2015 Abstract Submission Form 6th symposium Infectious Diseases in Africa & 6th African Flow Cytometry Workshop Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 June 2015 1- Instructions for submitting abstracts for the 6th Infectious diseases in Africa Symposium and 6th African Flow Cytometry Workshop. Abstracts must be typed and e-mailed using this Abstract Submission Form. Please complete the following sections. Save and return this whole document as a PDF by choosing “File”, “Save As” and name your file in the following manner: yourlastname_yourcountry.pdf. Note: If you cannot save the document as .pdf with your word software, you could choose to print the doc, and use print as pdf option in your printer window. If none of these option are available with your software, please save this document as yourlastname_yourcountry.doc Please e-mail your file to the meeting secretariat at kathryn.norman@uct.ac.za 2- Formatting Abstracts. All text should be single space, Arial font and 10-point size. Abstract should be organized into Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion sections. Total word count should be 500 words or less not including authors and affiliations. 3- Submitting Author’s Information. Name (First/Last): Current Position: Supervisor: Institution: Institution Address: Country: Gender / Date of birth: Phone Number: Email Address: Alternative Email: 1 4- Track Selection: Please select which track you are applying for: Track 1: HIV/AIDS Track 2: TB Track 3: Malaria Track 5: Other. Specify: ______ 5- Additional information (this section will be used as criteria for selection) Please explain in the space provided below your main reason for wanting to participate in this symposium and/or workshop (not more than 200 words). Please briefly explain the impact that your participation will have on your career (not more than 200 words). How many years of research in the field? __________________________________________ What instrument, flow techniques and analysis software are you currently using? Cytometer Model and Manufacturer: Number of Lasers: Flow cytometry techniques used: Analysis software: 2 Abstract Submission Form (500 words or less not including title, authors and affiliations) Title: Authors: Authors Affiliation: Background: Methods: Results: Conclusions: 3