust and How Trust Affects Sexual Decision-Making
among Youth. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association.
Philadelphia, PA. November 9-13, 2002.
Longfield, Kim and Megan Klein. Criteria for Trust and How Trust Affect Sexual Decision-Making
among Youth. Poster presented at International AIDS Conference. Barcelona, Spain. July 7-12 2002.
Longfield, Kim, Sohail Agha, Thankian Kushanthan, Megan Klein, and John Berman. Reasons for Nonuse of Condoms in Eight Countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Paper presented at the International
Conference on AIDS & STDs in Africa. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. December 9-13, 2001.
Meekers, Dominique and Megan Klein. Patterns of HIV Risk Behavior and Condom Use among Youth
in Yaoundé and Douala, Cameroon. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public
Health Association. Atlanta, GA. October 21-25, 2001.
Meekers, Dominique and Megan Klein. Determinants of Condom Use among Youth in Yaoundé and
Douala, Cameroon. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health
Association. Atlanta, GA. October 21-25, 2001.
Meekers, Dominique and Megan Klein. Understanding Gender Differences in Condom Use Self-Efficacy
among Young Adults in Urban Cameroon. Poster presented at the Conference of the International
Union for the Scientific Study of Population. Salvador, Brazil. August 18-24, 2001.
National Institutes of Health (NICHD) R01. Principal Investigators: Ulla Larsen (Ibis
Reproductive Health) and Marida Hollos (Brown University); Co-Investigator: Megan
Klein Hattori
Grant title: “Infertility in Tanzania: Marital and Social Relations, Coping, and
Mental Health”
Direct costs: $1.2 million
This project aims to determine the early and cumulative impacts of infertility on marital,
kin, and community relations, coping responses, and mental health among females and
males in Moshi, Tanzania using mixed methods.
2006 - 2007
National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant
Grant title: “Doctoral Dissertation Research: A Sociological Analysis of Trust,
Commitment, and Health Risk among Young Adults”
Grant Amount: $7,500
This project studied reproductive and mental health using mixed-methods to develop
theoretically grounded, locally relevant models of behavior in Tanzania.
University of Massachusetts Boston, Department of Sociology
Fall 2013
Senior Capstone: Sexuality, Gender, and Society (Undergraduate, 11)
Spring 2013,
Sociology of Health and Illness (Graduate, 8-12)
Spring 2014
Fall 2012,
Introduction to Sociology (Undergraduate, 35-40)
Fall 2013 (2
Spring 2014
Fall 2012
Sociology of Health, Illness, and Health Care (Undergraduate, 35)
Brown University, Department of Sociology
Fall 2011
Instructor, Sex, Gender, and Society (Undergraduate, 76)
Spring 2010
Instructor, Population and Society (Undergraduate, 8)
Spring 2009
Instructor, Social Perspectives on HIV/AIDS (Graduate and Undergraduate, 15)
University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Sociology
Spring 2008
Instructor, Social Demography (Undergraduate, 40)
Fall 2007
Instructor, Social Demography (Undergraduate, 37)
Summer 2006
Instructor, Social Psychology (Undergraduate, 12)
Spring 2004
Teaching Assistant, Social Demography (Undergraduate)
Fall 2003
Teaching Assistant, Social Demography (Undergraduate)
Spring 2002
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Sociology (Undergraduate)
Fellow, Junior Faculty Research Seminar, University of Massachusetts Boston
2004 - 2006
July 2004
1996-7, 1997-8
Graduate Fellowship, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, International
Program in Demography, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland,
College Park
Travel Scholarship, International AIDS Society, International Scholarship
Program, XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
Colonial Athletic Association Scholar Athlete, American University
Sociology Colloquium Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts
Boston, 2012-2014
Sociology Social Psychology Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts
Boston, 2012-2014
Sociology Curriculum Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts Boston,
Sociology Migration Search Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts
Boston, 2013
Pre-Medical and Allied Health Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts
Boston, 2013
Postdoctoral Advisory Panel, Brown University, 2009 – 2011
Undergraduate Thesis Reader: Rebecca Stern, Development Studies, Brown University, 2011
Dissertation Reader: Adriana López Ramírez, Department of Sociology, Brown University, 2009
Statistics and Methods Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland, 2005-2007
University Teaching, Learning and Technology Conference (University of Massachusetts Boston,
May 15, 2014)
Introduction to Sociology: Interactive Techniques to Make It Fresh (American Sociological
Association Webinar, September 13, 2013)
Teaching Workshop: Sex Matters: The Importance and Mechanics of Teaching Sexuality
Effectively (American Sociological Association Conference, August 12, 2013)
Teaching Workshop: Teaching Intro to Sociology (American Sociological Association
Conference, August 12, 2013)
BYOD/MOBILE: IT/Library iPad in the Classroom and Healey Library presentation (University
of Massachusetts Boston, November 20, 2013)
CIT/Library/EdTech Conference: Innovating Teaching & Learning through Partnerships and
Collaboration (University of Massachusetts Boston, May 15, 2013)
Flipping Your
Classroom: Using Technology to Gain More Time for Learning-Based Activities
(University of Massachusetts Boston, March 27, 2013)
Teaching Diversity Today: What are the Challenges and Opportunities? (University of
Massachusetts Boston, February 27, 2013)
Nurturing the Development of the Reflective Thinker: Essential Skills for Learning (Brown
University, November 2, 2011)
Reading, Reflecting, and Relating: A Metacognitive Approach to Learning (Brown University,
November 2, 2011)
Interactive Classrooms (Brown University, October 18, 2011)
Effective PowerPoints (Brown University, April 11, 2011)
Integrating Teaching & Research (Brown University, November 9, 2010)
Cognitive Diversity in the Classroom: Teaching to Different Learning Styles (Brown University,
November 8, 2010)
Teaching Graduate Students (Brown University, April 13, 2010)
Leading Seminars (Brown University, December 1, 2009)
Using a Wiki in Your Course - Let's Get Collaborating! (Brown University, November 10, 2009)
Media Workshop: Presenting/Communicating Your Science to the Public and Press (Brown
University, March 16, 2009)
Responding to Student Writing (Brown University, February 26, 2009)
Aug. 2009
Co-Instructor, Scholars for Change Workshop on Quantitative Analyses and
Presentations, Jimma University, Ethiopia
Jan. 2002
Co-Instructor, Workshop on Qualitative Analysis using Ethnograph 5.0,
Population Services International, Kigali, Rwanda
Jan. 2002
Co-Instructor, Workshop on Quantitative Analysis and Report Writing,
Population Services International, Johannesburg, South Africa
May 2000 - Jan. 2002 Research Assistant, Population Services International, Washington, DC
Aug. 1999 - May 2000 AIDSMark Intern, Population Services International, Washington, DC
Summer 1999
Administrative Assistant, Manpower at the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund, Washington, DC
Spring 1999
Library Intern, White and Case Lawyers, Paris, France
Fall 1998
Fall Advocacy Intern, National Peace Corps Association, Washington, DC
Summer 1997, 1998
Assistant Swim Coach, West Chester Country Club, West Chester, PA
David Lindstrom
Department of Sociology
Box 1916, Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Ulla Larsen
Nancy Luke
Associate Professor of Sociology and
906 Oswald Tower
University Park , PA 16802
Additional references available upon request