Data Requirements for Circulation Calendars (Circulation Policy Set) General notes 1. Assumes system has a calendaring function that allows it to know today’s date and time. 2. Assumes use of AM/PM, NOT military time. 3. Assumes use of whatever OLE system parameter controls date and time format (if such exists). Examples below use “mm/dd/yyyy” and “hh/mm”—typical in U.S. libraries. 4. Each Circulation Desk may have its own calendar or share a calendar with other Circulation Desks. Identifying the appropriate calendar needs to be added to Rice Main Menu>Deliver>Circulation Desk. 5. Time is ALWAYS local time. 6. Assumes that most Circulation Desks will establish a calendar without an End Date so that calendar will be used indefinitely. As such,open/close times and/or Exception Days and/or Exception Periods s may be changed (or new ones added) at any time 7. Assumes that it is the responsibility of staff to update a calendar as needed, e.g., an established Exception Period (e.g., “Spring Break”) or certain Exception Days (e.g., Labor Day) will have different begin/end dates each year 8. There is nothing to prevent a library from creating a sequence of calendars to cover a standard period of time (e.g., four calendars for four academic quarters per year). However, the library will then to need to manually change the calendar for any affected Circulation Desk. 9. Business logic for calculating due dates, fines, etc. utilizes a Circulation Calendar. That code needs to be reviewed to make sure it now references a calendar. Data Calendar # Calendar Description Begin/end dates Each day of week Open time AM/PM Close time AM/PM Exception day description Exception day date Open time AM/PM Close time Notes System-assigned unique ID Free text mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy System should validate that End Date is same or later than Begin Date; End Date can be blank/null meaning that it is in effect indefinitely. Characters: numbers/slash only. Monday-Sunday hh/mm for each day. Blank/null means closed the entire day. Select one (n/a if open time is blank/null) hh/mm for each day. Value can be a time of the following day, e.g., 1:00 AM). Blank/null means closed the entire day. Select one (n/a if close time is blank/null) Repeatable; e.g., “July 4th”, “Labor Day”, etc. Enter mm/dd/yyyy. [To account for unexpected closures, an Exception day date can be a past date.] hh/mm Blank/null means closed the entire day. Select one (n/a if open time is blank/null) hh/mm n/a if open time is blank/null AM/PM Exception period descriptions Exception Period begin/end dates Each day of week Open time AM/PM Close time AM/PM Create date Update date Operator ID Select one (n/a if close time is blank/null) Repeatable; e.g., “Spring Break”, “Summer Interim”, etc. mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy System should validate that End Date is same or later than Begin Date. Exception Period MUST have an End Date. Numbers/slash only. [To account for unexpected closures, Exception Period begin/end dates can be past dates.] Monday-Sunday hh/mm for each day. Blank/null means closed the entire day. Select one (n/a if open time is blank/null) hh/mm for each day. Value can be a time of the following day, e.g., 1:00 AM). Blank/null means closed the entire day. Select one (n/a if close time is blank/null) Save only the last update date Save only the last operator who created/updated