Common Core Meetings Site Input Bishop`s Peak Wireless

Common Core Meetings
Site Input
Bishop’s Peak
Professional Development – will be needed
Books – are they going online/no more paper books
Bridges Math Adoption
Smart Board – Wii game
Leasing – Apple Computer
Roving Science Teacher
Tables - 1 to 3 students
Technology at home for families is important
Even if it is only one – per class
Cutting edge of technology – we don’t have to make the same mistakes that have been made
Google Glass
Accountability Stand Point – Repair – Fixing tablets vs. just get tablets
What will work better in the classroom
Readability – Content Science and Social Science that is at a reader’s level
What are the core basic things we need – do that first
Should we pilot first – Professional Development
I got an IPAD that I can’t use because I don’t have wifi
Match Curriculum with individual levels? – Dream Box
The reality is that the amount of accessible information in an online setting is by far vaster than any
collection I can hold on my bookshelves. From eBooks, Trueflix, National Geographic, ETC Portal with
WorldBook, NASA, Smithsonian, CA Streaming, etc., as a district we are quite fortunate to possess such
resources. Since I have two student machines in my classroom, and only one hour of scheduled time per
week to visit a lab, I am not able to involve many of these resources in my everyday teaching.
Typing and testing are yet additional reasons to get tablets in our kids’ hands sooner than later.
Currently, my class of fourth grade students type at an average of 8 WPM. This is far below the expected
rate of 20 WPM for their grade level.* We have already seen data from the middle school in support of
increasing students’ typing fluency and digital literacy.
Wireless is a necessity
Student computers need to be mobile
Get them out to teachers first, prior to students
SBAC number of machines
Discussed LOMS
Where would the computers go?
Tablets vs. Machines
Ipads now- guided reading group
Have we looked at other districts? Other states?
Exposure to SBAC – What will students have to do
Does the Bridges program have a tech component
Interactive process
Grade 2 math games, reading, typing – computer lab
Mobility aspect is important especially at PBHS
English – Novel based, downloading novels will be great
EWRC – more items on line
More modalities
Tech could be more engaging for these kids
Excited about google apps
Willing to pilot things
Del Mar
Text to speak and speak to text
Professional Development
Flat screen televisions
Splitters for headphones
Online classes
Google docs
Power school
Communicating with Parents – Report cards
Special Ed – SEIS
Professional development for parents
Summer training
Different level of training
Instructional aide pd
Report Card – tied to technology
SBAC – Keyboarding vs. Tablet
Research aspect- more computers per student
Long term use? – what to buy
Teacher Station – different than kids?
Tv’s vs. Projector
Differentiating for all kids
Purchasing machines and allowing parents to buy their own
What about kids taking them home and having control?
List online? Practice test
Develop a committee on how devices are used, not just thrown them out to people
Being able to individualize is huge
Need to focus on which apps to use
Need keyboard for whatever we purchase
Apple has more apps
Kunos are great with the cloud, using some ebooks
Get a team of teachers to research what to use
Slowly implement
Nice to get programs that monitor student progress
Special education need help with being able to look at apps
Should we buy something on a consistent fashion? Like all Ipads, laptops?
The current computer lab is always booked
There is a need for professional development
Laptops have changed the way I teach, I use less time with the Mobi and the digital projector
We should look at mobile keyboards
Novell system, slow and some are having difficulty linking in
Read 180 program had the same challenges, Tech services helped with a few solutions
If we go with cheaper devices for kids, we should still have a “super” lab
Need to find more non-fiction for tablets/computers
Are there Math manipulatives that can find?
Technology is going to require staff and students to change their thinking. Things are always going to
work perfectly and they will need to look for solutions to the problems that arise.
Instructional materials in Spanish – Lucy Calkins
What PD is on site for teachers/students
6th grade- one to one, laptop vs. tablet better, what purpose will it serve
Need keyboards for whatever we get
Sign of screen, what to use for SBAC
Replacement plan
Cable for digital projector set up
K-2 progress, centers – exposure
3 on one on one
Teacher machine first
Support for intervention
Find programs that support and intervene
Find ways to engage kids
Bringing in the science standards with the lit standards – Spanish and English
Get Rosetta Stone for EL students
Spend some money on non-fiction books for our district, school and classroom libraries because nonfiction is an area that is emphasized a lot more than in the past (50% now) with the new common core
standards. Most classroom libraries are probably 90% fiction books.
Morro Bay High School
Buy quality vs. quantity
Art media – adobe software district software
PD with Technology and Common Core
Google Suite- PD
Time to learn the new tech and collaborate
Pull out – no math subs
Keyboarding skills
Is there a vision to move forward?
What is the plan for replacement?
Overall vision for consistency?
Still room for desktops
One or two people could put the units together and give to others
Follow through
Cloud storage, audio video program
Flipped Classroom
Mobis/Smart Boards
San Luis Obispo High School
Computers now not later
Lap tops and desk tops
Variable formats
Text book control
Computer literacy for students and teachers
Update library computers
Free tech for – Richard Byrne
Science labs and other software
Monarch Grove
Should we purchase cheaper options like leap frog vs. tablets?
Should we look at one district standard to focus on and then buy?
Equity Issues at sites – come up with a template
Tough to have combination classes with common core implementation
Elementary prep
Professional Development for the new report card and it’s implementation
Classroom space – where will the new machines go?
Field trips for students/experiences for students
Rosetta Stone
More books for the new literacy units
Los Ranchos
Headphones- BYOD for headphones – more sanitary
BYOD in general for whatever technology we approve, such as a chromebook
Textbook money- can that go to the technology related parts? Can use textbooks online.
Pearson textbooks online, CC System of courses – LA Unified – have both math and science
1.8 million dollars – is that enough for textbook adoptions?
One to one devices seems critical for upper grades with the textbook connected
Will ipad work for SBAC?
Fascinated with the one to one ability
Need at least one other computer lab at our site, maybe laptops
Wireless printers
Gmail blocked?
Maximum infrastructure – why even buy a desktop?
Microsoft tablets comes with word processing program
Need word processing for writing program grades 3 – 6th
Keyboarding – pages can dictate, keyboard will be gone in 5 years.
If we go with pilots – be ready to add the rest quickly
Roll out this plan by grade level, not one teacher at a time
Laguna Middle School
PC replacement
Most kids have their own headphones
Common Core PD with Special Education
Push more one to one – updating to one to one instead of replacing XP’s
Training needs to happen prior to get computers
Have to look at this as an ongoing cost
Budget priority for replacement
Wireless printers
Warning against giving one on one to students
PD – support common core transition
Blocked items – internet
Go into classes and check
Start training – video lessons – online recordings for kids
Lap top cart in classrooms
One to one is best for teaching
Are you going to get input on what we should buy?
I would really like to get a laptop cart with about 15-17 laptops on it. I use the one from the library for a
couple of group projects. I really don't like groups work, but I think it is good to have students do some
group work so that they can learn to deal with diverse personalities instead of their group of friends. If a
teacher picks the groups, some real learning can take place--and it isn't all about History (my subject). I
think that the laptop cart is a great expenditure of money because it is portable. Even if it is only one
teacher a session, a cart can serve several teachers.
I'd LOVE faster and more reliable wi-fi, as well as one-to-one iPad and desktop access right in my room.
I'd also like to access FASTT Math and FractionNation in my room.
CL Smith
Are there other districts we can emulate?
Excited that we are heading in this direction
Visual learning – can be worse for an ereader? Licensing issues, how students learn?
Flipped classrooms
Tools to be ready are important
Manipulative with an ipad is cleaner alternative than having beads/blocks everywhere.
Would we get keyboards if we went with ipads
Access is important for those who do not have technology at home
PD for technology for parents?
Used ipads this year for a unit was great.
Apple TV is important
Build a bridge to prepare them for the test
Like STAR test, we need to prepare the kids prior
Time for scheduling is important
Professional development
Research based writing needs to be on technology
Antivirus questions – how will we protect ourselves
What about replacement?
1. The establishment of an annual replacement plan is of the utmost importance
2. Training, training, training
3. XP replacement needs to be a priority
4. Update libraries and labs so that they can be used for testing
5. Have teacher work stations plus mobile carts
6. Upgrade audio/video equipment in classrooms
7. Additional PC Techs are going to be needed for all of the additional devices