Wood to Wheels 2012– Unit Timeline Jenn Coury Genetically Modified Plants: Applications of Bioengineering (I teach on a 90 minute block where Wednesdays are 60min) Lesson Title & Brief description Day Duration Learning Objectives Lesson One: How can biomass structure and cellulose degradation be optimized for biofuels? M 45 min - Students will be able to explain the three parts of the W2W program (Woody Biomass Resource Research, Bio-processing Research, and Engine and Vehicle System) - Students will be able to describe the characteristics of wood that scientists are manipulating in the lab in order to achieve the goal of W2W Introduction to W2W - PP Lecture describing wood ethanol wheels concept Standards B1.1B, B1.1E, B1.1h, B1.2E, B1.2f, B1.2g, B4.2f, B4.2h, B4.r2i , B4.r5a 90 min TOTAL Lesson Two: Are tree crowns a sustainable source of bioenergy? Materials Needed -Wood-to-Wheels: Converting Biomass to Biofuels PowerPoint -Projector -Science Notebooks -Projector -Science Notebooks Predicting the Future Energy Benefits of Trees – Students read a scientific article (MS level) comparing potential wood E in tree crowns – create a graph of the data and identify the conclusion M 45 min -Students will be able to create and analyze a graph from a data table from the findings section of a simplified scientific article to reach a conclusion Peer-reviewed journal articles #1 Students read the scientific article Predicting the Future Energy Benefits of Trees was based on – identify the evidence and conclusion T 45 min -Students will be able to analyze a graph and look for statistical significance in a peer-reviewed scientific article to reach a conclusion -Students will be able to use the evidence presented in scientific articles to draw a conclusion regarding the potential use of tree crowns as a sustainable source of bioenergy B1.1B, B1.1E, B1.1g, B1.1h, B1.2C, B1.2D, B1.2f B1.2g B1.2i, Math CC: Practice 4, S-ID.1, S-ID.3, S-ID.5, S-ID.6, S-IC.5, S-IC.6 -Class copies of article -Class copies of article Lesson Three: How Can Genetically Modified Foods be Detected with PCR? ~12 hours TOTAL Part I: Plant Soybean Seeds Plant Seeds, present Prezi showing an example of plant transformation related to W2W, science notebook questions 60 min B1.1, B1.1B, B1.1C, B1.1D, B1.1E, B1.1f, B1.1h , B1.1i , B2.5A, B4.2 , B4.2B, B4.2C, B4.2D , B4.2x, B4.2f, B4.2h, B4.r2i, B4.r5x, B4.r5a, B5.3, B5.3f Th 90 min Part III: Amplify DNA by PCR 1) PCR Virtual Lab 2) Paper Clip PCR F 90 min Part III: Amplify DNA by PCR 3) Write out and discuss protocol & trip to lab Part IV: Analyze PCR Products by Gel Electrophoresis 1) Gel Virtual Lab Part III: Amplify DNA by PCR 2) LAB: Run PCR M 45 min -Access to the internet -Projector -Carolina Detecting Genetically Modified Food by PCR Lab -Student copies STUDENT LAB INSTRUCTIONS (pages 5-12) -Permanent markers -Roundup® herbicide (optional) -Prezi Plant Transformation -Planting pot or flat -Potting soil *NOTE: Plant seeds 2-3 weeks before you plan on isolating DNA - Soy or corn food products -Micropipets and tips (1 μL to 1000 μL) -Microcentrifuge tube racks -Microcentrifuge for 1.5-mL tube -Water bath or heating block -Containers with cracked or crushed ice -Vortexer (optional) -Roundup® herbicide (optional) -Student copies of the Paper Clip PCR Activity (pages 3-5) -Small colored paper clips ( per group blue, red, green, yellow (25 EACH) and white (6) No new materials M 45 min No new materials M -Thermal Cycler (PCR) Part IV: Analyze PCR Products by Gel T 60 min after school trip to OU lab to run PCR 30 min Part II: Isolate DNA from Soybean and Food Products 1) Write out and discuss protocol Part II: Isolate DNA from Soybean and Food Products 2) LAB: Isolate DNA W 60 min -Students will be able to determine if a plant has been genetically modified -Students will be able to isolate DNA, amplify DNA by PCR, and interpret the results of gel electrophoresis No new materials Electrophoresis 2) Write out and discuss protocol, demonstrate loading Part V: Bioinformatics 1) Complete BLAST as class Flex time – finish any loose ends Part IV: Analyze PCR Products by Gel Electrophoresis 3) LAB: Analyze PCR by Gel Electrophoresis a) Load and run b) Stain and de-stain c) Photograph Results and Discussion Questions T 60 min -CD Rom from Carolina Kit W Th 60 min 90 min F 45 min Optional Enrichments Unit Assessment M Varied Varied No new materials -Micropipets and tips (1 μL to 1000 μL) -Microcentrifuge tube racks -Microcentrifuge for 1.5-mL tube -Electrophoresis chambers -Electrophoresis power supplies -UV transilluminator (ethidium bromide staining) OR -White light box (CarolinaBLU™ staining, optional) -Camera (optional) -Student copies RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (pages 17-18) Varied 90 min All above - Computer Lab Access