NACAS South Annual Business Meeting Tuesday, April 15, 2014

NACAS South Annual Business Meeting
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Hilton Clearwater Beach
Clearwater Beach, Florida
Board Members Present: Andy Meeks (President), Doug Ross (President-Elect), Kyle Cullars
(Vice President), Connie Davis (Past-President), Monica Stoch (Secretary), Bob Ritenbaugh
(Treasurer), Martha Davidson (Professional Development Coordinator), Loren Sumerlin
(Communication/Technology Coordinator), Carole Gibson (Conference Coordinator); Kerri
Demeri, (Host Committee Chair); Eddie Mills, (South Regional Representative; Angela Peterson
(Membership Coordinator).
Call to Order: Andy called the 2014 Business Meeting to order at 12:48 p.m. E.D.T. He
thanked and offered special recognition to Carole Gibson for her 7 years as the conference
coordinator and thanked ASI/Mac-Gray Campus Laundry Solutions for sponsoring the luncheon.
Secretary’s Report: On behalf of Secretary Monica Stoch, Andy presented the Minutes from
the last business meeting held May 7, 2013, in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Lionel Dubay
moved and Charlie Figari seconded the motion that the Minutes be approved as submitted, and
the Minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bob Ritenbaugh presented the 2013-2014 financial report and
the 2014-2015 proposed budget. Susan Caples, Chair of the Audit Committee, then presented
the Audit Report. Andy asked if there was any discussion regarding either report; there was
none. Bill Redwine moved and Loren Sumerlin seconded the motion to accept the Treasurer’s
Report and the Audit Report as submitted, and the motion was unanimously approved.
NACAS South Awards: Angela Peterson, Chair of the NACAS South Awards Committee,
asked the members of her committee to assist in presenting the awards. The NACAS South 2014
Rising Star Award was presented to Robert Walker, University of North Carolina—Greensboro,
and the Outstanding Collaboration/Partnership Award was presented to the University of North
NACAS Committee Reports:
Membership Committee: Angela Peterson, Chair of the NACAS Membership Committee,
reported that NACAS has 768 institutional members which represents: 160 Central; 263 East,
200 South, and 145 West. She encouraged us to take advantage of the benefits NACAS has to
offer and encouraged us to volunteer our time to an association that is established for us.
Inclusive Excellence Committee: On behalf of Rita LaRue, Bill Redwine presented the report in
which he summarized the mission of the committee, the recent activities of the committee, and
some of the upcoming initiatives which included: 1) plans for funding to be utilized for outreach
to organizations and associations that have inclusive excellence as a primary objective, and 2)
plans to continue to recruit and retain a more diverse membership.
Professional Development: On behalf of Jeanine Brooks, Martha Davidson presented the report
in which she acknowledged the representatives from NACAS South serving on the committee
and thanked those who had participated in recent PD opportunities. She noted that there was a
record number of PD events held last year including virtual roundtables, webinars, and drive-in
workshops, and encouraged everyone to participate in order to assist in their professional growth
and to assist in making the connections that count.
Awards Committee: On behalf of David Wahr, Jean Kwaterski summarized some of the awards
and encouraged us to help honor those who have moved NACAS forward.
NACAS Education Foundation: Bill Redwine and Frank Mumford introduced the coin-toss
fundraiser, provided a brief summary of the role of the NACAS Education Foundation, and
thanked the Follett Higher Education Group for donating the Microsoft Surface Table that was
given to the winner of the raffle during the coin-toss game.
NACAS South Constitution and Bylaws: Connie Davis, Past President and Chair of the ByLaws and Resolutions Committee, reported that the Committee has recommended the following
changes to the NACAS South Constitution and By-Laws:
Current Article V, Section 1:
The Association shall hold a business meeting annual, which may be in conjunction with
a conference with be The meeting shall be announced in writing to all members at least
ninety (90) days in advance.
Proposed Article V, Section 1:
The Association shall hold a business meeting annually, in conjunction with the annual
Current Article VI, Section 2:
Representatives of non-members may attend the annual business meeting upon invitation
or with permission of any other member of the Board of Directors, but they shall not be
permitted to vote, to petition, or to exercise any right or privilege reserved for the
Proposed Article VI, Section 2:
Representatives of non-members may attend the annual business meeting, but they shall
not be permitted to vote, to petition, or to exercise any right or privilege reserved for the
Current Article VII, Section 4, i:
The Conference Coordinator shall serve a three-year term commencing upon election
followed by a one-year transition to the new Conference Coordinator
Proposed Article VII, Section 4, i:
The Conference Coordinator shall serve a three-year term commencing upon appointment
by the board, followed by a one-year transition to the new Conference Coordinator
Current Section II, Nominations and Elections:
Nominations for elected positions of the Board of Directors shall be presented by the
Nominating Committee. Nominations may also be made from the floor during the annual
business meeting. Election requires a simple majority of voting representatives present.
Proposed Section II, Nominations and Elections:
Nominations for elected positions of the Board of Directors shall be presented by the
Nominating Committee. Nominations will be accepted for vacant positions only. The
President and President-Elect positions are successive positions, following (respectively)
the Vice President and President-Elect, i.e., the Vice President advances to PresidentElect and the President-Elect advances to President. Election requires a simple
majority of voting representatives present at the Annual Business Meeting.
Connie asked if there were any other recommended changes to the Constitution or By-Laws.
There being no further changes, she asked the membership to vote on the recommended changes
and invited a motion from the floor. Loren Sumerlin moved and Susan Caples seconded a
motion to accept the changes to the By-Laws as recommended by the By-Laws and Resolutions
Committee and the motion passed unanimously.
President’s Reflection: Andy reflected on his term as NACAS-South President in which he
thanked everyone for attending the conference, thanked the group for allowing him to serve,
recognized those who have assisted him during his professional growth, and encouraged
everyone to become involved in NACAS. He also summarized some of the changes that have
occurred within NACAS during his term, including the selection of Ron Campbell as the new
NACAS CEO and the new national organizational structure.
Nominating Committee: On behalf of the Nominating Committee, Connie Davis, Chair of the
Nominating Committee, announced the slate of officers for 2014-2015:
President: Doug Ross, University of Georgia
President-Elect: Kyle Cullars, Georgia College & State University
Vice President: Rich Steele, Georgia Institute of Technology
Treasurer: Bob Ritenbaugh, Auburn University
Secretary: Monica Stoch, University of Kentucky
Southern Representative to the NACAS Board: Eddie Mills, Georgia Southern University
Connie asked for a motion that the slate of officers for 2014-2015 be accepted. Bill Redwine
moved and Vicki Somers seconded the motion, and the slate of officers was unanimously
approved. Connie asked Doug Ross to come forward and he was sworn in as the new President.
The remaining newly-elected Board members were then sworn in. It was noted that Rich Steele,
who had been unable to attend due to a family emergency, had been sworn in over the phone.
Connie recognized the coordinators who had been previously appointed: Martha Davidson,
Professional Development Coordinator; Loren Sumerlin, Publications/Technology Coordinator;
Angela Peterson, Membership Coordinator; Victoria Fowler, Conference Coordinator.
Resolutions: Past President Connie Davis presented the following resolutions:
Be it resolved on this 15th day of April, 2014:
That the Board of Directors of the National Association of College Auxiliary Services
South recognizes Kerri Demeri, the Clearwater Beach Host Committee and the Hilton
Clearwater Beach Hotel for providing exceptional hospitality to our members, partners
and guests during the 2014 NACAS South Annual Conference.
That the Board of Directors of the National Association of College Auxiliary Services
South recognizes Kyle Cullars for his outstanding Business Partner Program at the 2014
Annual Conference and the establishment of 15 new partnerships.
That the Board of Directors of the National Association of College Auxiliary Services
South recognizes President Andy Meeks for his service, distinguished leadership, and
untiring support of our Association and its Board this past year. Andy, we wish you all
the best with your new, and very well-deserved, title of Past President.
That the Board of Directors of the National Association of College Auxiliary Services
South continues to recognize all of the men and women serving our country in the armed
forces. We continue to offer our deepest gratitude.
Pass the Gavel: Past President Connie Davis then asked Andy to complete his final act as
President by passing the gavel of the presidency to the newly-elected President, Doug Ross. As
requested, Andy passed the gavel to Doug Ross.
Doug thanked Andy for his service as President and presented him with the President’s plaque.
Noting that NACAS is our organization, Doug reminded the group that NACAS is designed to
benefit its members and support the business partners, and he noted the importance of coming
together and sharing ideas, by phone or in-person. He encouraged everyone to participate in the
networking and educational opportunities and encouraged us to volunteer or participate in
helping in any way we can.
Upcoming Conferences: Ron Campbell and Jean Kwaterski provided some information about
the upcoming NACAS Conference to be held October 5-8, 2014, in Montreal. Doug announced
that the next year’s NACAS South annual conference will be held April 11-15, 2015, at the
Sandestin Resort and Spa in Destin, Florida.
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m. E.D.T.
Respectfully submitted,
Monica Stoch, Secretary