School Plan 2015 – 2017 The Sir Henry Parkes Memorial Public School_3182 Highly engaged and reflective learners Productive thinkers, communicators and problem-solvers Confident, responsible and resilient citizens V7.0 School background 2015 - 2017 School vision statement At The Sir Henry Parkes Memorial Public School our students will: grow into confident, responsible and respectful community members who know their own selfworth, have a strong sense of identity and value the process of learning be equipped with a broad range of personal resources for future success, and know how to work both independently and collaboratively Our staff will hold high expectations, providing appropriate and challenging learning experiences that promote lifelong and sustained learning, within a safe and nurturing school environment. School context School planning process Our school is named after Sir Henry Parkes, who had a deep and abiding belief in the power of public education. Our school is proud of its history in providing education for all. To develop the school plan for 2015 – 2017 a number of processes were undertaken in terms of data sourcing and analysis inclusive of school community consultation. The school is located in the small town of Tenterfield which also hosts a high school and one nongovernment primary school. The student population of approximately 260 is diverse with around 20 per cent of the students identifying as Aboriginal. We have a strong staff cohort inclusive of a range of experiences, backgrounds and skills, blending together to provide quality educational opportunities for our students. Planning & Demography projections indicate that enrolments at the school are likely to remain steady until at least 2019.The school Family Occupation and Education Index Value for 2014 is 118, compared with the state average of 100 (the range falls between 0 and 300). Approximately 36% of our students fall into the lowest socio-economic status quartile compared with 15% in the highest quartile. Australian Early Development Index figures from 2012 show that 17.5% of students beginning school in the Tenterfield area were developmentally vulnerable in school-based language and cognitive skills, compared with 4.8% in NSW. This reflects a significant proportion at lower than average in literacy and numeracy understandings upon entry to school. We provide a range of quality experiences and resources to address this need and promote ongoing learning. Here the students enjoy a range of well-supported extra-curricular offerings, a proud history of participation and achievement and highly welcomed community support. We work with other service providers, community organisations and local businesses to provide students with a range of opportunities to learn and develop academically, socially and emotionally. Classroom teachers undertook the online survey ‘Focus on Learning’, which identified areas of confidence and strength as well as areas for further development. The school Executive utilised the components of the National School Improvement Tool to reflect on current strengths and areas for improvement. Notable cross-over patterns included: a need for more effective use of technology; scope for more parental involvement; an existing inclusive school culture; a need for more effective goal setting and feedback scope for improving collaborative practices in developing common learning opportunities and assessments; Parent and student surveys and consultation highlighted the following focus areas: increase student involvement with the community to strengthen the sense of belonging and responsibility strategies for building resilience opportunities to be engaged creatively and responsibly inside and outside the classroom setting further behaviour support strategies scope for greater feedback Analysis of in-school and external assessment data reflected improvements in some aspects of both literacy and numeracy while also highlighting areas for further development. Student progress from Kindergarten to Year 2 in 2014 demonstrated particular areas of need in English for continued focus 2015 - 2017. Although there has been significant progress in use of Early Arithmetical strategies under Early Action for Success in 2014, there is still a proportion of students, particularly those progressing to Stage 2, requiring targeted intervention. The Sir Henry Parkes Memorial Public School_3182 Page 2 V7.0 School strategic directions 2015 - 2017 Productive thinkers, communicators and problem-solvers Highly engaged and reflective learners Confident, responsible and resilient citizens Purpose: Purpose: Purpose: Creation of a positive environment focused on continuous and reflective evidence-based practice that equips all our learners with the skills, knowledge and understandings to make informed decisions in their learning. Proactively prepare students and meaningfully engage the school community in effectively managing and capitalising upon a constantly evolving range of opportunities, including ICTs, to inform the development of systems and strategies that promote productive habits. Collaboratively and collectively develop school leader, teacher and student capacity through the implementation of innovative, quality learning opportunities in and beyond the school The Sir Henry Parkes Memorial Public School_3182 Page 3 V7.0 Highly engaged and reflective learners Purpose Creation of a positive environment focused on continuous and reflective evidence-based practice that equips all our learners with the skills, knowledge and understandings to make informed decisions in their learning. Improvement Measures Early Action for Success student progress data, NAPLAN results, whole school PLAN data and in-school assessment and survey / interview / work sampling data. People Processes Develop school wide understandings of effective and authentic assessments and associated data analysis through professional learning, disciplined collaboration and structured implementation. Develop the attitudes and capabilities of our students to monitor, evaluate and build upon the progress of their own learning. Enable staff to confidently facilitate learning for the variety of students they teach when using and evaluating assessments, feedback, accommodations and adjustments. Continuously develop teacher capacity and confidence in using assessment for learning techniques and strategies that enable learners to make informed decisions in their learning. Develop parent understandings about their children’s journey of learning through planned opportunities for involvement and engagement. Develop understandings for creating meaningful and measurable learning goals within professional learning plans, classroom programs, Individual Education Plans, Personalised Learning Plans and curriculum extension programs, so all are aware of and able to act upon fostering the intended learning. Develop the capabilities of local Community of Schools through structured learning about highly effective and research-based instructional strategies. Develop leadership capacity to evaluate and implement effective systems and processes that enable dynamic, quality reflective learning opportunities. Plan and evaluate meaningful and informative parent/teacher collaborations that clearly describe progress in student learning. Implement and evaluate high quality Performance and Development processes that are planned, documented and supportive of teacher learning. Evaluation Plan: utilise the defined set of surveys and data collection tools to determine effectiveness of assessment for learning focus. Products and Practices Products: Annual increase in percentage of student and cohort growth as measured by school-identified assessments and external testing data Annual increase in student and teacher confidence to successfully utilise feedback and assessment data to plan further learning. Practices: Development and mapping of student and teacher learning goals which are embedded in programs and practice, demonstrating clear understanding of purpose and direction. Regular, planned & documented quality feedback practices for students, parents and teachers that are analysed and reviewed to determine future direction. Use of evidence-based quality ongoing assessments that inform both students and teachers in planning for continual growth in learning. Time-framed and explicit steps for implementing teacher learning in the classroom that supports students’ reflective and informed learning Planned and ongoing mentoring programs that support reflective learning practices for beginning teachers to enable development of highly effective teaching and learning programs. The Sir Henry Parkes Memorial Public School_3182 Page 4 V7.0 Productive thinkers, communicators and problem-solvers Purpose Proactively prepare students and meaningfully engage the school community in effectively managing and capitalising upon a constantly evolving range of opportunities, including ICTs, to inform the development of systems and strategies that promote productive habits. People Processes Develop the capabilities of our students to utilise a changing range of strategies and resources that will assist with productive thinking, communicating and problem solving skills to deepen and strengthen their learning. Provision of collegial professional learning that increases staff capabilities in embedding technologies and identifying strategies that elicit problem-solving and creative thinking capacity from students, clearly linked to wider learning. Empower staff to flexibly deliver differentiated learning opportunities and purposefully monitor progress for all students. Improvement Measures Annual surveys of student and teacher engagement and confidence in effective utilisation of flexible delivery options that promote productive work habits. Develop, maintain and continually evaluate student progress recording systems which staff are supported to utilise effectively as per agreed timeframes. Develop and build upon parent capacity and opportunity to engage purposefully and regularly with the school via a range of modes. Systematise the regular review and update of technological and promotional resources to enable continual engagement and communication with all groups in the school community. Build two way capacity with community partners to positively promote and advocate for productive learning opportunities. Capitalise upon parent expertise and build upon parent capacity to develop meaningful use of technologies throughout the school and in the wider community Develop leadership capacity to systematically implement effective provisions that enable all stakeholders to engage with student learning. Continuously develop teacher capacity and confidence in differentiating instruction so that all learners have the opportunity to be productive thinkers, effective communicators and creative problem-solvers Evaluation plan: utilise a defined set of surveys and data collection tools to determine effectiveness of quality of student learning information, and levels of engagement and communication across the school community Products and Practices Products: Annual increase in student involvement and confidence in utilising a range of experiences and resources to deepen learning. Annual increase in percentage of teachers confident in utilising learning technologies and effective strategies that maximise learning opportunities and track progress of students Increased parental use of technologies including website and applications. Practices: Student learning is clearly documented and tracked in school developed systems that provide quality information for planning further learning Internal and external communication systems are systematically reviewed and adapted to cater for evolving purposes and audiences Appropriate technologies are maintained and updated regularly and utilised effectively in the classroom to meaningfully engage students in holistic learning opportunities Teaching programs are reflective of embedded use of those teaching strategies, programs and technologies that support productive thinking, communication and problem-solving within the classroom as well as within local and global communities. The Sir Henry Parkes Memorial Public School_3182 Page 5 V7.0 Confident, responsible and resilient citizens Purpose Collaboratively and collectively develop school leader, teacher and student capacity through the implementation of innovative, quality learning opportunities in and beyond the school People Processes Structured social and learning opportunities involving cross-age interactions such as buddy class strategies, parent participation, PLP development. Within a safe and inclusive quality learning environment students will develop an understanding of mutual responsibility in the development of their ongoing learning. Implementation of planned programs that foster positive personal and social outcomes such as Drumbeat, Sista/Bro Speak, Boys and Girls groups, Year 6-7 transition, Debating. Staff will be enabled to confidently provide a range of innovative opportunities within and beyond the classroom to strengthen student confidence, responsibility and resilience. Improvement Measures Increased participation numbers in external programs such as UNSW tests, e-gats, and specified locally developed community events. Involvement in identified projects with other schools, the wider community and global communities. Parents and Community Partners will be supported to take part in and/or lead wider innovative learning opportunities. Identifying, establishing, embedding and evaluating effective peer mentoring, student leadership and student well-being programs. Leaders will develop their capacity to explore and exercise distributed leadership skills enabling the whole school community to grow in their learning together. Planning quality learning experiences and utilising community expertise relevant to the culture of the local community including understanding Indigenous and historical perspectives, engaging in the Arts and capitalising upon rural living opportunities. Planned strategies to increase parental involvement in P& C committee and/or P&C events. Evaluation plan: pre & post surveys and data collection pertaining to participation rates and increased confidence in the direction of the school Products and Practices Products: Increased participation numbers in external programs/tests, and selected community events. Increased percentage of ‘agreement’ in annual satisfaction parent surveys in relation to working with parents to support student learning (77% in 2014) Increased average annual attendance rate for the 26% of total student body whose attendance rate lies between 85 and 93.1 percent. (term 1, 2015) Practices: Regular participation in community events clearly linked to intended student learning. Parents/community deliberately and purposefully included in planning and implementing internal and external school events and programs. Teacher training/participation tracked and monitored to ensure equitable access to opportunities for learning about innovative practices. Staff engage meaningfully and utilise internal PL after individual teachers have attended external PL. Staff skills, interests and strengths systematically and collaboratively utilised to build school wide capacity in developing innovative and engaging quality learning opportunities. The Sir Henry Parkes Memorial Public School_3182 Page 6 V7.0