Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen

5th Grade Effects of Globalization on Cultures
Teacher: Jeanne Kumpunen
Grade: 5th
Unit Title: Globalization
Domain Specific Learning Objectives:
The focus is on:
The Students will:
Creativity, team work, geography skills,
technology skills, cultural awareness
To develop career ready skills applicable to
global economies and interacting with other
To develop skills in geographical locations of
different cultures and ideas
To apply the skills of innovation, design
processes, creativity, team work, and
quantitative reasoning
To develop college ready skills
To develop 21st century skills such as
technology integration, collaboration, and
critical thinking
Participate in information-sharing activities
that will help them learn facts and
information about globalization.
Answer some basic questions about
Discuss how globalization affects them and
make a chart of how globalization can
negatively and positively affect other
Process: Use of the internet to provide communication and
research oriented work. Work as a team to problem solve and
think creatively to collaborate on real world solutions:
Provides the introductory and foundational research and
technology learning that leads to success in challenging
and applied courses in secondary grades.
Introduces awareness of other cultures and world
Provides standards-based, structured inquiry-based and
real-world problem-based learning that interconnects
geography subjects.
Stimulates student interest in “wanting to” rather than
“having to” take further technology, communication,
and social science related courses.
Bridges and connects in-school and out-of-school
learning opportunities.
Strategies to address special populations:
Lesson Agenda:
ESL, twice exception students:
Post Unit Name: focus on Agenda on Board
Pretest for mastery
Visuals and written directions on board
Task cards for lesson procedures
Hands on materials
Heterogeneous grouping
Individualized assignments as appropriate
Check for understanding: assessments (below),
teacher circulating to review work; assist
Technology for additional practice
Scaffolding learning
Follow any and all BIP’s
Opening: Post & Review Standard(s)
Review Theme
Review previous concept/lessons as needed
Review target vocabulary
Review Goal/Objective
Review procedure/expectations
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen
Review Assessment
Review behavior expectations
Distribute Materials as per set up procedure
Theme: Exploration
Exploration requires taking risks.
Exploration confronts "the unknown."
Exploration may result in "new findings" or the confirmation of "old
Exploration requires leadership (i.e. explorers).
Essential Question(s): Does globalization provide a better future?
Sub Question(s):
What is globalization?
How does globalization affect cultures?
What are some of globalization’s affects on the economies of developed and developing nations?
What are the effects of technology on globalization?
Essential Vocabulary
Computers and iPads
Pre-printed forms
to group
Learning Experience
8 Mathematical
√ 1. Make sense of problems
and persevere in solving them.
√ 2. Reason abstractly and
 3. Construct viable
arguments and critique the
reasoning of others.
√ 4. Model with mathematics.
 5. Use appropriate tools
Common Core State Standards:
Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context, such as by:
Reporting the number of observations.
Describing the nature of the attribute under investigation, including how it was
measured and its units of measurement.
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen
√ 6. Attend to precision.
Reading – Informational Texts:
√ 7. Look for and make use
of structure.
Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key
details; summarize the text.
√ 8. Look for and express
regularity in repeated
Speaking and Listening
Comprehension and
1. Prepare for and participate
effectively in a range of
conversations and collaborations
with diverse partners, building on
others’ ideas and expressing their
own clearly and persuasively.
2. Integrate and evaluate
information presented in diverse
media and formats, including
visually, quantitatively, and orally.
3. Evaluate a speaker’s point of
view, reasoning, and use of
evidence and rhetoric.
Presentation of Knowledge
and Ideas
Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and
differences in the point of view they represent.
Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to
locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.
Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text,
identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s).
Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak
about the subject knowledgeably.
Reading – Foundational Skills:
Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.
Speaking and Listening:
4. Present information, findings,
and supporting evidence such that
listeners can follow the line of
reasoning and the organization,
development, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas
and expressing their own clearly.
5. Make strategic use of digital
media and visual displays of data to
express information and enhance
understanding of presentations.
Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw
on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas
under discussion.
6. Adapt speech to a variety of
contexts and communicative tasks,
demonstrating command of formal
English when indicated or
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.
Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the
discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.
Scientific Thinking and Practice
Use of Mathematical Skills
Review the key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and
knowledge gained from the discussions.
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen
Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in
presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.
History and Social Studies:
Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with
other information in print and digital texts.
Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.
Science as Language Arts:
Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a
version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model,
graph, or table).
Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on research findings, and
speculation in a text.
Compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or
multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic.
Learning Activities/Lessons:
Follow Lesson Plan as Follows
Closing/Summarizing Strategy:
Ask teams to score their performance for creativity, communication and teamwork
and ask why. Ask how can they improve for future? Complete rubric with scores.
Differentiation Strategies
Additional Practice
Repeat same challenge; add more time
Add additional factors such as
adding other materials or
different scenarios.
Language Development
Model type of dialog that is ideal
for teamwork.
Ask teams to score their performance for creativity, communication and teamwork. Complete rubric to include
points earned and proficiency level.
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen
Lesson Progression
Day 1
 Begin lesson by doing pre-test on globalization on
Quia. Go through questions together to check for
 Discuss theme - Explorations; 1. Exploration requires
taking risks. 2. Exploration confronts "the unknown." 3.
Exploration may result in "new findings" or the
confirmation of "old findings." 4. Exploration requires
leadership (i.e. explorers).
 Essential question(s): Does globalization mean a
better future? Put up four sub-questions on board:
i) What is globalization?
ii) How does globalization affect cultures?
iii) What are some of globalizations effects on the
economies of developed and undeveloped nations?
iv) What are the effects of technology on
 Discuss with students what they may already know
about globalization (activating prior knowledge).
 Distribute vocabulary words and have students put
into their interactive student notebooks. Have students
add essential questions and sub-questions into their
notebooks as well.
 Review expectations for final project and have students
clear up any questions they may have about iBooks
Author, iMovie, or Glogster before they have to start on
final project.
Day 2
 Review with students how to set up a video conference
using Google Hangouts and WizIQ. Have them prepare
questions that they would like to ask Ruth Wangler,
former gifted teacher at school, for a video conference
they will be having with her the next day. Discuss with
students that she now lives and works in Dubai. Have
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen
the students locate Dubai on Google Maps and then on
the classroom globe.
 Discuss proper etiquette for a live conference and what
expected behaviors are.
 Have students type out questions or write them in their
interactive notebooks.
Day 3
 Have pre-arranged Video Conference with Ruth
Wangler in Dubai.
 Students can discuss the economy, culture, and life
 Students should take careful note of answers in their
interactive notebooks or on the Google Docs shared
document for their group.
Day 4
 Do Nearpod presentation on globalization that I
created using iPads, have students do activities on the
Nearpod site.
 Review hand-out of study questions that students will
be answering.
Day 5
 View video segment – Globalization’s Impact from The
Way We Live on Discovery Education. Have students
take down any major ideas that they quickly get from
the video in their interactive notebooks.
 Class discussion on ideas in segment that caught the
attention of students. Document the ideas that come
from discussion on Google Docs.
 Divide students into groups of 3 to 4 students. The
groups can choose one of the following topics to
investigate in relation to globalization: technology,
economics (money and wages), culture, or
 The groups then log in to Discovery Education, put in
globalization in search bar, put in video for media type
and find five choices for research on their topics. They
need to watch and discuss the segments as a group and
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen
collaborate on Google Docs for their notes.
 Students should be answering the study questions on
their hand-outs either in their interactive notebook or
on their Google Docs. Each student will need to
complete their own questions for a grade. They can
choose which format to use.
Day 6
 Continue watching video segments and group
Day 7
 Continue watching video segments and group
Day 8
 Continue watching video segments and group
 If student groups finish earlier than others they will
start on the plus/delta chart using their choice of
Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or another choice that
should be presented to teacher to present the pros and
cons of globalization that they have found.
Day 9
 Continue watching video segments and group
 If student groups finish earlier than others they will
start on the plus/delta chart using their choice of
Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or another choice that
should be presented to teacher to present the pros and
cons of globalization that they have found.
Day 10
 Students will start on the plus/delta chart using their
choice of Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or another
choice that should be presented to teacher to present
the pros and cons of globalization that they have found.
Day 11
 Once students have gathered all data they will put it
into one of three formats for a presentation to class:
(a) Use iMovie to make a movie presentation
about what they have learned about
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen
globalization with respect to the specific topic
their group chose. They need to follow rubric
for the iMovie presentation and use at least two
professional video segments in their
presentation. They must also list their sources.
(b) Use iBooks Author to make a book that
presents their data using the before listed
criteria for iMovie and the rubric for iBooks
(c) Use Glogster to make an ePoster that
presents their data using the before listed
criteria for iMovie and the rubric for Glogster.
Day 12
 Continue work on final project for presentation.
Day 13
 Continue work on final project for presentation
Day 14
 Continue work on final project for presentation
Day 15
 Continue work on final project for presentation
Day 16
 Have students present their final projects to
classmates. This may take several days to finish. Have
them review their plus/delta charts with the class and
how they feel, as a group, about globalization.
Day 17
 Do Pre/Post test on globalization on Quia.
 Discuss with class overall feelings and questions about
globalization and answer the essential question as a
Day 18
 Have groups fill out teamwork rubric and evaluate
themselves and their teams for collaboration and work
 Discuss what changes might be necessary for a better
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen
IMF and the Global Economy Lesson Plans. (2005, September 21). . Retrieved June 4, 2014, from
If I want to use other videos for a higher level - upper grades video: Globalization
Intelecom, (2005). The Way We Live: Working World: The Economy and Work. [Full Video]. Available from
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen
Study Questions
1. What is globalization?
2. How new is globalization?
3. What has led to increased globalization?
4. What are some of the positive effects of globalization?
5. When people trade, how do both sides benefit?
6. What are some of the negative effects of globalization?
7. What are some of the issues involved with outsourcing jobs?
8. What do you think about globalization?
IMF and the Global Economy Lesson Plans. (2005, September 21). . Retrieved June 4, 2014, from
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen
Globalization - Jeanne Kumpunen