Historical Fiction Assignment Intro 2015

Historical Fiction Analysis Project
When you return from winter break, you will be completing an independent novel analysis. You will
evaluate a historical fiction novel by completing specific assignments that apply your knowledge of: story
elements, gathering information, comparing texts, theme, mood, characterization and figurative
language. There are two components (assignments and presentation), each is out of 100%, and each
counts 2 x in the gradebook (if you get a 60 that gets entered as two 60s). A rubric will be provided.
1) Choose a fictional novel set during specific historic event(s). Consider threads that tie the
story together (how do things like government, religion, family, military or survival relate to each
What do you already know about the actual historic events use as your novel’s setting?
When choosing your novel be aware that you will have 7 days to complete the novel and
assignments. If you choose a book that is longer or you have trouble meeting your weekly
goal, then you need to obtain your book now and begin reading it over winter break. You
should have no more than 50-100 pages left to read when we return to school. You will have
time to read in class.
**Assignments will be provided each day to complete as you read. They will ask you to:
Complete a timeline comparing real events with your fictional events.
Design a book cover illustrating the climax (include Title and Author).
Create a story board for a children’s book depicting the story elements.
Gather and analyze a current event article that relates to the historic event in your novel.
Using a Venn diagram, compare/contrast cultural aspects of society in your book and present day.
Complete a theme quilt square that also depicts mood through use of color. *
Imagine yourself in your novel’s setting, facing the challenges your characters face.*
Imagine the long-lasting impacts of the event that you read about and what might have happened if the
event had ended/happened differently?
Presentation – you will use your class assignments to share your novel in a brief multimedia
presentation. Your presentation must have at least 5 slides that contain the following information.
Character details: picture, name, town, family, friends, birthdate or age, hobbies, talents, hidden
strengths, etc. (think of it like a profile page)
b. Demonstrate the Central Conflict in the novel. You can use historical pictures to show the event
and then include text that demonstrates the emotional reaction by your main character. (ie status
update or tweeting the news)
c. Create a meme or visual representation for one of the Themes in the novel.
d. Use a split screen image to show the setting of the novel from the past (novel time period) to
present day. (Time Hop)
e. Evaluate your personal connection to the historic event in your novel. Show how this event has
directly impacted your life.
Tell your teacher your title by
Read most of novel (or obtain novel if it is short), leaving only 100 pages by
All assignments due by
1/21, 1/22