TOPIC Autumn term All about me Wildlife Celebrations Spring Term Weather/ frozen Enchanted forest Personal ,social and emotional development Class rules and routines. Getting to know each other. Developing listening and concentration skills. Awareness of own needs and feelings. Cultural awareness. Circle time. Communication and language Physical development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design Developing speaking and listening skills. Rhymes and stories. Role play Develop early reading and writing skills RWI phonics Sounding and blending Mark making Emergent writing Name writing Introducing art and craft skills Painting Printing Action songs Exploring sounds Role play Small world Developing speaking and listening skills. Rhymes and stories. Role play Counting and number rhymes Number recognition Comparing differences in quantity Shape and patterns Measurements Money One more/ one less Problem solving Counting and number recognition Shape and patterns Measurements Money Problem solving Position Body parts Similarities and differences , families, growing, Seasonal change Celebrationsbirthdays, harvest, Divali, bonfire night, Christmas. Computing Developing speaking and listening skills. Developing good relationships. Awareness of needs and feelings of others. Using outdoor area. Climbing and play equipment. Moving and travelling. Write dance. Pencil skills Cutting skills Construction toys Dough gym Awareness of health and safety Use of outdoor learning area Climbing Ball skills Pencil control Seasonal changes , comparing environments Cold places Dinosaurs Space Designing and making Use of Ict and Drawing Painting Model making Singing Using musical instruments Role play Small world Cutting skills Construction toys Dough gym Develop reading skills Rhymes, stories and non-fiction RWI phonics Develop word building skills Key word recognition Transport People who help us Summer term Superheros Mini Beasts Under the Sea Develop independence. Cultural awareness and respect. Circle time. Developing speaking and listening skills. Working together. Understanding right and wrong. Consequences of words and actions. Cultural awareness and respect. Circle time. Awareness of health and safety Developing speaking and listening skills. Rhymes and stories. Role play Use of outdoor learning area Climbing Ball skills Pencil control Cutting skills Construction toys Dough gym Awareness of health and safety Developing writing Write initial sounds and dominant sounds Rhymes, stories and non-fiction RWI phonics Develop independent reading and word building Key word recognition Develop independent writing/simple sentences Practical addition and subtraction Comparing and ordering numbers Counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s Addition and subtraction Shape and patterns Measurements Money Problem solving programmable toys Mini beasts growing and changing, lifecycles, observing similarities and differences Under the sea – sea life Pirates Sinking and floating Drawing Painting Model making Singing Using musical instruments Role play Small world Musical instruments collage