ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2 Preparation direction 210100 "Electronics and nanoelectronics" Program — « Energy efficiency of production of electronics» Qualifications Graduate - Master Standard term of development - 2 years Study - Full Time MISSION AND PURPOSES OF THE MAIN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 1. MISSION OF THE MAIN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Development and self-development of the researcher-developer of the world level demanded in sphere of power efficiency of productions electronic 2. PURPOSES OF THE MAIN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 1. Formation of social and personal qualities: commitment, organization, diligence, responsibility, civic consciousness, communicativeness, tolerance, increase of the general culture. 2. The vocational training allowing successfully to perform research and developmental works in the sphere of power efficiency 3. Direct carrying out scientific researches in the sphere of increase of power efficiency of hi-tech production. 3. Labor input of the main educational program 120 test units 2. CHARACTERISTIC OF THE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF THE MASTER 2.1 . Area of professional activity The area of professional activity of masters includes: area of technical systems and technologies in which structure any power objects are included and which are connected with control and management of their condition, ensuring their activity, and also with maintenance of optimum conditions of activity of the person. 2.2. Objects of professional activity Objects of professional activity of masters according to the program "Power efficiency of productions of electronic equipment" of the direction of preparation 210100 "Electronics and a nanoelectronics" are: - devices, systems and complexes of power and ecological appointment; - methods and technologies of performance of power and ecological researches; - the automated systems of processing of power and ecological information; 2.3 . Types of professional activity The master in the direction of preparation 210100 "Electronics and a nanoelectronics" prepares for the following types of professional activity: - the research; - the design; - the production and technological; - the organizational and administrative; - the scientific and pedagogical. 2.4 . Problems of professional activity The master in the direction of preparation 210100 " Electronics and nanoelectronics " has to be prepared for the solution of the following professional tasks according to a profile orientation of MEP of a magistracy and types of professional activity: research activity: - development of working plans and programs of carrying out scientific researches and technical development, preparation of separate tasks for performers; - collecting, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information on a research subject, choice of techniques and task cures; - development of a technique and carrying out researches and measurements of parameters and characteristics of products of electronic equipment, analysis of their results; - use of physical effects during the developing of new methods of researches and production of models of measuring systems; - development of physical and mathematical models, computer modeling of studied physical processes, devices, schemes and the devices relating to the professional sphere; - preparation of scientific and technical reports, reviews, papers, publications by results of the executed researches, preparation and submission of reports on scientific conferences and seminars; - fixing and protection of objects of intellectual property; design activity: - the analysis of a condition of a scientific and technical problem by selection, studying and the analysis of literary and patent sources; - purpose definition, statement of problems of design of electronic devices, schemes and devices of a various functional purpose, preparation of specifications on implementation of project works; - design of devices, devices and systems of electronic equipment taking into account the set requirements; - development of design documentation according to methodical and standard requirements; design and technological activity: - development of specifications on design of technological processes of production of materials and products of electronic equipment; - design of technological processes of production of materials and products of electronic equipment with use of the automated systems of technological preparation of production; - development of technological documentation on designed devices, devices and systems of electronic equipment; - ensuring technological effectiveness of products of electronic equipment and processes of their production, assessment of economic efficiency of technological processes; - author's maintenance of developed devices, devices and systems of electronic equipment at design stages and productions of electronic equipment; organizational and administrative activity: - organization of work of groups of performers; - participation in carrying out the technical and economic and functional and cost analysis of market efficiency of a created product; scientific and pedagogical activity : - work as the teacher in the educational organizations of secondary professional and higher education on subject matters of subject domain of this direction under the leadership of the professor, the associate professor or the senior teacher; -participation in development of educational and methodical materials for students on disciplines of subject domain of this direction; -participation in modernization or development of new laboratory workshops on disciplines of a professional cycle.